Friday, July 22, 2011

Week in Review: ♫♪...I Am Gettin So Hot, I Wanna Take My Clothes Off ♪♫

Hey, boys and girls. It's the dog days of summer and it was a very slow news week. So, we're off to luxuriate by the pool with a few cocktails and one of those Karl Lagerfeld fans. Make it a fantastic weekend, stay cool and hydrated (and don't make a fool of yourself) and we'll see you back here Monday afternoon.

While we're away, if you have a tip about a story or something we should look into, post or get a chuckle from, please direct it here.

Here are some of the week's lowlights (and some highlights, too).
  1. Wendy made her first (and perhaps last) appearance on The View.
  2. NBA baller Dwayne Wade got hacked and he filed a lawsuit against the hackers.
  3. A group of lesbians brawling over a jumpoff, started throwing poop they got from a cesspool at each other. What. Is. That. Smell?
  4. A woman who was beating her son's ass for not going to church, was arrested for trespassing insider her own own. Weird. We know!
  5. A man got stuck head-first in a storm drain.
  6. We laughed our butts off or learned something from these videos and from these videos.
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