Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Man Tattoos 16-inch Penis onto Friend's Back ... Without His Consent!

A 21-year-old Australian man, who's not a professional tattooist, talked his friend into a tattoo while he was visiting his home. The 25-year-old visitor agreed to have a Yin and Yang symbol with some dragons, but the tattoo he received was a 16-inch image of a penis and a slogan implying he was gay. Uh-oh!
Detective Constable Paul Malcolm said a 25-year-old man had gone to the alleged offender's house and "somehow in the course of the conversation the subject of tattoos came up." "The victim wasn't interested at first but he was talked into it and he said he wanted a yin and yang symbol with some dragons," Malcolm said, according to Ipswich's Queensland Times. "The bloke started doing the tattoo and there was another bloke standing there watching saying, 'Mate, it's looking really good.'" The victim was then allegedly punched on his way out, before he could check the ink work, which reportedly also included a misspelled comment about his sexuality. "When he got home he showed it to the person he lives with and she said: 'I don't think it's the tattoo you were after,'" Malcolm said.
The tattooist faces two counts of assault with the intent to cause bodily harm and the victim now plans to have the tattoo removed or covered up with something else. This reminds us of Everton and his huge dong.

Update: Here's a news report.



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