Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Caster Semenya Cleared to Compete As a Woman

After 11 months on the sidelines, South African Caster Semenya has been cleared by the International Association of Athletics Federations to return to the track immediately.

Caster came under fire after some speculated that she might be a man. The IAAF said they will not release the results of her gender test, but last year it was revealed that Caster has no ovaries or uterus and had internal testes that produce large amounts of testosterone.

Caster's attorney said the decision to allow her to compete came after a "landmark settlement" between the IAAF and the athlete.

"Our direct negotiations with the IAAF representatives, through the mediator, have been ongoing for 10 months," lawyer Greg Nott said. "Meetings have been held in Monaco, Istanbul and Paris, but due to the nature of the matter the parties resolved to keep the negotiations confidential."

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