Monday, March 1, 2010

PR Stunt Fail: What's-Her-Face is Supposedly a Lesbian Now

US Weekly is reporting that What's-Her-Face has been in a three-month How You Doin "relationship" with DJ Tracy Young. The "couple" went public with their relationship when they were spotted out and about last Saturday. A "source" is also saying this "relationship" will become part of next season's Real Housewives of Atlanta story line.


The "source" tells the magazine: “Tracy broke up with her longtime girlfriend to be with Kim. Since they’ve been together, Tracy lost a lot of weight and got really skinny for Kim. They seem to be beyond happy with each other. The rumor is that Kim Zolciak will come out this season."

Seriously? This sort of publicity stunt is so last decade -- no one in their right mind is buying it. Furthermore, we wouldn't believe a word What's-Her-Face says if her tongue came notarized.

While the magazine doesn't say who this "source" is, we're guessing it's her fame whoring publicist.

Sidebar: Remember Cori, her "BFF" from last season? They're enemies now.

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