Thursday, October 14, 2010

TI: Talking Suicidal Man Off Ledge Was No Publicity Stunt (Update: TI Admits in Court He's a Drug Addict)

Yesterday afternoon in Atlanta, TI talked a suicidal jumper off the roof of a 22-story hotel. The whole thing was staged. The rapper claimed he heard about the attempted jump-ation on the radio and raced to the scene. He relayed a message to the man that said something to the effect of, "if you get down from there, you can have whatever you like.” The unidentified man obliged and after speaking with the rapper for a few minutes, he decided to live his life. He was taken into police custody and transported to a hospital for a psychological evaluation. He was not charged with a crime. Weird. Fans, stans and haters have been wondering if TI's decision to help has something to do with his court hearing tomorrow. More than likely. He meets a judge tomorrow and faces 14 months in jail for violating his parole. You know the story: He and his wife were arrested last month on drug charges in Los Angeles.

Anyway, TI spoke with CNN's Don Lemon this afternoon. Although he has been advised by his lawyers not to speak on tomorrow's court proceedings, he did address the controversy saying, "you would have to believe I talked a man onto a roof in order to talk him down." Wait, is so far-fetched? Anywho, he said he believes he was put on this earth for a purpose, apologized to those he has disappointed and promised to turn his life around.

"Never again, ever," he said. "I'm just tired. I don't have the age, energy, attitude to continue on in this process of destruction in my life."

We wonder what the judge thinks about this PR stunt, ahem, selfless deed. He'll most certainly be sent back to jail, but for how long? The judge will decide tomorrow.

Update, Oct. 15: In court this afternoon, TI pleaded with the judge for leniency. He also admitted that he needs help for drug addiction. The prosecutor, on the other hand, asked the judge to send the rapper back to jail for two years!



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