"That's ridiculous," van Exel told The Enquirer. "I did get a call from a station (in Holland) a couple of days ago after Whitney died and spoke about her death in generalities. But of course I didn't say that." However, he did admit to being in Whitney's suite before authorities arrived. "I came into Whitney's room just before the police and paramedics did," he said. "I don't know what drugs were there, but the place was clean when I arrived. Only after the police had gone and Whitney's body had been removed did I help her brother Gary and wife Pat pack up Whitney's clothes and other possessions. That was the only so-called 'clean-up' I was involved in, and it had nothing to do with drugs. All three of us were shock then. We were crying. We couldn't believe that our beautiful Whitney was gone."We keep going back to that interview with Oprah in which Pat said she will "always" "protect" Whitney. Listen, we're not saying she cleaned up the drugs. We weren't there and don't know a thing. If Raffles is to believed, one of the four others in the room must have cleaned up the cocaine, no?
source: National Enquirer, April 9, print edition
UPDATE, March 30: The folks over at TMZ are reporting that LAPD officers did recover "white, powdery remnants" from the Beverly Hilton hotel room where Whitney died. Tests done on that substance proved it's cocaine. According to the site, "cops are in the final stages of their investigation, but they are not focusing on anyone who possibly removed cocaine, because authorities are in possession of the goods." This is interesting because we recall investigators (or someone throughout the investigation) say no drugs (or drug paraphernalia) was recovered from the room. Interesting.
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