Saturday, September 24, 2011

Week in Review: Hair Ye! Hair Ye!

Hey, boys and girls. Make it a great weekend. We'll be back Monday -- hope you'll join us.

While we're away, if you have a tip about a story or something we should look into, post or get a chuckle from, please direct it here.

Here are some of the week's lowlights (and some highlights, too).
  1. A woman with a baby voice was shocked and appalled that the TSA agents searched her shockingly large afro from weapons and explosives.
  2. The gay man who worked as Rev Jesse Jackson's personal assistant sued the reverend for sexual harassment. Ehaow!
  3. Queen Latifah dumped her girlfriend of eight years for her younger jumpoff.
  4. An 80-year-old woman was arrested for selling crack for the second time in three months.
  5. Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania, a 91-year-old man was throwing piss at some bad ass kids.
  6. A man beatdown his girlfriend after she refused to have a threesome.
  7. We learned why there are no black or white construction workers in Texas.
  8. Alabama created a program where non-violent offenders can choose whether to go to jail or go to church every Sunday for a year.
  9. A woman was forced to find her kidnapped baby herself after the police told her they don't care nor they have the resources to find her baby.
  10. Speaking of kidnapped babies, the Catholic Church kidnapped a man's son and plan to put it up for adoption!!!
  11. Big johnsons are the new "it" accessory in Germany.
  12. You may not be Tina Knowles, but you can live like her by buying her home.
  13. A San Francisco woman went for a walk one day and decided to walk to New York City.
  14. A couple was charged with murder after they starved their baby to death.
  15. This donkey is a donkey who went to jail and this donkey is a donkey who went to jail. Done.