Her boyfriend, Cort Colon, 25, father of her infant son,....told officers Katelyn, who had been drinking wine and had taken a "half bag of cocaine," began complaining of chest pains and shortness of breath after they went to bed at 3am. At 6am, he feared she had "overdosed" but didn't "call police in fear they would lose their child," says the police report. He called his mom Ivy Dennis and when she arrived at 7am she called 911. Officers were finally able to bring Katelyn around enough to say her name after giving her a sternum rub. She was "holding her head with her hair covering her face" as she was taken to the ambulance, say sources.We hear you asking: Who the hell cares? We don't either. But, we're in the middle of a slow news cycle (read: summer), so indulge us. With that said, child welfare swooped down on Katelyn -- who's done time in rehab before -- and Cort's home and are considering removing the baby from their care.
Source: Globe, Aug. 29, print edition
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
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That's messed up
Kobe hit it and quit it wooooo!!!
Sad story. It's disgusting how a rape victim of a celebrity can be treated.
Bitch wanted to get paid and she did !
She did NOT get paid one cent. Kobe Bryant's lawyers manipulated the situation and given the fragile mindset of the victim, both the sexual trauma and her use of drugs, she was convinced that a public apology was all that was necessary....
She is mentally ill, no disputing that multiple persons testified to that. Hypersexuality, compulsive promiscuous behavior is common (particularly among women) in a few types of mental illness such as Bipolar I, schizophrenia, Borderline Personality Disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder. Hard to say whether she knew she was lying to get sympathy, attention, or payday, or whether mental illness caused her to earnestly misinterpret the reality of what happened (e.g. confabulation, delusion). Either way, it's perfect example of what is wrong with the notion that "a woman would never lie about rape".
could it ACTUALLY be that no one is blaming the victim here. simply that the victim tried to commit SUICIDE TWICE, was abusing her anti-psychotic meds (with huge side effects)... clearly this doesnt have to be reported as drug use is comorbid with suicidal ideation.
could it just possibly be that this girl wanted to fuck kobe bryant? and they did?
like.. once it was already consensual.. she probably asked him to stop because he is 6 foot 6 lifting star athlete which increases sexual performance.
blaming the victim?
kobe has had no criminal history.. nothing. there is nothing to write about because he doesnt have a past history.
there is no labeling here, its purely factors. the victim had worn panties with semen from another male !
this is REAL LIFE , clearly the media and people blame the victim.. but this is factual shit.
the woman overdoses on half a bag of cocaine and some wine on a casual night ... little kid there?
come on people.
fuck kobe in this. lets just give some props to the law. no one got paid. think about it.
It's amazing that some people still think she was raped. Besides the fact that she planned to sleep with as many celebrities as possible (and this info was from her own friend), the DNA of several men was found on her underwear. She wanted a payday, plain and simple. No woman who is truly raped is going to settle for a civil suit and $$$ over a conviction.
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