Friday, October 22, 2010

Couple Catches Man Raping Their Dog

We've heard stories of men sexually assaulting farm animals, but nothing like this. Mitchell Marsicano, 55, of Long Island, NY pleaded not guilty today to charges that he sexually abused a four-year-old male Shibu Inu he once owned on at least two separate occasions; the most recent assault was last night when he was caught, ahem, raping the dog.
Marsicano, who lived in the basement of his home and rented out other floors to two tenants, had previously turned over the care of the dog to his tenants, who claim that he had neglected and abused the animal. [Police] said the tenants contacted the D.A.’s Animal Cruelty Unit after witnessing Marsicano sexually abuse the dog in their apartment on Oct. 21 at approximately 2 a.m. after he entered the apartment without their permission. One of the tenants, Daniel Miller, said he awoke to the dog's “squealing” and witnessed the disturbing scene in an empty adjacent bedroom. “Immediately I woke up and it was the worst picture imaginable,” Miller said, adding that he witnessed Marsicano on top of the dog, naked. Miller said he pushed Marsicano off of the dog, at which point Marsicano left the house. Miller said he called the Animal Cruelty Unit, and that Long Beach Police arrested Marsicano when he returned home.
Daniel said since April, Mitchell has neglected and abused the animal. He said he witnessed Mitchell having sex with the dog on Oct. 12, but when he told his landlord that he was going to report the abuse, he threatened him and his roommate with force on several occasions. A judge set Mitchell's bail at $20,000 bond or $10,000 cash and he faces 15 years in prison on the burglary charge and one year on the bestiality charge. The judge also granted the tenants an order of protection against Mitchell. They plan to move.



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