Tuesday, March 15, 2011

WATCH: 'Roid Rage

At Planet Fitness, a meathead lost his damn mind and threw an epic tempter tantrum ( ('roid rage?) after confronted by an employee (possibly) because his grunting, which is not allowed.

FIGHT! What the hell is going on at SXSW? Plenty-o drunken disorder! And cops with Tasers, too! Oh my!

Los Angeles Laker Dwight Howard says Orlando Magics' center Andrew Bynum is "very long." Ehaow! Pause.

Spider-Man to the rescue!

The folks at SeaWorld were on a Southwest flight from San Francisco to San Diego last week, when they decided to let penguins march down the aisle.

Holy shiate! A horrifying wall of water washes away the entire city of Minami Sanriku, Japan last Friday as residents run for their lives. R.I.P.

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