Thursday, July 1, 2010

Warrant Issued For NBA Baller Eddy Curry's Arrest

Two weeks ago, a Chicago judge issued an arrest warrant for New York Knicks center Eddy Curry. As of today, Eddy, who is believed to be in NYC, has not been apprehended.

What Had Happened Was: In 2005, he was slammed with a “sexual abuse” and “battery” civil lawsuit by a woman who claimed they had a sexual relationship for six months in 2001 when she was only 14 years old. He was 18 and was never charged with a crime. (It was also the he was drafted out of high school to the Chicago Bulls.) Anyway, in 2007, the case was settled for $660,000 and both sides agreed to never speak of the case. Not so fast! When he failed to make a final payment in the settlement in 2008, the woman in the case — now in her 20s -- took him back to court. She filed sued him again and a judge ordered Eddy to fork over $197,495 -- the final payment in the settlement plus interest and other costs. That's the back story.

On June 14th, he was ordered to court for a hearing to discuss his assets — and ultimately his ability to pay. When he didn’t show up Cook County Circuit Judge Alexander White found him in contempt and issued an arrest warrant.

Cops showed up to a home he in Chicago, but no one answered the door. (Your guess as to why they went there knowing he plays for NY is as good as ours.)

“It’s not a (violent) criminal matter, so it’s not like we’d break down the door and cuff somebody in a situation like this. But we’re going to actively continue to find him,” sheriff’s spokesman Steve Patterson said. “We thought by now he would have done the right thing and turned himself in, but because he chose not to do to that we’re actively looking to arrest him,” Patterson said.

According to the Chicago Sun-Times, a payment agreement was reached last week between both the woman and Eddy, but as of this morning, no papers were filed with the court and the warrant was still valid.

Eddy, you don't think we forgot about your other famous "sexual assault" case, do you? How You Doin!



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