Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Man Assaults Girlfriend For Making Fun of the Size of His Penis

A 23-year-old man from Kfar Saba, Israel is facing assault charges after he viciously assaulted his girlfriend of a few weeks for making fun of his penis in front of his friends.
The young woman arrived at Kfar Saba's Meir Hospital Saturday night bruised and in pain. She was also having trouble walking and standing up. Based on the bruises on her body, doctors at the medical facility concluded that the woman was assaulted and reported the case to police. After being questioned by police officers, the woman told them she met her boyfriend several weeks ago. She said that he was infuriated after she made fun of his penis size, arrived at her home and assaulted her. According to the woman's account, the man punched her, pulled her hair, brought her down to the ground and kicked her. As result, she suffered serious bruises and eventually headed to hospital after the pain became unbearable. Following the woman's complaint, police launched an investigation and arrested the suspect on Sunday. The man denied the charges against him and was expected to face a court hearing soon.
Beating up people just because they make fun of your small member is no way to go through life, son. Shoot, not everyone can be as blessed -- or cursed-- as Everton.
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