Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Bobbi Kristina Attempted Suicide Hours After Learning She's Pregnant: report

OK, let's get this out of the way first: This report by the National Enquirer has all sorts of holes in it, but and however.... According to a "source" to the tabloid, Bobbi Kristina learned she was pregnant with Nick Gordon's baby "hours" before "a wild night of partying" last Friday night. After the party ended, Nick, according to the report, crashed, leaving Bobbi Kristina up and awake. Hours later, he and a her ex-boyfriend -- a criminal named Max Lomas -- found Bobbi Kristina face down and unconscious in a water-filled bathtub in a suicide attempt. (She remains in a medically induced coma at Emory Hospital in Atlanta.) The Enquirer claimed to have received emails between Bobbi Kristina and a friend of the family in which she supposedly "talked openly about wanting to have a child" and told friends she hoped having a baby would fix relationship with Nick that was falling apart. But if she wanted so much to have a child, why would she attempt suicide? That's something the "source" or the tabloid didn't address. This isn't the first time she allegedly attempted suicide or was pregnant. Back in 2008, when she was just 14 years old, she supposedly slashed her wrists after a fight with her late mother, Whitney Houston. The same tabloid claimed Bobbi Kristina was pregnant in 2012 and 2013 -- all around the anniversary of Whitney's death. Um, OK.

Sidebar: The tabloid claimed in a Jan. 20 photo of Bobbi Kristina exiting a CVS pharmacy, "a slight baby bump was apparent." The Houston family, according to the report, considers Nick a "gold digger" and "drug enabler" and they are worried he could inherit Whitney Houston's entire $20 million estate. But, since they're not married we are not sure how that would work. Tensions between Nick and the rest of the Houston family have been high. It all came to a head in March 2014 when Gary Garland-Houston (that's Whitney's nephew) beat up Nick for disrespecting the family. Apparently Nick showed up at the family's black tie gala wearing a hoodie and a beanie.

Meanwhile, WAGA interviewed Max Lomas' attorney who said it was his client one who found Bobbi Kristina in the bathtub and called 911 -- not Nick Gordon. The lawyer issued this statement: "It is our understanding that Mr. Lomas has cooperated with the authorities investigating what happened involving his dear friend. Mr. Lomas is deeply concerned for Ms. Brown and remains hopeful for her full, complete and swift recovery." Finally, Bobby Brown's new wife, Alicia Etheredge, is four months pregnant.

Update: The folks over at TMZ are reporting doctors have told Bobby they can do nothing more for his daughter, who is brain dead, and is urging him to withdraw life support. Bobby, hoping for a miracle, is refusing to make the painful choice today and instead wants to wait until after the weekend. The Daily Mail is reporting, however, that Bobbi Kristina has been taken off life support. They got that scoop from a police source. Bobby Brown has denied the plug was pull. He told Access Hollywood he's continuing to pray for his daughter and talk she was taken off life support is “a flat out lie.”

sources: National Enquirer, Feb. 15, print edition | WAGA | TMZ | Daily Mail


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