Tuesday, January 4, 2011

WATCH: Voice for Radio, Russian Inappropriateness, Ticked Off KFC Worker

Ted Williams, 53, may be down on his luck, but the former radio announcer has not lost his gift. Someone give this man a job! Wait, is BLS still looking for Wendy's replacement? [Update: Yay! Ted is clean and well on his way to a nice life and career in radio in Cleveland. No disrespect to the recent rash of Internet sensations [coughsAntoineDodsoncoughs], but it's people like Ted who ought to get our attention and the fame and fortune that come with it. We like you, Ted. Update #2: Ted will be working for the Cleveland Cavaliers doing voiceover work on radio and television and on the web.]

Fast food workers we know are apt to lose it easily, but were still shocked at how berserk this KFC gets when someone starts recording him:

FIGHT! Police officers disciplined a man they witnessed pushing his girlfriend at a New Year's Eve party in Rocklin, Calif. 41-year-old John Banks said he was drinking and got into an argument with his girlfriend but he never pushed her and he never resisted arrest. Eyewitnesses say cops dunked John in a fountain.

We really shouldn't laugh...but...budouche!

We're far from prudes, but this is completely inappropriate, Russia!

My blackberry is not working!

This machine makes quick work of an Australian forest.

And for the music portion of this post, we present you this Indian man playing a morsing.

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