Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Do NOT Try to Divorce This Lady

Catherine Kieu Becker will not be ignored. The 48-year-old from Garden Grove, California was charged with aggravated mayhem, false imprisonment, assault with a deadly weapon, administering a drug with intent to commit a felony, poisoning, and spousal abuse after she poisoned her estranged husband, cut off his penis and threw it in the garbage disposal. According to police, Catherine called to report a medical emergency at about 10pm last night. When they arrived at the home, they found the 51-year-old man tied to a bed and bleeding profusely from the groin area. The unidentified man told officers the couple was married in December and are going through a divorce and she had given him a drug in the dinner she had made for him. Investigators said she tied him to the bed after he fell asleep. When he awoke, she grabbed his penis, cut it off with a 10-inch kitchen knife, threw it in the garbage disposal and turned on the disposal, police said. Catherine told police the man "deserved it." The man is hospitalized in serious condition; he's expected to pull through. Catherine, however, officially joins the crazy betches club, of which this crazy betch is the current president.



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