Jason Vicks, the owner of a Charlotte restaurant, was ticketed and arrested for violating the city's noise code -- because he's black. Well, to let cops tell it: Jason was warned and received several citations since December, but he continued to blare music all night long, to the chagrin of the residents of the condo building above his restaurant.
Meanwhile, in Memphis, where they speak with that southern twang (Huur?), an entire neighborhood, which was holding a block party to celebrate the birthday of a man who was shot and killed in 2006, is upset that police officers shut down the party -- with the help of pepper spray and a dash of police brutality.
And, in Houston, 15-year-old Chris Garcia, who was in a stolen vehicle, was bitten by a police dog when he tried to escape on foot. Quick! Alert the media.
Firefighters at Watertown, Massachusetts were so "disgusted" that a man was viewing p0rn at a library that they watched him pleasure himself until he splashed off -- then they called police. Frankly, we don't see a crime here. Guerschom Elan borrowed a laptop from the library. The took the computer to a private room, turned off the lights and began to "move his right hand over his genital area." We wonder what these "disgusted" and "surprised" firefighters do in their bunk room. And they were so "disgusted" that they don't even want their faces showed on TV. * look down! *
Anthony Norton is locked up after exposing himself to children. He claims spice -- an drug marketed as incense -- made him do it. Okay, sure.
SHOCK! According to a study conducted by The Department of Education, black students are more than three times likely to get suspended as white students. (Want to read the report, click here.)
If you get stop and frisked by the NYPD three times, you're entitled to a free McDonald's happy meal? Sounds too good to be true, well it is.
John Jardini is a donkey. The 26-year-old idiot robbed a 16-year-old then called her up (we're not sure how he got her number) asking for a date. Idiot.
Last month, Jeanie Daniels was bored on a Southwest flight from Los Angeles to Houston to see her boyfriend (plus, she wanted to look nice for him), so she began to paint her nails. She got through eight of her fingernails when a flight attendant asked her to stop. Since no self-respecting woman would dare walk around with only eight fingernails painted, Jeanie went to the laboratory to put some varnish (We love that term, by the way. "nail polish" sounds so pedestrian) on the two other fingernails. Then all hell broke loose. She got into a shouting match with another flight attendant and Jeanie was arrested and held for 10 hours, before she was released. BTW: A judge dismissed the charges.
Tax season is in full swing and the sharks are out to get your money. LBS Tax Service, which operates out of Atlanta and charges $1000 to have your taxes prepared, has no business license. As we've said over and over and over again: There's absolutely no need to pay someone to prepare your taxes, the IRS will prepare them for FREE!
Mother of the Year Dalina Nicholas sold sex with her 6-year-old daughter for crack-cocaine and money.
Kaitlyn Turner, 22, told police she had nothing to hide, when they knocked on her door and asked to search their home for a wanted man. She must have forgotten that she had her 1-year-old twin boys hogtied in their crib. Oops. In the bedroom, cops found a whimpering baby boy in a dirty playpen, laying on his stomach, his hands tied behind his back with a receiving blanket. His twin brother was on the bed, his legs tied tightly together with a pair of black leggings and a green scarf. Kaitlynn told police she tied up her babies because she didn't want them to be bowlegged. Ding. Ding. Ding. Definitely a Mother of the Year nominee.
↪ Sara, Shane and Robert, move over. Bernard Archer, take a seat. Pit bulls aren't only capable of biting your head off -- they give head, too. Dr. Cathryn Lafayette of Newton County, Georgia says she tried to help Bernard Archer turn his life around, but neighbors 19-year-old was caught raping her female pit bulls in their kennel last Saturday. Dr Lafayette is alarmed and disgusted. Frankly, we are, too.
LOOK: This is a real Craigslist ad.

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