Monday, August 17, 2009

Is NeNe Leaving Atlanta?

NeNe gave an interview to WSBTV down in Atlanta in which she reiterates that she and the rest of the "housewives" are not friends and she didn't know of or about Kandi. But NeNe also dropped some interesting facts: her home is rented and she may be leaving Atlanta! (She's been approached to do scripted TV and has been mulling over scripts.) Maybe she's tired of "trash box" Kim spreading lies? Plus, NeNe said Gregg has five other children from a previous marriage and that doesn't mean she and Kandi have anything common.

Are the rumors true that you rent your home?
What's wrong with renting? Regardless of whether I rent or buy, I have to pay the bill. Nobody is giving me anything. In fact, this is a great time to rent.

So will you confirm whether you are renting?
I do not own the house that I currently live in. I'm doing a lease purchase on the home, but I'm not the owner.

Do you plan to stay in the house?
I'm in NY every other day or I'm in California or I'm in Atlanta. I don't even know where I want to live at. I'm all over the place right now. I might end up leaving Atlanta.

What can we do to get you to stay?
You got to give me a check, now. I got to go where the checks are.

How do you respond to the stereotypes and criticism that you don't represent housewives in Atlanta?
I'm not trying to represent any one other than NeNe Leakes. I'm not trying to be you or prove anything to you or anyone else. In fact, we are representing housewives across the country today because people are losing their homes all across the country. We just happen to be in the spotlight. And when you're in the spotlight, people are waiting to dig into your personal life and say obviously you don't any money to live this type of life. I say, why is bothering you? Why are you losing sleep over it? Honey, you need to go to sleep and sleep real good at night, because NeNe is taken care of. Don't worry about her.

The nation is in a recession. Are the items featured on the show your personal property or borrowed?
All I can tell you is I can speak for myself. I don't know about the rest of the "housewives." I've been on the show for two seasons and you've never turned on the show and hear me say 'I have this, I don't shop on a budget, My husband is all that.' We don't roll like that.

Do you clip coupons?
No. I don't clip coupons. Never have. Never been a coupon-clipper, even when I was poor. It's nothing wrong with that, I just never been that girl. I'm not that organized. I have shopped at discount stores before and I shop if there is a sale. I'm not girl that's on the show saying 'I'm this. I'm that. I don't shop on a budget. I die in Dior.' I don't do that kind of stuff. What you see is what you get and I'm just like any other girl; I like nice things. Nice clothes, shoes and handbags. And I have nice clothes, shoes and handbags, and I like designer labels -- and I do wear them, but I do shop on a sale, I do not clip coupons.

On her family:
Gregg and I have been together for 13 and half years. Our relationship is solid. We are the married couple that's on the "Housewives of Atlanta". People are always saying, 'They're not married'. I'm married, honey for 13 and a half years and I get with him for money, I got with him strictly for love. OK? And all the money that we've ever had we made it together. My husband never run ball or slam-dunked a ball, we did it on our own. We live well and better than most people.... Sweetie, you gotta be fast to keep up with me, because I ain't moving no where but up, honey.

Because you were apprehensive about bringing Gregg who was previously married and with had kids to meet your family and Kandi is going through something similar with her fiance AJ, don't you think this is opportunity to reach out to Kandi?
No! Our situations are absolutely different. My husband was married prior to me for 19 years to one woman; they had five children together. That's a difference. He (AJ) has six children by four different women. That's a whole other story. You would expect Gregg being married for 19 years to have five children with his wife. He had a life with her. He had a family with her until they got divorced and he and I had one child together. That's a whole other story. First of all, Gregg's record shows that he has commitment, he was with her since they were in high school and then they married and had children together and he's been with me for 13 and a half years. So, hell, he's been married most of his life.


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Anonymous said...

Nene are you leaving Atlanta because maybe you have a warrant for choking Kim. Do you not want anyone to know you are on probation, or that you may have begged Kim to drop the charges? Can you talk now you always have so mych to say.

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