Tuesday, October 26, 2010

We Get it Phaedra, You're a Lawyer, an Equestrian and a Clown

On last night's episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta starring NeNe, Phaedra "I'm A Lawyer" Parks' (PIALP) ego stole the show. This woman is so pretentious, pompous and self-important, she must have an entire wing in her home for her ego. As for her make-up? Well, it's otherworldly. The episode began with Linnethia getting her nose AND body surgicalized, which was followed by some bad over-acting. It then moved to PIALP and model Cynthia (accompanied by Peter, Cynthia's boyfriend, and Dwight, PIALP's GBFF) on their way to a steeplechase. Looking like a "black Tammy Faye Baker," PIALP was thisclose to getting knocked the eff out by Peter for belittling men who come into a relationship with children. PIALP says her husband, Apollo, is "clean," despite the fact he spent five years in prison for racketeering. (He was released last year.) Anywho, at the steeplechase, PIALP told anyone willing to listen she has been riding horses since she was 7 or was it 8 years old (she couldn't get that part of her story right) so that makes her a "true equestrian" with "three, four degrees" no less. Later on was the event: her baby shower. Anyone who's apparently anyone in Atlanta was allegedly there (or was allegedly clamoring for an invitation) and everyone -- except PIALP -- was expected to wear a hat; If you were late, you were allegedly turned away. It was all too much, but since PIALP's a southern gal who loves over the top, it was perfect.

As usual, Linnethia Breaks! It! Down!


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