Friday, March 30, 2012

WATCH: Cop Takes Down Perv + Touré Confronts Piers Morgan

Mario Proctor, a 40-year-old a level 3 high risk sex offender, tried to run from police and was taken down by cops -- MMA style. Last year, another idiot tried to run from cops in Phoenix -- with predictable results.

Also in Texas, here's another person who's suffering from "exhaustion" and "dehydration" -- or Mega Millions frenzy. A man was taken to a hospital in Fort Worth for a mental evaluation after police say he began throwing $20 bills in the air outside of a church. Then things got weird. The unidentified man stripped off his clothes, jumped into his white Mercedes then sped off and crashed. He then exited the car, took off running then collapsed onto the street. Yep, definitely dehydration and exhaustion!

And we're staying in Texas. Why not. Two "harmful" (what?!!!) guys were filming a video outside of a Walmart in Houston when a camera-shy security guard pulled out his Taser and threatened to use it. According to the YouTuber: "The men where (sic) later hand-cuffed to be arrested but released after another cop came to their rescue. The incident was only resolved after the cop tried to bribe and threaten the men to ERASE this footage or go to JAIL...."

↪ Touré attacks Piers Morgan on his CNN show tonight about his "irresponsible" coverage of the Trayvon Martin shooting case, specifically Piers' decision to interview George Zimmerman's brother. We don't understand why Touré is so upset or what has his panties in a bunch. Isn't the Zimmerman family allowed to get their story out, too? Look down!

Meanwhile, in Croatia, Radmila Kus is making a fortune by knitting made-to-order penis warmers. "Local men here wore these for centuries. In those days the clothing was not so good and people weren't rich enough to keep warm," she said. "Frostbite was a real problem and to avoid permanent damage these warmers came into use. Wives believed that keeping their man's private parts warm allowed him to remain fertile and increased their chance of having children." She's planning a trip to the the United States and hopes to give President Obama one as a gift. Yeah, good luck with that.

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