Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Woman Found Bank Door Unlocked !!! Guess What She Did.

On Christmas Eve, Veneita Alsop went to her local Wells Fargo Bank in Tracy, Calif. hoping to withdraw some cash to spend on holiday gifts, but she got the surprise of her life -- one of the doors was open.

We're not talking about the door to the ATMs, but the door to inside of the bank!!!

She walked in, no one was around. Instead of scaling the counter and stuff her bra with cash, Veneita (one of dem names) told KCRA news she was concerned. She thought something sinister was going down, like the employees were being held hostage, so she called police.

When cops arrived, they did a walk-through to make sure no one was was tied up in the vault and that all the monies were where it should. A bank manager was called to lock the door.

The bank closed early that day, everyone was eager to get home to do their own last-minute shopping and forgot the lock the door.

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BrooklynShoeBabe said...

She's going to be blessed for her honesty. Or, she was probably paranoid like me and thought it was a set-up and said "hell to nah, I'm not taking any money."

Anonymous said...

There wasn't any cash for her to steal so boo on that. All money is locked in the vault until the next morning.

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