Moments before we found this report from Crain’s Chicago Real Estate Daily about R&B crooner R Kelly facing a $2.9-million foreclosure suit on his Olympia Fields, Illinois mansion, we read that he cancelled tonight's scheduled show at the Landmark Theater in Virginia because he's "sick." It could all be a coincidence, because really, when does a news of a foreclosure become cause to cancel a show? Anyhoo, Crain's reports that R Kelly (real name: Robert S. Kelly) J. P. Morgan Chase Bank filed suit against the singer last month because he hasn't made a mortgage payment since June 2010 on the 11,140-square-foot home, which features six full bathrooms, seven half-baths, and a four-car garage (see map, below). According to their sources, R Kelly has not lived in the home for more than a year and stopped making payments on the mortgage in an attempt to force the bank to negotiate a modification of the loan. In 2009, the home was appraised at $5.2 million, last year its value fell 26% to $3.8 million. R Kelly, who's always embroiled in some mess, is also facing a $1 million lawsuit from his former management firm, which claims he withheld commissions to settle sexual misconduct allegations. He
faced a similar suit in 2009. We know
R Kelly has love for the kids. Allegedly. In 2008 case he was acquitted of child pornography charges after being accused of videotaping himself having sex with and urinating on an underage girl.
Sidebar: R Kelly has problems with the IRS, too. Back on Jan. 6. the agency filed an $837,442.59 tax lien against the singer.
Update, July 20: Remember when we were questioning why he canceled his show in Virginia? Well he really was sick. After complaining of throat pain, the singer underwent emergency throat surgery on July 19. Doctors drained an abscess on one of his tonsils will be "laid up indefinitely" at Chicago's Northwestern Memorial Hospital, according to his publicist.
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