Thursday, April 30, 2015

17-year-old Turns Down $80,000 College Scholarship Because of Gun Violence in Chicago

Lander Braggs, a 17-year-old high school senior who wants a career in engineering, was offered a full tuition scholarship -- worth almost $80,000 -- to the prestigious Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, but he turned down the offer because of the city's increasing gun violence. "With all that's going on in Chicago, with all the violence and everything, I just wanted a different environment," he says. "I'm just thinking, like, I don't want that for me. I want to be able to just go through life and not have to worry about what's going to happen to me tomorrow." (He says the shooting death of a 17-year boy in the neighborhood made him think twice. Coupled with that fact that since January, there has been 119 murders in Chicago.) The scholarship to ITT wasn't a full-ride scholarship, which would mean Lander would need to travel from his home in the Chatham neighborhood to the ITT campus the Bronzeville neighborhood. He has accepted a scholarship to Bradley University in Peoria, Ill. That scholarship also only covers tuition, but his mother will take out loans to pay for room and board. "If I have to pay something that's fine. I don't want to have to look at my watch and say its 3:30, 4:30 I haven't heard from him and worry everyday if he's safe," his mother says.

source: WLS

Second Prisoner in Police Van With Freddie Gray Speaks Out: 'I Just Heard Little Banging'

When Freddie Gray was being transported to jail on April 12, a second prisoner was loaded into the police van. That man, 22-year-old Donta Allen, spoke out for the first time today. In an interview with WBAL, Donta (who was arrested for stealing) says he told homicide investigators (because he "doesn't work for the police") he heard "bangs" coming from the side of the van where Freddie was seated. He says: "When I got in the van, I didn't hear nothing. It was a smooth ride. We went straight to the police station. All I heard was a little banging for about four seconds. I just heard little banging, just little banging." Donta says he told investigators Freddie was intentionally banging his head against the van. "When we got to the police station, they said he didn't have no pulse or nothing," Donta says. "They called his name, 'Mr. Gray, Mr. Gray.' And he wasn't responsive." Freddie was transported to a hospital and died a week later. According to reports, the autopsy report (which has not been made public) there is no evidence that Freddie hit his head against anything on his own. However, according to sources briefed on the findings of a police report turned over to the state prosecutor on Thursday as well as preliminary findings made by the medical examiner’s office, there is no evidence that Freddie's fatal spinal cord injuries were caused during the arrest. Those sources told another local TV station the medical examiner found Freddie's catastrophic injury was caused when he slammed into the back of the police transport van, apparently breaking his neck; a head injury he sustained matches a bolt in the back of the van. Details surrounding exactly what caused Freddie to slam into the back of the van was unclear. The officer driving the van has yet to give a statement to authorities. It’s also unclear whether Freddie's head injury was voluntary or was a result of some other action.

source: WBAL

Meanwhile, in Florida

That new street drug causing people to lose their minds in Florida has landed this 20-year-old (yes, she 20!) lady in jail for abandoning her 1-year-old daughter in front a drug treatment center in Boynton Beach, Florida.
A 20-year-old woman is in Palm Beach County Jail on a charge of child neglect after she smoked flakka and left a 1-year-old in a Walmart parking lot, according to an arrest report. Qushanna Doby said she smoked the flakka at about 8 p.m. Wednesday and a friend drove her and the baby to a hotel in Delray Beach to meet up with a man, the report said. She and the baby left the hotel at 3 a.m. when the man wanted to have sex and she declined. Doby walked to Wal-Mart with the baby to wait for a ride home. She told police that she fed the child some bacon cheddar chips and put Sprite in the baby’s bottle. That’s the last thing she remembers before she woke up in a Dunkin Donuts parking lot eight blocks away, the report said. Doby returned to the scene at about 7 a.m. just after Boynton Beach police found the child, who had a soiled diaper and was crying. The woman admits to smoking flakka regularly and said it causes hallucinations. The child was taken into the custody of the Department of Children and Families. Doby is expected to make a first appearance hearing Friday morning where a judge will determine a bond amount.

source: Palm Beach Post
The girl is now in foster care.

Suge Knight's Release from Jail Hinges on Floyd Mayweather Winning Fight Against Manny Pacquiao

After three months, 50-year-old Suge Knight has been in jail (on charges of murder and robbery) because he is unable to make bail. Bail was first set at a whopping $25 million, but was reduced to a whopping $10 million. Suge's lawyer asked the judge to reduce bail to a whopping $5 million, but the request was denied. Now, he's hoping to be released next week, but only if Floyd Mayweather wins against Manny Pacquiao in Las Vegas this weekend.
Suge Knight is betting undefeated boxer Floyd Mayweather will bail him out of jail. The rap mogul was in good spirits Thursday as he pleaded not guilty to murder at a follow-up arraignment, and received a July 7 trial date. Knight's lawyer said the co-founder of Death Row Records was ready to face a jury and was optimistic that Mayweather would cover his $10 million bail once a Saturday blockbuster bout with Manny Pacquiao in Las Vegas is done. “My understanding is that Suge is going to be bailed out this coming week,” lawyer Matthew Fletcher told the Daily News outside court. “We think Mr. Mayweather is going to win the championship and then come champion the day again,” he said. “They're good friends, and there's no reason he shouldn't. And we believe that will happen.”

source: NY Daily News
Ahem, according to reports, Floyd Mayweather has a net worth of $280 million -- yes, 280 MILLION US DOLLARS -- (he made $150 MILLION in 2014, alone) so if he wanted to, couldn't he write a $10 million check today to get Suge out of jail? (See update, below) Any who, when the trial gets on the way in July, it's expected to last 16 days, but Suge's attorney is hoping the case gets dismissed by then. He says prosecutors stumbled during the preliminary hearing and failed to adequately identify Suge as the driver of the truck seen mowing down the two men. That hearing is scheduled for May 29.

Update: According to TMZ, Floyd and Suge are not friends and the boxer will not be paying Suge's bail.
Bad news for Suge Knight ... Floyd Mayweather will NOT be posting his $10 million bail if he wins his fight this weekend ... this according to a key member of Floyd's Money Team. TMZ Sports just got off the phone with one of Floyd's most trusted members of his TMT crew -- who tells us Suge's lawyer was just plain wrong when he told media outlets there was a plan in place for Floyd to fork over the money. We're told Floyd and Suge were close in the past -- but they haven't been in contact in several years. Suge is currently locked up in L.A. on murder charges -- and his attorney Matthew Fletcher reportedly said Knight was counting on Floyd to cover his bail. We reached out to Fletcher for comment -- who says he only made the comments because that's what he was told by Suge's family.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Lady Unhappy With Hairstyle Fights, Stabs Hair Braider

Cheryl Lynn, 20, from Utica, NY was arrested last week after stabbing her hairstylist three times. According to police, the two women were at a house party on April 22 when Cheryl confronted the stylist and demanded her money back because she was unsatisfied with the hairstyle. After the party, the two women met on the street and mutually agreed to fight. Cheryl stabbed the stylist in the neck, shoulder, and chest. The stylist fled and called police. Cheryl was arrested and charged with assault and criminal possession of a weapon

source: WKTV

Is It a Crime to Run Away From a Police Officer? Here's the Answer

Given the news lately, we've been wondering if (or when) it's legal to flee from police officers. With our thanks to the Associated Press, here's the answer:
When police spotted Freddie Gray and he took off running through his Baltimore neighborhood, officers made a split-second decision to give chase, setting in motion his death in custody and rioting in the streets. Fleeing from police is not, by itself, illegal in America, and the U.S. Supreme Court has made clear that in safe neighborhoods, people not suspected of criminal activity can ignore a police officer who approaches them, even to the point of walking away. But courts have set a different standard for places where street crime is common, ruling that police can chase, stop and frisk people if their location contributes to a suspicion of criminal activity. This double standard is having a major impact as more black men die in encounters with police around the country. Many have been shot or tackled while trying to flee. The court rulings justifying police chases in high-crime areas where many African-Americans live are contributing to a dangerous divide between police and citizens, said Ezekiel Edwards, director of the Criminal Law Reform Project at the American Civil Liberties Union. "Folks who are going to be the most intimidated or scared of the police are the same people in places where the Supreme Court has said, 'if you run from police, that's suspicion,'" he said. Edwards is among the legal experts who say unprovoked flight, on its own, shouldn't justify a chase: "If you can walk away, you can run away. It shouldn't matter the speed at which you move away." There are limits to this leeway: The Supreme Court and lower courts have repeatedly required police to have some justification for stopping or questioning someone in a public place. But several legal experts say that because he was standing in a drug-infested area, Gray's decision to bolt on April 12 may have justified the decision by four bicycle-riding officers to pursue and detain him. "If the police show up and someone takes off running, that is enough to give rise to suspicion by police," said Joelle Moreno, a former federal prosecutor who is now associate dean of the Florida International University law school. "Running is enough for a preliminary level of suspicion." Gray, 25, was pinned to a sidewalk, handcuffed and hoisted into a police van where he was put in leg irons after Baltimore officers said he made eye contact with them and ran. Somewhere along the way, he suffered a fatal spinal injury, and the six officers involved were suspended with pay amid a criminal investigation. Many in Baltimore are skeptical, questioning why officers chased after him to begin with. Baltimore police initially said the officers acted because they believed Gray was involved in some kind of criminal activity. Later that day, an officer swore in a court document that he had found a knife clipped to the inside of Gray's pocket, and asked that he be charged with carrying a switchblade. A summons was produced, but Gray was in a coma by then, and died a week later. "The officers made eye contact and he ran. That's part of the question we have to dig into, if there's more than just running. There is no law against running," Baltimore police commissioner Anthony Batts said. A Gray family lawyer put it more plainly: "Felony running doesn't exist and you can't arrest someone for looking you in the eye," attorney Billy Murphy said. Even without a law however, officers can make so-called "good arrests" of runners that will hold up in court because of two legal requirements that have evolved from court rulings on police powers to stop people. The first is higher - probable cause - which requires that police have "sufficiently trustworthy facts" to believe the person was or will be involved in a crime. The second is lower - reasonable suspicion. The officer must still have specific facts warranting a stop, but not necessarily know whether a crime has been or will be committed. This is the pretext often used by police for "stop and frisk" encounters, and the fact that Gray was in an identifiable high-crime neighborhood adds to the justification by police. "Courts have found that flight from police presence in a high-crime area creates reasonable suspicion warranting an investigatory stop," said Michael Grieco, a former Miami-Dade County prosecutor now in private practice. "Police are only supposed to use enough reasonable force for apprehension and we are repeatedly seeing the products of excessive tactics." Others said courts have split on exactly what reasonable suspicion entails. Donald M. Jones, a University of Miami law professor and Baltimore native, said Gray's act of simply running away may not have been enough. "That is very thin. People run for many reasons. Many people have reasons to be afraid of the police," Jones said. "I think that is ambiguous, but the courts are divided on that." In some cases, video recordings might add clarity: In North Charleston, South Carolina, police officer Michael Slager was charged with murder after a bystander recorded him shooting of Walter Scott, who was unarmed and running away from Slager's Taser following an April 4 traffic stop. The Supreme Court has ruled that officers can use deadly force against an escaping suspect only if they believe the person poses "a significant threat of death or serious physical injury" to the officers or someone else. Use of less-than-lethal force also requires officers to determine the seriousness of the suspected crime, and whether the suspect poses a safety threat or is attempting to evade arrest. Legal experts say that when acting under reasonable suspicion, police generally are not supposed to use force to apprehend someone or slap handcuffs on them - unless their subsequent conversation or frisk turns up evidence of a crime or a weapon, such as a gun. In Baltimore, Gray had the knife, but it's not clear that simply possessing it was enough to arrest him. "The nature of the evidence is important," Moreno said. "The knife cannot possibly substantiate any concern the police might have had with public safety, because they couldn't see it. It's a difficult thing. You have to look at it step by step by step."

source: AP
That was a lot. But we learned a lot. Hope you did, too.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Lady Steals Elderly Woman's Credit Card; Uses it to Pay For Fertility Vitamins, Donor Sperm

This lady from Elgin, Illinois has been charged with using a 94-year-old woman's credit card for fertility vitamins and donor sperm to get herself pregnant. And congratulations are in order, because she's pregnant.
A pregnant hairdresser accused of bilking an elderly client from Lisle and using the money to cover purchases from a sperm bank has pleaded not guilty to identity theft and financial crimes charges, according to DuPage County prosecutors. Jenifer Perik, 42, of Elgin, was arraigned Monday before Judge John Kinsella. Perik is accused of making about $6,000 in unauthorized purchases on the credit card of one of her hair clients, a 94-year-old woman. She was arrested earlier this month. At a subsequent bond reduction hearing, it was revealed that about half of the unauthorized purchases were for sperm from a clinic that has offices in Virginia and Maryland. The website for the clinic advertises its high-quality donors and says that only 1 in 200 candidates are accepted. Perik is believed to have paid about $3,000 to have three to five samples shipped to Illinois, Assistant State's Attorney Diane Michalak said at Perik's bond reduction hearing. The hairdresser is about seven weeks pregnant, Michalak said, but the prosecutor said she didn't know whether it was as a result of in vitro fertilization. She is free on bond and her next court appearance is set for June 5. Authorities allege that Perik used the elderly woman's Discover card information to make about 35 unauthorized purchases between August and December last year. The woman's daughter noticed suspicious transactions on her mother's statements.

source: Chicago Tribune
Jenifer was released on $75,000 bail. If convicted (ahem, when she's convicted) she faces up to 15 years in prison.

Toya Graham is Our Hero of the Day

Last night, hundreds of thugs rioted in the streets of Baltimore. They threw rocks at police, looted stores then set them ablaze. (At least 20 police officers were injured in the violence and one person was critically hurt in a fire.) Toya Wright was watching the images live on TV noticed that one of the thugs throwing rocks at police is Michael, her 16-year-old son. So, she went to the scene and smacked the sh!t out of him. "At that point, I just lost it," she told CBS. "I was shocked, I was angry, because you never want to see your child out there doing that." She adds: "There's some days that I'll shield him in the house just so he won't go outside and I know that I can't do that for the rest of my life. I'm a no-tolerant mother. Everybody that knows me, know I don't play that." Once they got home mother and son watched news coverage of the demonstrations and riots. She said: "And by him seeing everything what's going on I just hope, I'm not sure, but I hope that he understands the seriousness of what was going on last night." Kudos, Toya! Kudos!

Sidebar: While Michael and dem were causing mayhem in the streets, Shomari Stone was atop a box truck dancing to Michael Jackson’s “Beat It" in an effort to “spread love and peace."

UPDATE, April 29: Toya's appearance on CBS This Morning.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Bobby Brown Files For Guardianship of Bobbi Kristina's $20 Million Inheritance

Bobby Brown has filed for guardianship over Bobbi Kristina Brown's estate, which is estimated at $20 million, according to WXIA. No additional information is available, mostly because such information is considered confidential. But, Cissy Houston, through her attorney, did issue a statement that read: "This is a family matter involving sensitive information. We hope to resolve this in a manner that is respectful of Bobbi Kristina's sensitive health information. The Houston family has always looked out for the best interest of Bobbi Kristina Brown. The family has done so all of her life and will continue to do so. We trust that others have the same objective." This move by Bobby is not surprising, but he has a long uphill battle. Per Whitney Houston's will, Bobbi Kristina is her sole heir and her aunt Pat Houston is executor. Additionally, in the event that Bobbi Kristina, who's been comatose for several months, dies before her 30th birthday (when she inherits the full amount of the inheritance) that money is then Cissy Houston and Whitney's two surviving brothers -- Michael and Gary -- are next in line to inherit the estate -- which includes full royalties from the late singer's music, likeness and image.

source: WXIA

There's a Bizarre Story That Goes With This Bizarro Mugshot

Without addressing the obvious, 36-year-old Marsha Santoro was arrested last week in Washougal, Washington after she hit a 5-year-old with her vehicle and tried to evade police by burying herself in a hole. According to police, 36-year-old Marsha Santoro struck a child riding a Big Wheel tricycle with her Ford F-150 pickup truck. She attempted attempted to drive away, but when that didn't work she got out of truck and walked off. Police dogs later found her hiding in a shallow hole where she had tried to cover herself with dirt. Marsha was arrested and charged with hit-and-run, driving with a suspended license and an unrelated misdemeanor warrant. Police say alcohol or drugs played a part in the hit-and-run. The boy was rushed to a local hospital where he was treated for cuts and a fractured skull.

source: KPTV

Claudia Jordan is a Journalist Who READS

Before she relocated to the south and joined the cast of the Real Housewives of Atlanta, Claudia Jordan was consuming the entire collection at the New York Public Library because she can read the house down! She already read Linnethia Leakes for tears in Puerto Rico and on last night's reunion show, Claudia let Porsha Williams know she knows she is/was dating/sleeping with a married African man who's been showering, ahem, "blessing" her with "extra bonuses" (read: cars, designer handbags, etc). Claudia has receipts. So when Porsha threatened to slap her with a lawsuit for supposedly slandering her name -- because she's a good Christian woman and sleeping with a married man is not in keeping with her morals and values -- Claudia encouraged her to do so. Wondering what happened between the time the characters squashed beefs and pledged to get along in Philippines and their return to Atlanta? That was just part of the storyline. The library is open.

Also during the reunion, Andy Cohen asked Phaedra Parks if her convicted felon of a husband ever physically abused her. She was mum.

Andrew Caldwell is a Messy Queen

Last week, Andrew Caldwell (who became Internet famous when a video of him declaring he doesn't "like mens no more" went viral) went to a FroYo Frozen Yogurt shop in University City, Missouri and ended up with yogurt on his face. Andrew says he was trying to get a discount when the cashier called him the other f-word. The cashier, Stephanie Diaz, who is a lesbian, tells a different story. “He showed me his driver’s license and he was like, ‘I need a f***ing discount, you b!tch." As he continued to verbally assault her, he threw money at her. That's when she threw the yogurt at him. Andrew called the media and has successfully (sigh) injected himself back into the public spotlight. Meanwhile, Stephanie was arrested and facing charges for assault.

source: KTVI
Friday, April 24, 2015

Bruce Jenner Comes Out as Transgender

After months of speculation, Bruce Jenner revealed Friday night he's a transgender. In a two-hour interview with ABC News' Diane Sawyer, the former Olympian said: “For all intents and purposes, I’m a woman." He adds: “People look at me differently. They see you as this macho male, but my heart and my soul and everything that I do in life -- it is part of me. That female side is part of me. That’s who I am.” Bruce says he began wearing his sister's clothing when he was just 8 years old and then began transitioning into a woman back in the '80s, when he started female hormone estrogen. Since then he has undergone cosmetic facial surgeries and regularly dresses in drag. As for sexual reassignment surgery, the 65-year-old is unsure. “As of now, I have all the male parts and all that kind of stuff, so in a lot of ways we’re different, okay?” he said. “But we still identify as female. And that’s very hard for Bruce Jenner to say. Because why? I don’t want to disappoint people." Bruce has been married three time and each of his ex-wives (along with his sister) were aware of his gender identity struggle. They told no one. Bruce recently told his mother and his 6 biological children and 4 step children -- some of whom have caught him wearing women's clothing -- about his struggle and they all cried. "Mainly because they didn’t want anybody to hurt dad,” he said. “They are very protective of me.” For now Bruce isn't sure where his journey will take him and he did not reveal in this interview the female name he will go by. What he did reveal, however, is the name won't start with a "K."

He tells Diane he's a woman...

...And it's not a publicity stunt.

Speaking of stunts, he admits Keeping Up With the Kardashians isn't real life (du'h! shock!), and he's the only person in that family with a "real story."

Sidebar: He'll get to share that story with the world on E! Following the interview, the network announced it will air a yet untitled documentary series that "will tell Bruce’s intimate story and will join him as he seeks out his ‘new normal.'" The eight-part, one-hour series premieres July 26 at 9 p.m. on E!

The One About the Burglar Who Tried To Flee While Riding Stolen Wheelchair

Around 3:30 Thursday morning, Stanley McQuery, 54, broke into an apartment in San Diego. The resident of that apartment -- a 79-year-old amputee named William Ballard -- was sitting in his wheelchair when he confronted Stanley. The burglar pushed William off his wheelchair and stole his cell phone. Stanley then fled the scene while riding the stolen electric wheelchair. He didn't get far, however. Police caught Stanley two blocks away from the victim's apartment. He then ditched the wheelchair and tried to run away, but was bitten by a police dog and taken into custody. He's charged with robbery, burglary, obstruction and elder abuse. He remains jailed on $105,000 bond.

source: KSWB
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Loretta Lynch Wins Confirmation, Becomes First Female African-American Attorney General

Loretta Lynch has won confirmation to serve as the nation’s attorney general, ending months of delay. The vote was 56-43 in the Senate Thursday. She will replace Eric Holder and become the first black woman in the nation’s top law enforcement post. The 55-year-old currently serves as US attorney for the Eastern District of New York.

Michael Brown's Parents File $75,000 Wrongly Death Lawsuit Against Ferguson, Darren Wilson

The family of Michael Brown filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the city of Ferguson on Thursday, seeking unspecified damages and police reforms after the 18-year-old's killing by a white policeman prompted a national debate on law enforcement and race. The civil lawsuit filed in St. Louis County, Missouri, names the city of Ferguson, former Police Chief Thomas Jackson and former police officer Darren Wilson as defendants. The lawsuit seeks $75,000 in compensation, as well as unspecified punitive damages, and calls for a court order prohibiting the use of police techniques "that demean, disregard, or underserve its African-American population.". The shooting last August sparked protests and a national movement questioning police use of deadly force, especially against minorities in cities around the country. The lawsuit alleges that former officer Wilson destroyed evidence after he shot Michael on the street of Ferguson saying he washed blood off his hands and cleared and bagged the gun used in the shooting. "We expect to put on evidence that you never heard about before, that you have never seen," Anthony Gray, one of the lawyers for Brown's family, said at a news conference on Thursday to discuss the lawsuit (which you can read it its entirety, below). A grand jury not to bring criminal charges against Wilson. The U.S. Department of Justice later cleared the police officer of any civil rights violations. While Michael was unarmed, some witnesses said he had charged the officer in the incident. The civil lawsuit listed incidents of alleged unlawful stops and arrests of blacks in Ferguson. It asked for the court to assign a monitor to the city's police force for five years or until "the city of Ferguson has fully and effectually trained all of its police officers on the constitutional requirements of the use of deadly force."

Here's the lawsuit:

source: Reuters
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Lady Armed With Samurai Sword Steals Meth, Cash From Roommates

DRUGS ARE THE DEVIL! A woman from Norfolk, Virginia is in jail after attacking her two roommates (and a man she met on the beach) with a Samurai sword while attempting to steal their crystal meth and cash. In a jailhouse interview, Kristen Emmons says she wasn’t trying to steal the drugs, she was trying to return it. Kristen says her roommate left her alone in the apartment so she went into his room and threw a duffel bag with drugs in it out the window. She says she feared for her safety so she went to the beach, where she met a stranger and told him what happened. “The guy I met on the beach had a Samurai sword and he gave me the sword to protect myself, and he came back with me to my apartment and so I came there to bring the drugs back," she says. Once inside the apartment, Kristen says her roommates began attacking her even though she was armed with the sword. DRUG LIES! According to police, Kristen wanted to rob her roommates of drugs and money and she started swinging the sword the moment her roommates walked into the apartment. One of her roommates was slashed and the man who gave her the sword needed 10 stitches to close a slash wound to his calf.

source: WTKR

This Popeyes Manager Was Fired After She Refused to Repay $400 Stolen By Armed Robber

Last month, Marissa Holcomb was working as the manager of a Popeyes restaurant in Channelview, Texas when a masked man barged in with a gun and demanded all the money. She opened one of the cash registers and the robber got away with almost $400. (On the day of the robbery, the fast food restaurant was having a 2-piece chicken meal for $1.19 promotion.) After the robbery, Marissa's manager told her she needed to repay the stolen money. "I told them I'm not paying nothing," she said. "I just had a gun to me. I'm not paying the money." She was fired and then called the local TV station, who reached out to the Popeyes franchise owner for comment. They said Marissa didn't follow company policy by leaving too much money in the cash register. So when she wouldn't repaid the lost money, she was fired. 'Cause them's the rules.

source: KHOU

Hello, 911? 'I Want to Press Charges and Take Somebody to Jail'

A 14-year-old girl called 911 on Tuesday to report that several girls at a group home in Deltona, Florida tried to poison her by putting bleach into her drink. She called 911 to have the girls arrested, but when the dispatcher tried to get all the information he needs to pass on to police, the caller threatened to hang up and asked him why he's "asking all these questions." Eventually, she volunteered the information. "I just got home and I took out my drink, and I had went on the couch and drunk a little bit," she says. "But then I smelled it and my tongue was burning, so I went in the front yard and spit it out." When officers arrived and questioned the three suspects, the girls admitted to pouring bleach into the drinking water and not caring who would get sick. Two girls were arrested and charged with poisoning with intent to injure or kill.

Here's the 911 call:

Monday, April 20, 2015

Lady Brings Bag of Crickets to Restaurant, Puts One on Her Plate to Get Meal Comped

This lady from Charlotte, NC was arrested last week after she showed up at an Applebee's with her son -- and a bag of crickets.
Police say a woman planted a cricket on her plate to get a free meal. Shatanya Arielette Beasley, 26, of Charlotte is charged with felony obtaining property by false pretense. According to police, Beasley got a free meal Wednesday at Applebee’s on Franklin Boulevard when she complained about a cricket in her food. Beasley reportedly left her wallet on the table, and a restaurant manager said he saw a bag of crickets in the woman’s wallet and told her she needed to pay for her food. Beasley and her son left the restaurant without paying, and an employee took down her license plate number, police said. Police say they tracked Beasley through her license plate and issued warrants Wednesday. She was arrested Friday and released on a $2,500 secured bond later that day. The restaurant manager has since told police he no longer wants to press charges because Beasley came back and paid the tab, according to police. Because warrants were already served, investigators told the manager that he would have to go to court or call the District Attorney’s office.

source: Gaston Gazette

Here's Video of Police Interrogating Warren Sapp Before He Was Arrested For Soliciting, Assaulting Prostitutes

Last February, former NFL defensive tackle turned NFL analyst Warren Sapp was arrested in Phoenix for soliciting prostitutes and assaulting them. All of the lurid details were detailed in the 39-page police report, but now we get to see his visual reactions to all the debauchery of that night in this newly released police interrogation video (below). In another part of the video (not shown here), when Warren realizes that he's going to jail, he's seen pulling his sweatshirt over his head while repeating "Oh my God" and "Oh Jesus, no way!" He faces six months in jail, if convicted.

source: TMZ

Bobbi Kristina is NOT 'Awake,' She Remains Comatose

Last weekend, Bobby Brown was performing somewhere and he told the crowd about Bobbi Kristina's miraculous recovery."Bobbi is awake. She's watching me," he said. The truth is, Bobbi Kristina, who has been been in coma and brain dead since January when she was found facedown in a bathtub full of water, remains comatose.
Bobbi Kristina did not regain consciousness in a miracle recovery, despite her dad's shock statement she was "awake," a well-placed source said Monday. The only child of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown remains comatose in a private rehabilitation hospital, the source said. "His statements were not accurate. She remains unresponsive," the source told the Daily News. Still, Bobby Brown doubled down Monday afternoon saying his daughter is improving — and that doctors believe the 22-year-old will survive for years to come. "Bobbi Kristina's condition has changed since moving from Emory University Hospital and there has been improvement," his lawyer Christopher Brown said in a statement to The News. "Doctors have indicated that she will have a long life," he said. "However, Bobbi Kristina is presently embarking on a rehabilitation process and the quality of her life will not be known for years to come." The lawyer did not specify whether or not doctors believe her longterm survival would require life support. Bobby Brown's wife Alicia Etheredge-Brown also issued a statement Monday saying her husband was in "an emotional state" when he appeared to tell a crowd at the Verizon Theatre in Grand Prairie, Texas, on Saturday night that his daughter was coherent. [...] "He is encouraged by the steps that Bobbi Kristina has made since her hospitalization on January 31, 2015. She has made it out of ICU, opened her eyes, and started a rehabilitation that will be long and hard," Etheredge-Brown said Monday. "We will hold on to all the blessings God gives us to help her at this time, and we look forward to her having a relationship with her unborn sister as our family grows in love and faith," she said, confirming her pregnancy again. "I just wish my husband could deal with this most painful and difficult time with people surrounding him who fully support and pray for Bobbi Kristina's recovery and only her recovery. Life is the most precious thing that we all have," she said. ... [Bobbi Kristina] remains on a ventilator, reported Monday. "She's in the exact same condition she was in when she went into the facility," an unidentified Houston family source told the website. She's showing only "minimal" reaction in the form of an occasional eye blink, the source told TMZ.

source: NY Daily News

Update, Apr 21: Cissy Houston says she granddaughter has a feeding tube and is in a vegetative state. Here's the statement: "I have just returned from visiting my granddaughter Bobbi Kristina in the hospital and while she is no longer in a medically induced coma she has a tracheotomy and according to the doctors she has global and irreversible brain damage and remains unresponsive."

Vitamin Supplements Cause Cancer: study

Everything causes cancer: Water causes cancer; Working behind a desk causes cancer; Baby powder causes cancer; Nail polish causes cancer; Drinking alcohol causes cancer; and Nail dryers causes cancer. So, let's add multivitamins to the list, shall we?
Dietary supplements are advertised as a way to improve your health, but years of research shows they may do more harm than good, even increase the risk of certain types of cancer. University of Colorado researcher Dr. Tim Byers said that studies over the past 20 years show dangers of taking extra dietary supplements. “Taking higher than nutritional levels of that B vitamin called folic acid can also increase cancer, especially colon cancer,” Byers said. “Selenium — given to try to reduce skin cancer risk — actually increased skin cancer risk.” Dietary supplement manufacturers and distributors are not required to obtain FDA approval. “What we found, in a nut shell, is that taking vitamin supplements does not reduce cancer risk,” Byers said. “The surprising finding is that in several of these studies we found actually higher cancer risk in the groups that took supplements compared to those who took placebos.” Byers said that vitamin E supplements, which would normally be taken to help prevent prostate cancer actually increased the risk by 17 percent.

source: WWJ
If you're a pill popper, don't fret! Weed cures cancer. HEEEE-AAAAAY!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Woman Who Was Put Up For Adoption 38 Years Ago Discovers Her Birth Mother is Her Coworker

A 38-year-old woman from Youngstown, Ohio searching for her biological mom got the surprise of her life Monday when she learned her mother was a coworker. Last month, the Ohio Department of Health released birth records for those born between Jan. 1 1964 and Sept. 18, 1996. On Monday, La-Sonya Mitchell Clark got her records, including her mother’s name, in the mail. She immediately logged on to Facebook and did a search fro her mother's name, Francine Simmons. She received a phone call from Francine on Tuesday and it was then they learned they worked at the same company and live just six minutes away from each other. Francine says she gave birth to La-Sonya at 15 and had no choice but to give her up for adoption.

source: WKBN

Apple, Android Fanboys Stab Each Other During Fight Over Which Phone is Better

A pair of roommates were treated for cuts and bruises after getting into a fight over smartphones escalated. Tulsa police were called about 1 a.m. to the Evergreen Apartments to investigate a stabbing. At the scene officers found Jiro Mendez covered in blood with cuts to his head and body. Jiro, who was described by police as intoxicated, claimed his roommate, Elias Acevedo, struck him over the head with a beer bottle and then stole his car. Both men had been drinking and were arguing over which phone — iPhone or Android — was better. Detectives later found a bloody Elias and another man at the apartment. Police also located Jiro's car in the area, which was covered in blood. After both men were taken to area hospitals for treatment for injuries that were not considered life-threatening. 23-year-old Elias (pictured, above) was arrested and charge with assault with a deadly weapon.

source: News Advance
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Woman Sends Racist, Threatening Voice Messages to 12-year-old Boy Because He Didn't Want to Date Her Daughter

A woman from Collinsville, Illinois has some explain' to do. After a 12-year-boy turned down her daughter, the woman flew off the handle and started sending the boy racist text-to-speech messages. In at least one of the messages, the woman threatened to kill the boy. The boy's mother, Nichole Beacoats, says she doesn't know how long these messages and threats were being directed at her son, but she wants the woman investigated and charged.

source: KMOV

Doctors From Around the Country Pen Letter to Columbia University Demanding It Fire Dr Oz

Dr Mehmet Oz might be a big-time TV star, but his peers are not impressed. Ten "distinguished physicians" from around the country have fired off a letter to Columbia University Medical Center -- where Dr Oz is vice chair of the surgery department -- demanding they fire him, because he's "fake" who lacks integrity. In the letter (which you can read, below) addressed to Lee Goldman, the dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine at Columbia, the physicians slam Dr Oz for demonstrating "an egregious lack of integrity by promoting quack treatments and cures in the interest of personal financial gain." (The doctors' main bone of contention is that Dr Oz promotes “miracle” weight-loss supplements on his nationally-syndicated TV show and during a June 2014 US Senate hearing, the panel of politicians blasted him for endorsing those supplements that don't work.) In a statement to another news source, the letter's first co-signer Henry I. Miller from Stanford University said: “He’s a quack and a fake and a charlatan. I think I know the motivation at Columbia. They’re starstruck, and like having on their faculty the best-known doctor in the country.” He also called for an investigation into Dr Oz. Columbia is sticking with Dr Oz, for now. “Columbia is committed to the principle of academic freedom and to upholding all faculty members’ freedom of expression for statements they make in public discussion,” a spokesperson for the university said.

Here's the letter in its entirety:
Dear Dr. Goldman:
I am writing to you on behalf of myself and the undersigned colleagues below, all of whom are distinguished physicians.

We are surprised and dismayed that Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons would permit Dr. Mehmet Oz to occupy a faculty appointment, let alone a senior administrative position in the Department of Surgery.

As described here and here, as well as in other publications, Dr. Oz has repeatedly shown disdain for science and for evidence-based medicine, as well as baseless and relentless opposition to the genetic engineering of food crops. Worst of all, he has manifested an egregious lack of integrity by promoting quack treatments and cures in the interest of personal financial gain.

Thus, Dr. Oz is guilty of either outrageous conflicts of interest or flawed judgements about what constitutes appropriate medical treatments, or both. Whatever the nature of his pathology, members of the public are being misled and endangered, which makes Dr. Oz’s presence on the faculty of a prestigious medical institution unacceptable.

Sincerely yours,

Henry I. Miller, M.D.
Robert Wesson Fellow in Scientific Philosophy
& Public Policy
Hoover Institution
Stanford University
Stanford, CA

Scott W. Atlas, M.D.
David and Joan Traitel Senior Fellow
Hoover Institution
Stanford University
Stanford, CA

Jack Fisher, M.D.
Professor of Surgery (emeritus)
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA

Shelley Fleet, M.D.
Longwood, FL

Gordon N. Gill, M.D.
Dean (emeritus) of Translational Medicine
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA

Michael H. Mellon, M.D.
Pediatric Allergist
San Diego, CA

Gilbert Ross, M.D.
President (Acting) and Executive Director
American Council on Science and Health
New York, NY

Samuel Schneider, M.D.
Princeton, NJ

Glenn Swogger Jr. M.D.
Director of the Will Menninger Center for Applied Behavioral Sciences (retired)
The Menninger Foundation
Topeka, KS

Joel E. Tepper, M.D.
Hector MacLean Distinguished Professor of Cancer Research
Dept of Radiation Oncology
University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Chapel Hill, NC

source: BuzzFeed

Man Breaks Into Workplace, Steals His Own Paycheck

A 25-year-old man from James City County, Virginia is currently behind bars after police say he broke into his workplace and stole his own paycheck -- a paycheck he was scheduled to get the next day. Alexander Morton denies the charges, saying a co-worker gave him his paycheck a day before. Three days after he was accused of stealing and cashing his paycheck, Alexander was driving around town when he was pulled over by police. During a search, cops found two counterfeit $50 bills and Spice (synthetic weed) in his vehicle. Alexander, who has several past arrests for burglary, says he found the bills -- which he thought were real -- in Newport News, Virginia. As for the synthetic weed? He owns up to that, telling a reporter: “Yeah, I mean I had a one hit on me. You know what I’m saying? I had a one hit on me. What’s wrong with having Spice?” As the reporter pointed out, Spice is illegal.

source: WTKR

Woman Sues Disney, Claims Chip Was Implanted Inside Her Body Without Her Knowledge

An obviously deranged woman from Chloe, West Virginia is suing the Walt Disney Corporation because she claims a rubbery chip has been implanted inside of her without her knowledge or consent. ulie Lynne Hooker says she has gathered intelligence from the "d-chip" and traced its operator and owner to the Walt Disney Corporation/Enterprise. It's unclear how or where she was supposedly implanted with this chip. She's seeking unspecified damages and is demanding the chip be removed from her body. This lady is clearly watching too much of the Disney Channel which is causing her to hear and see things. Change the channel, lady.

source: West Virginia Record

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Judge Throws Out Sound Engineer's Lawsuit Against Jay Z Seeking $20 Million in Royalties

A sound engineer named Chauncey Mahan who worked with Jay Z from 1998 to 2002 (this was during the period when he released Vol 3 … Life and Times of S. Carter and The Dynasty: Roc La Familia) sued the rapper in a New York court last year seeking co-ownership credit on more than 40 songs valued at $20 million that were produced by ​the ​hip hop mogul and his Roc-A-Fella record label. That suit was tossed today by federal Judge Lorna Schoefield, who says the lawsuit was filed well beyond the three-year statute-of-limitation period that begins in such cases when a plaintiff learns they are entitled to royalties. “Considering the depth of plaintiff’s experience in the music industry and the substantial commercial success of the albums, this assertion strains credulity,” the judge said. The timing of the lawsuit was also strange, too. He filed the suit against Jay Z three months after he claimed someone affiliated the rapper called cops on him last April. Cops seized several items from Chauncey's storage unit, but he wasn't charged with a crime. According to Jay Z's lawyers, unbeknownst to anyone Chauncey had possession of the songs’ master recordings for many years. After he revealed he had the recordings, he asked Jay Z for $110,000 for keeping them safe for more than a decade. We are going to guess: Jay Z didn't give in to Chauncey's extortion plot and he, or someone in his camp, called police to go search Chauncey's home and recover the recordings.

source: NY Post

Unsanctioned Stripper School Discovered, Forced to Close After Noise Complaints

A 12,000-square-foot, multi-million mansion next to a gated community on Florida's Gulf Coast was forced to cease operating as a training school for strippers after noise complaints from neighbors.
If it wasn’t for the loud parties, the owner of a $2 million mansion in northwest Hillsborough County might have continued operating a training school for strippers next door to an exclusive gated community. But the all-night, liquor-fueled celebrations, complete with booming stereos and screaming women, drew complaints from the Cheval West neighborhood. “If they had flown under the radar, they’d still be in business,” said Hillsborough sheriff’s Deputy Phil Acaba, who has investigated the events at 18520 Ramblewood Road. “The noise was the issue that brought their downfall.” Code violations and a misdemeanor criminal charge have been leveled against the mansion’s owner and manager, but county officials want to make sure the violations don’t recur. On Thursday, representatives from Code Enforcement and the sheriff’s office will meet with County Commissioner Kevin Beckner to discuss whether further action is necessary. “It’s a priority of my office that we work with Code Enforcement and the sheriff’s office so we can return peace and order to their neighborhood,” Beckner said. “That kind of establishment has no business being in a residential neighborhood anywhere.” Code Enforcement has issued five citations against the property, some for holding special events in an agricultural/residential zone and some for operating special events without conditional use approval. A hearing on the violations is scheduled April 24. Sean Grey, a manager at the mansion-for-rent, was accused by the sheriff’s office of violating the county’s noise ordinance, a misdemeanor. On Monday, a circuit judge dismissed the charge. The mansion is owned by Pink Tati LLC, but the principal owner is Canadian millionaire Gordon Lownds. In an interview Monday, Lownds said he has ceased all commercial activity at the 12,000-square-foot house, shutting down its modeling school for exotic dancers. “We are aware of what we are allowed to do and not do,” Lownds said. “We are conforming with all the zoning requirements.” Lownds bought the mansion in April 2013 for $2 million. He said he and some partners planned to film a reality show there about the day-to-day lives of strippers.

source: Tampa Tribune
There was probably more than pole dancing classes happening at this mansion. Last August, a highly publicized pr0n party was held at the mansion and when deputies went the home recently, they found a coffee cup full of condom packages on the manager's desk.

Lil Wayne Held Tour Bus Driver at Gunpoint, Threatened to Kill Him: lawsuit

Mark Jones claims he was driving Lil Wayne and his entourage after a concert at the Darien Lake Performing Arts Center in New York on Aug. 8, 2014, when the rapper flipped, pointed a loaded gun at him and threatened to kill him. According to the civil lawsuit, which was filed in Manhattan Supreme Court, Mark says he told the Lil Wayne he needed to refuel, but as he pulled into the station the 32-year-old “Cash Money Records” artist exploded “yelling and cursing” at the driver and threatened to pistol whip, kill and “have his security guards beat” him if he didn’t return to the highway. Mark claims in the lawsuit the rapper ordered the other passengers into the back of the bus. He then says Lil Wayne produced a gun, cocked it and “at close range to [Jones], pointed it directly at [Jones] and said ‘I want to go to the hotel now.'” For 30 minutes, the lawsuit claims, Mark was forced to drive until they arrived at the hotel, where Lil Wayne's manager Cortez Bryant -- who was informed of the incident by one of the other passengers -- was waiting. According to his lawsuit, Mark says she quit immediately after the incident, but he doesn't say whether he reported the incident to police. He's now suing unspecified damages over his “confinement, emotional distress and loss of personal dignity.”

source: NY Post

Meanwhile, in Florida

Kenneth Crowder, 41, of Melbourne, Florida was arrested Friday on charges of battery on a law enforcement officer, resisting with violence and assault with a deadly weapon on a law enforcement officer. What did he do, you ask? According to police -- and the 911 call and police radio transmission (which you can listen to, below) -- Kenneth was spotted by witnesses running naked through the neighborhood, yelling that he was a god, then tried to have sex with a tree and then attempted to give himself a professional -- because he's God. When officers confronted Kenneth, who was high on that new drug sweeping Florida called flakka, he became aggressive and identified himself as God. The officer used a Tasered Kenneth, but he pulled the probes out of his body and continued to fight the officers. He was Tasered a second time, but he again pulled out the probes and went at the officer with clenched fists. The officer punched Kenneth in the face and a scuffle ensued. During this, Kenneth said he was Thor and tried to stab the officer with the officer's badge. He was eventually taken into custody when other officers arrived. He posted bond and was released.

Here's the 911 call to police. (warning: language)

And here's the police radio transmission as they tried to locate him.

source: WKMG

Former NFLer Aaron Hernandez Found Guilty of First-Degree Murder, Sentenced to Life in Prison Without Parole

Former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez was found guilty Wednesday of first-degree murder for the 2013 shooting death of Odin Lloyd.
Hernandez, 25, looked to his right and pursed his lips after the jury forewoman read the verdict. The first-degree murder conviction carries a mandatory sentence of life in prison without parole in the slaying of Odin Lloyd, a 27-year-old landscaper and amateur weekend football player who was dating the sister of Hernandez's fiancee. Hernandez's mother, Terri, and his fiancee, Shayanna Jenkins, cried and gasped when they heard the verdict. Shayanna Jenkins wept on his mother's shoulder. Hernandez later mouthed to them: "Be strong. Be strong." The former football pro was also found guilty on firearm and ammunition charges. For reasons that were never made clear to the jury, Lloyd was shot six times in the middle of the night on June 17, 2013, in a deserted industrial park near Hernandez's home in North Attleborough. Police almost immediately zeroed in on Hernandez because they found in Lloyd's pocket the key to a car the NFL player had rented. Within hours of Hernandez's arrest, the Patriots cut the former Pro Bowl athlete, who was considered one of the top tight ends in the game. Prosecutors presented a wealth of evidence that Hernandez was with Lloyd at the time he was killed, including home security video from Hernandez's mansion, witness testimony and cellphone records that tracked Lloyd's movements. Hernandez's lawyer, James Sultan, acknowledged for the first time during closing arguments that Hernandez was there when Lloyd was killed. But the attorney pinned the shooting on two of Hernandez's friends, Ernest Wallace and Carlos Ortiz, saying his client was a "23-year-old kid" who witnessed a shocking crime and didn't know what to do. Wallace and Ortiz will stand trial later. Prosecutors have suggested Lloyd may have been killed because he knew too much about Hernandez's alleged involvement in a deadly 2012 drive-by shooting in Boston. But they were not allowed to tell the jury that because the judge said it was speculation. As a result, they never offered a motive beyond saying Hernandez appeared angry with Lloyd at a nightclub two nights before the killing. Hernandez faces further legal trouble: He is awaiting trial on murder charges in the drive-by shooting. He is accused of gunning down two men over a spilled drink at a nightclub. In the Lloyd killing, the defense argued that investigators fixated on Hernandez because of his celebrity and conducted a shoddy investigation in their zeal to confirm their suspicions. Prosecutors said Hernandez organized the killing, summoned his two friends to help carry it out, and drove Lloyd and the others to the secluded spot in the industrial park. During closing arguments, prosecutors also accused Hernandez of pulling the trigger, though under the law it was not necessary to prove who fired the shots to convict him. Security video from inside Hernandez's home showed him holding what appeared to be a gun less than 10 minutes after Lloyd was killed. The surveillance system also captured Hernandez, Wallace and Ortiz relaxing at his home hours after Lloyd was shot, hanging out in the basement "man cave," lounging by the pool and cuddling Hernandez's baby daughter. Hernandez was an All-American out of the University of Florida who was drafted by the Patriots in the fourth round in 2010.

source: AP
Before sentencing, the court heard victim impact statements from several of Odin's family members, including his mother, uncle, aunt and sister. Ursula Ward, Odin's mother, said she forgives anyone who hand a hand in her son's death. She says she felt her heart stop beating for a moment on the day she laid Lloyd to rest. She says, "I felt like I wanted to go into the hole with my son." Two other people have also been charged in Odin's death. They will be tried separately.

Despite, being a convicted murderer who will spend the rest of his life in prison, the deluded Internet trolls are still trying to get that d.

Meanwhile, in Florida

David Etzel, 36, of Lake Worth, Florida was arrested about 4:30am Friday after biting his mother's Shih Tzu in the face, ripping the dog's eye out of its socket. According to police they received a complaint of animal cruelty and when they arrived at the animal hospital, they found the 2-year-old, 9- to 11-pound Shih Tzu, named Cujo, with his eye hanging out of the socket. David's mother told police her son had been teasing the dog and when he picked the dog up by the throat, it bit David in the face. In response, David bit the dog back. The veterinarian told deputies she sees this type of trauma when a dog has been hit by a car or attacked by another dog. She said the attack must have been very violent to cause such serious injuries. When officers went to David's home, they found him fast asleep. He told officers Cujo bit him, but he would never hurt the dog. Despite his statements to police, David was arrested and charged with animal cruelty. He is being held at the Palm Beach County Jail on $10,000 bail.

source: Sun-Sentinel

Judge Orders V. Stiviano to Return $2.6 Million to Donald Sterling

A Los Angeles judge on Tuesday ruled Tuesday that V. Stiviano, who received $3.6 worth of gifts from former Clippers owner Donald Sterling, must return most of the gifts to his wife, Shelly Sterling. V. Stiviano claimed Donald showered her with gifts because she was his beard; she says Donald has been dating a much younger man named "Mo" for more than 20 years.
The billionaire wife of former Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling got her revenge against a woman he secretly showered with gifts and whose recording of his racially offensive rant cost him ownership of the team. Shelly Sterling's victory Tuesday in Los Angeles Superior Court will force V. Stiviano to surrender a $1.8 million duplex and return $800,000 lavished on her in cash handouts and several luxury cars, including a Ferrari, during a shadowy relationship. Shelly Sterling claimed that Stiviano seduced her 80-year-old husband and manipulated him to give up community property the couple amassed through a real estate rental empire built over six decades of marriage....The award is a trifle for Sterling, but represents a triumph over a younger woman who cuddled up to her husband in public, told others she was the "next Mrs. Sterling" and caused them shame when the recordings surfaced. Stiviano's recordings toppled her husband and "took us both down," Shelly Sterling testified at trial last month. "We lost the team. They were like another child." Stiviano was partly undone by those same phone recordings. "Everything that I have you've given me from your heart without me begging or asking or throwing myself all over you," Stiviano could be heard telling the billionaire in a clip played at trial to show they plotted to shield gifts from his wife. Judge Richard Fruin Jr. rejected arguments by Stiviano's lawyer that the gifts were made when Donald and Shelly Sterling were separated and that Shelly Sterling couldn't seek them from a third party. Attorney Mac Nehoray said he and his client were disappointed and would appeal the ruling, which is tentative and will become final in 15 days if there are no objections. "Judges are supposed to interpret the law not make them," he said in an email. [...] Testimony shed little light on the nature of the unusual three-way relationship that lasted about 2 1/2 years. Shelly Sterling said she assumed Stiviano was her husband's mistress. Stiviano and Donald Sterling denied having sex. She referred to him as a father figure and lover. Donald Sterling, who was incredulous that his wife had described them at one point as being estranged, referred to the 32-year-old Stiviano as an "ex-friend." Shelly Sterling and Stiviano didn't hide their disdain for each other. Shelly Sterling said Stiviano had been nasty to her and taken advantage of her husband and didn't deserve millions in gifts. Stiviano called Sterling the "Wicked Witch of the West" and said she hated her. Sterling initially sought about $3.6 million from Stiviano, a figure an accountant said was a conservative estimate of the gifts that included the $240,000 Ferrari, a Bentley, a Range Rover, extravagant spending sprees and world travel. After Fruin said he was having difficulty connecting all the money to Stiviano, lawyers for Sterling reduced their claim to $2.8 million, based on evidence and Stiviano's own admissions. Fruin awarded all of that but $200,000, saying he had no credible evidence to support Stiviano's guess that she rang up hundreds of thousands of dollars on Donald Sterling's credit card.

source: AP

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

TSA Agents Fired After Hatching Plan to Grope Attractive Male Passengers' Johnsons

Two TSA agents working out of the Denver International Airport have been fired after they were discovered manipulating passenger screening systems to allow a male TSA employee to fondle the genital areas of attractive male passengers. Here's how it worked: When the male agent sees an attractive male passenger going through the body scanner/x-ray machine he will alert another TSA screener to indicate to the scanning computer that the party being screened is a female. When the screener does this, the scanning machine will indicate an anomaly in the genital area and this allows the male TSA screener to a pat down the passenger’s groin and buttocks area with the palm of his hands. The agent sexually assaulted at least a dozen male passengers. After a three-month investigation into their scheme, the agents were fired. The prosecutor has refused to press charges because "there was no reasonable likelihood of conviction and no victim had been identified."

source: KCNC

Monday, April 13, 2015

42-year-old Lady Who Didn't Make Bethune-Cookman University's Dance Team in 2009 is Suing University For $15K

LOLOLOLOL. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. This is the story of the day. Former Bethune-Cookman University student Phylise Bowens is suing the university for discrimination, 6 years after she claims she was a victim of weight discrimination. The 42-year-old says she wanted to join the 14 Karat Gold Dancers, the school's elite dance team, but claims she wasn't allowed to tryout because of her weight. According to her, band director Donovan Wells instructed her to lose 20 pounds before she could even get an application. She claims she lost 16 pounds in two months and went back to band director for a tryout, but he didn't see it for her. “To ask me to lose weight in order to join an organization that's hazing -- you cannot do that,” she said. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! She and her lawyer are suing Bethune-Cookman University for $15,000 and a refund of all the tuition she paid. They say it's not about the money, it's about the principle. She wants "to make sure it doesn't happen to anyone else.” BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Board of Trustees Chairman John Harrington says lawsuits are just part of doing business. “This isn’t our first rodeo,” he said. “We get sued all the time. Any business anywhere in Florida that has as much property that we have, and the cash flow we have, is subject to frequent litigation.” Phylise graduated from B-CU 2011, but claims in the lawsuit that after she began complaining about the incident around campus, administrators sent out a “cease and desist” order and would not allow her to attend graduation, not allow her on campus, not allow her to participate in any activities on campus or communicate to the student body. PS: We'd love to know why Phylise is suing the university 6 years later? And how did she decide on $15,000 -- why not $14,000? 😭😭😭😭
These are the 14 Karat Gold Dancers....

source: WKMG
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