Wednesday, February 2, 2011

'You're Violating Me' Screams Man as Cops 'Probed His Anus'

Wait, it was just yesterday we told you about an Atlanta man who was stopped and subjected to a full body cavity search on a busy thoroughfare. Today a NYC man is suing the city after he claims police officers, looking for drugs, stuck their finger into his anus .
Shawn Schenck, 47, said he walked into the Green Valley Deli and Pizza on Sept. 15 to buy a pack of cigarettes. Five cops burst into the store and arrested Schenck and four other men. One of the cops dragged Schenck outside and slipped on a rubber glove, the suit - expected to be filed Wednesday - charges. "Where's it at?" one of the officers reportedly asked. "Where's it at?" The cop reached inside Schenck's jeans, felt around his testicles and then probed his anus, the suit claims. "You're violating me!" Schenck recalled screaming. "You're violating me!" The humiliating search happened in front of about 40 people, Schenck said. Police didn't have a search warrant, which is required for body cavity probes. Cops denied the rectal search, saying cops only frisked him...."After what happened, people were looking at me sideways," he said. "People were cracking jokes for like two months. This thing gave me a whole bunch of anxiety."
Even though no cops were found on or IN his person, Shawn (pictured, above) spent three hours in jail before he was released. He may actually have a good case: According to NY law, police officers must have a warrant before putting their filthy fingers into someone's ass.

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