Monday, January 3, 2011

WATCH: New Year's Beatdowns, Princess Boy and Things of That Nature

And we're back. Actually, we're still recovering from New Year's Eve, so watch these.

FIGHT! Fight breaks out on the Staten Island Ferry (NYC) on the morning of January 1.

As far as we know, the sloppy drunk in the video is not David Hasselhoff. But it could be.

Lady taking a piss on a sidewalk in broad daylight, gets her purse stolen. Awww, Russia!

This commercial is an oldie, but boy is it a goodie.

Five-year-old Dyson Kilodavis, who calls himself "Princess Boy", promotes understanding and acceptance. Ehaow!

FYI: This man is skiing on the streets of Manhattan (NYC) -- not on a mountain somewhere in Colorado.

As we speak, this man is praying to his lucky stars that he's still alive.

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