Wednesday, February 29, 2012

WATCH: Murderous Tranny Arrested at Pumping Party + The 'Slumiest' Landlord of All Time

A year after Padge Victoria Winslowe (aka Black Madam) killed a 20-year-old aspiring hip-hop dancer by injecting industrial silicone in to a woman's butt, she has continued to hold pumping parties and perform the illegal procedures on other women -- probably because Philadelphia medical examiner is terrible at his/her job. Earlier this month, another woman was hospitalized after getting butt injections from Miss Madam. This evening, though, cops arrested Miss Madam at a home right before she was about to perform "surgery" on another woman. Officers recovered needles, some "clear liquids," Super Glue, surgical gloves and cotton balls. She faces charges including aggravated assault and deceptive practices and being held on $10 million bail.

Jimmy Ray Goodall, 59, of Linden, California has been arrested for stealing items from a cemetery and giving them away to neighbors as gifts.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've seen some stories and reported on dirty a*s apartments over the years, but this by far is worse case of slumlordism (is that a word?), we've ever seen. Ever! Residents at one apartment building in Chicago are living in straight up filth and unsafe condition. Sure, we also want to know why they don't move use that rent money they've been withholding to find a safer place for them and their kids or take the landlord to landlord/tenant court?

Somehow we missed this story last week. When officers at the Deer Park, Texas police department noticed that someone was stalking food and beverages from the break room refrigerator, they launched a sting operation to find the culprit. They caught officer Kevin Yang was caught in the act and charged with misdemeanor theft and suspended without pay.

Sara Barnes, 26, is going down. She was arrested this week for setting a fire that burned 125-foot tree called The Senator -- which is also the world's fifth oldest cypress trees. She told police she did it because she was wanted light to see the meth she was doing.

Essence McDougald, a 9th grader at Lithonia High School in Georgia, was suspended for not reporting she was bullied by two girls.

About 6,500 students at several Boston-area elementary schools were given the menu for March. One menu item -- KKK Chicken -- got people's attention. Obviously. The school district apologized for typo, claiming it should've read KK Chicken, which is short for "Krispy Krunchy" chicken.

Shock! High heels are harmful to you foot. And oh, the sky is blue.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

HIV-Positive Maid Mixes Menstrual Blood Into Child's Cereal

A 17-year-old HIV-positive maid from Mupandawana, Gutu, (that's somewhere in Zimbabwe) was sentenced to 10 years in prison for mixing her menstrual blood into the porridge of a 4-year-old child in her care because she as angry at the child's parents over working conditions.
A maid has been found guilty of willful transmission of HIV after her fresh blood was found in the porridge she was feeding a child she was taking care of. Pelagia Mureya of Choto village in Chief Magonde`s area, Chinhoyi, left court attendants numb after she was found guilty of mixing her blood with the pre-school going child’s porridge. Gutu magistrate Vhitorini Nyasha sentenced Pelagia Mureya to 12 months in prison for willful transmission of HIV. Two months were suspended on condition the accused does not commit a similar offence a similar offence in the next three years. A court attendant who listened to the ordeal vomited as she could not withstand the crude ordeal. The court heard that on February 13 2012, the accused prepared porridge for the child who was going to crèche (day care center). After preparing the porridge Pelagia then fed the child. As the child ate the mother then noticed a drop of blood in the porridge and ordered her child to stop eating. She asked the maid where the blood came from but she professed ignorance. The mother took the porridge, the victim and the accused to Gutu Rural Hospital where it was confirmed that the blood belonged to Pelagia and that she was HIV positive. The hospital advised the mother to report the matter to the police leading to Pelagia`s arrest. In court Pelagia initially professed ignorance of the matter but she gave conflicting statements under cross examination. She was asked whether she had ever slept with a man in her life and she said she did not. When the court adjourned to verify the issue, Pelagia changed her statement and said she had slept with several men. She then told the court she suspected the blood could have dropped off from her pants into the porridge without her knowledge. The court did not believe her argument leading to conviction for willfully mixing her blood with the victim`s porridge. Shell shocked people battled to find answers as to why a maid would get to such levels of cruelty against an employer. Some argued employers are sometimes cruel to their workers and workers would craft nasty ways of fixing them. However many people believe the ways of hitting back are too harsh.

source: Zimeye
Dropped from her pants into the porridge without her knowledge?! Yeah, right. Sidebar: Like China, justice in Zimbawbe is swift.

This Lady is One Sick Puppy

Sarah Dae Walker has a husband and a boyfriend. But, two johnsons weren't enough -- she wanted some strange.
Authorities arrested a married couple and their friend Monday night for conspiring to commit bestiality with a male Golden Shepherd mix. Pinal County resident Shane Walker, 38, and his wife, 33-year-old Sarah Dae Walker were arrested along with their friend, 29-year-old Robert A. Aucker of Gilbert, according to Sgt. Brandon Jones with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. The three suspects reportedly used the website to find a dog that could engage in sexual acts with Sarah Dae Walker while the other two suspects watched. At the time of the arrests, the three suspects drove to a location near S. Country Club Drive and the US 60 in Mesa with plans to commit acts of bestiality, Jones said. The suspects then offered an undercover detective and owner of the Golden Shepherd mix the opportunity to join in this act. All three suspects admitted to detectives that they were planning to engage in bestiality, Jones said. The Walkers said they were “swingers” who enjoy an open marriage, according to Jones. Aucker told detectives that he and Sarah Dae Walker have had a sexual relationship for the last month, Jones said. The two reportedly told authorities that they both shared dreams of having sexual relationships with dogs.

source: KNXV
We're not sure if Sarah came across this story during the course of her research, because she'd know getting slayed by a canine is not just nasty, it's deadly. She probably didn't even care. Anywho, at their initial court hearing this morning, the Walkers and Robert were released, but are subject to electronic monitoring and are not allowed to leave the state. They were ordered to give up their dogs. (Sidebar: This sort of thing has happened in Phoenix before.)

BTW: This is the dog that was the apple of the pervs' eyes.

And this is that court hearing.

WATCH: Man Drinks Gasoline, Lights Himself on Fire; Woman Attacks Son's Drug Dealer

Poor Gary Allen. The 43-year-old man drank accidentally from a container sitting on a friend's kitchen sink. He spit out the fuel onto his clothes then several hours later went outside to smoke a cigarette and burst into flames. He died this morning.

Michael Brown, 43, was charged in Oklahoma County, Okla. on Monday after he assaulted his girlfriend after she refused to give him her tax refund card. When the beating didn't yield the desired result, Michael stuck a running garden hose down the woman's throat, in an attempt to drown her.

A woman gave birth to her first grandchild early Tuesday morning. Wait, what? Sandy Lawrence, 48 of Myrtle, Missouri offered to become a surrogate for her son and his wife, who's unable to bear her own biological children after having a hysterectomy four years ago.

Police in Clinton, Mississippi are who's the donkey who listed a posting on Craigslist this afternoon advertising a "free baby."

Sherrie Gavan is doing her best to save her son and keep him away from drugs. So, when she learned a neighbor was supplying her 20-year-old son with heroin, she (along with her baseball bat) went to confront the drug dealer. Sherrie says she felt threatened, so she hit him with a baseball bat several times. Cops have charged her with assault, she doesn't understand why.

Pastor Steve Riggle of Grace Community Church and a card-caring member of the religious right -- and Republican Party. He recently wrote a letter asking for the gay mayor of Houston, Annise Parker, to resign because she -- like more than 100 other mayors across the country -- supports same-sex marriage. We don't even read the Bible, but thanks to Google we found this Bible verse: "Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." Pastor Riggle and his cult followers should highlight that and discuss it during their Bible study.

Rebecca Gibson said she was kidnapped then raped by two men who asked if she needed a ride. She says she awoke the next morning in a laundry facility about a half-mile from her apartment complex. She said she walked back to her apartment and grabbed some clothes. From there, she walked to her boyfriend's home where she says she got into a heated argument with him. He "completely flipped out" claiming she was out all night with calling him. Then he called police, to report she had broken into his home. When officers arrived, Rebecca was nude and was hiding in a closet. Officers ordered her to leave the closet, but she refused, telling them about her ordeal the night before; she requested they call a female officer to come to the scene. The cops forcibly removed her from the closet, punching her in the face he "fractured the right orbital in my face,." Then they (the cops) bragged about what they've done.

Adrian Kline has worked for several mortuaries in Colorado was arrested for taking gold crowns on teeth from the dead and selling them to pawn brokers and gold shops.

Jose Ayala, 36, showed up at a Sacramento business asking for a job interview. He was naked. Drugs are a hellavua drug.

Meanwhile, in Beijing, China, a police officer stopped a woman from jumping off a bridge with her baby.

Monday, February 27, 2012

WATCH: DIY Divorce, Forget It!

Jessie Armstrong, 60, of Atlanta will likely face murder charges after his 43-year-old wife was found dead in their home. The man told police five Japanese man broke into the home around after midnight on Sunday then raped and strangled his wife, Denise. Yep, cops didn't buy that story either. He might as well as said ninjas descended up on his home, karate chopped him and tried to kidnap his wife. Anyhoo, as police await the coroner's report, Jessie was slapped with battery charges.

"...and that's when she noticed another boy's penis was on my son's leg." Wait, what?! Sherri Loika says her son was sodomized in a restroom at Tabor City Elementary School (that's in North Carolina ) by a 5-year-old classmate and the school is trying to push it under the rug. (Sidebar: In information not provided in the video below, according to Sherri, her son's attacker kept saying "dick" and "a**hole" called her son a "b*tch while sodomizing him. You know what? I just can't! Can. Not!

Nelvil Hollingsworth -- a Baton Rough, La. public defender -- was arrested Saturday when he tried to smuggled weed into a prison for a prisoner.

Forget you, you motherfogether! This man, who was jailed for uttering a cuss word, went to a Seattle city council meeting to let city attorney Mark Sidran HAVE IT! Forget! This is forgetting awesome!

Ken Goldsmith is the tenant from hell -- and, it seems, the courts or law enforcement can't do anything about him.

Movie: The Movie is gonna be epic.

Friday, February 24, 2012

This Woman Has Found the Fountain of Youth

This woman is 70 years old. 70 YEARS OLD!!! Seventy-two years old with a husband of 54 years and two sons in their 50s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Her name is Annette Larkins and she's kicking aging in the butt! (I know black don't crack, but I need to see a birth certificate. Show it to me later, I'm emptying my cabinets and refrigerator and tilling the soil to start my own vegetable garden.) source: WPTV

Man Caught Trying to Steal 19-Inch TV by Stuffing It Down His Pants

Is that a 19" LCD TV in your pants or are you just happy to see me?
A 21-year-old Columbia Heights man is accused of hiding drugs and stolen property in his pants while outside an Eagan business, according to charges filed Friday in Dakota County Court. Eric Lee King was charged with felony fifth-degree controlled substance and shoplifting, a misdemeanor, in connection with the Dec. 5, 2011 incident. According to the charges, King was walking out of a store that day when an Eagan Police officer saw him drop a box of candy in the store parking lot. When he tried to get King’s attention about it, King ignored him and kept walking. King’s pants were noticeably starting to fall down and he continued to ignore the officer’s repeated attempts to get his attention. The officer eventually got out of his car and addressed King, and at that point King squatted down and reached in the front of his pants. The officer took him into custody for safety reasons, the complaint states. The officer then saw in plain view that King had a large item wrapped in plastic and stuffed down his pants. It was a 19-inch flat screen television. King also had other items in his pants, including a media player television remote, power cords, a bottle of brake fluid and two Xanax pills, a Schedule IV controlled substance. If convicted on all charges, King faces more than five years in prison and $11,000 in fines.

source: WHP
That is all.

WATCH: White Lies, Mom Injects Daughters with Heroin, Student Uses Scholarship Money to Start Drug-Dealing Business

Earlier this month, the videotaped beating of Brandon White, a 20-year-old gay man in Atlanta went viral. Days later, Brandon held a press conference in which he claimed three random strangers beat him outside of a corner store because he's gay. Well. Well. Well. Not only did Brandon know his attackers, he had video of his cell phone of the three men having, ahem, "relations," and Brandon threatened to out his attackers for being on the DL. According to a gay activist group in Atlanta who stood with Brandon at that presser, the three men didn't beat Brandon because he's gay -- they were just trying to retrieve his phone to delete the video. Whether Brandon is found to be a messy queen and a liar, that doesn't negate the fact that he was beaten -- and that's still a crime. (Sidebar: Brandon's attorney says his client didn't lie.)

Johnette Nation has some issues only an MD or a corrections officer can fix. Maybe. For some time now, she's been collecting donations for her 7-year-old son, Nathan, whom she's been telling people (including members of her family) the boy is dying of equine encephalitis -- a virus that usually affects horses, but on rare occasions humans contract it. (There's no cure for humans.) But after a few weeks, the Nathan's father discovered Johnette was perpetrating a fraud. Yesterday, a judge awarded Nathan’s father full temporary custody. And guess what Johnette did? She attempted suicide. Yep, she's a Mother of the Year nominee.

Another Mother of Year, Shantel Parker is behind bars tonight for injecting her 16- and 14-year-old daughters with heroin before sending them to school. Police say Shantel, 35, injected the girls with heroin at least 50 times and provided them with other drugs since early December, 2011. After cops put out an APB on her ass, she was arrested at The Ohio State University Hospital. She had checked herself into the hospital and claimed she was having suicidal thoughts.

Police chases are nothing new in Los Angeles, but for this 40-year-old car jacker, it's lights out.

And the Donkey of the Day is... Preston Bailey. Oh, excuse us, Preston Bailey III. The 23-year-old, 315-pound football player at Middle Tennessee State was arrested last week and charged with weed possession after cops raided his off-campus apartment and found a pound of weed, 6 pounds of hash, scales (and other paraphernalia) and $3000 in cash. He told police he used his scholarship money to start up a drug-dealing business. His mother must be so proud.

If you've got $50 million in your pockets and interested in art -- African-American memorabilia, specifically -- then watch this. Nathaniel "Magnificent" Montague has been collecting African-American memorabilia since the 1950s and it's grown to become one of the most impressive and expansive collection in the world. (It's valued between $50 million and $100 million.) But he's recently filed for bankruptcy and placed the items on the auction block, but there hasn't been any takers -- yet. If there isn't a buyer, the collection could be seized by the banks.

After 94 days on a roof, Pastor Corey Brooks finally came down. He has been camping out on the roof as part of a pledge to raise $450,000 to purchase the land and build a community center across from his Chicago church. But, he reach his goal today. Tyler Perry donated $100,000 and an anonymous donor kicked in $85,000. All he needs now is $15 million to build the community center.

Jacob Marshall of Clarksville, Tenn. posted an ad on Craigslist offering to sell a baby for $850. He said it was a "joke." Cops are not laughing.

In Westchester, NY, Douglas Kennedy,the son of Robert F. Kennedy has been charged with harassment and endangering the welfare of a child for attacking two nurses who tried to stop him from taking his 2-day-old baby boy from a maternity unit back on Jan. 7. No one is allowed to take a baby from a maternity ward -- especially take a baby outside for "fresh air" -- until that child has been discharged. Then again, he's a Kennedy. The same rules don't apply.

Meanwhile, in a Muskegon County, Michigan courtroom this morning, Niyata Brown was asking a judge to extend an order of protection she had against Jessica Keys, whom she claims harassed her. But the judge found insufficient evidence to continue the protection order and terminated it on the spot. As Niyata was leaving the witness stand, she pulled off her scarf and attacked Jessica. (Sidebar: Why were there no court officers around? They only arrived a minute after the brawl begun.) We wonder if the protection order was reinstated.

The Florida Highways are not safe for troopers.

Last night, Nike released 1,200 pairs of the "Galaxy" Foamposite sneaker and it was "foamsanity." Nike (or was it individual retailers?) canceled the sale at most stores, but the lucky few are offloading their catch on eBay...

...And someone just paid $99,100 for a pair on eBay.

It's the weekend. Sip some tea 'til we see you here on Monday.

Here are the previous episodes:

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Armed Guards Stand Watch Over Whitney Houston's Grave to Ward Off Grave Robbers: report

A day after the National Enquirer published Whitney Houston's final photo shoot -- an image of her lying in a casket (more on that later) -- and revealed information about the hundreds of thousand of dollars worth of fine jewelry she was buried with, comes a report that armed guards are standing watch over her final resting place at Fairview Cemetery in Newark, NJ, to prevent grave robbers from digging up the casket to steal the jewels. According to the tabloid, Bobbi Kristina and Dionne Warwick went through Whitney's closet to find her favorite purple dress. In addition, Bobbi Kristina chose a pair of gold slippers for her mother's feet and $500,000 worth of jewelry: a diamond brooch, a gold and ruby cross necklace and a $200,000 pair of diamond earrings -- a gift Whitney purchased for herself to celebrate her success in "The Bodyguard." The family is reportedly under the suspicion that ghouls are preparing strike. “There is a very genuine fear that her coffin will be targeted by grave robbers," a source tells the Daily Star. "It would be hard for them to actually dig her casket up, but that won’t stop psychotic fans or people who think it could make them money. The fact she was buried with such valuable jewelery is just an invitation to sickos. It’s ironic that Whitney, who was most famous for The Bodyguard movie when she was alive, has to have bodyguards even in death.” We're not sure about the validity of the report, but we do know police officers have been at the grave site since the burial for crowd control.

Now back to the "casket photo" controversy. We understand the public outcry, but we expected the tabloid to get their messy hands on the photo. The Enquirer has published a story on the late singer almost every week prior to her death so it's not at all surprising they got the last photo. And we're sure they spared no expense to get it. (Sidebar: We're not going to publish that casket photo here, but if you're interested in seeing it, it's all over Google.)

In addition to the "casket photo" the Enquirer reported that Whitney's mom, Cissy, cussed out Bobby Brown, telling him he drove her daughter to drugs and her early death. Cissy allegedly told Bobby: "I hate you! You killed my daughter by turning her on to drugs. The day she married you was the worst day of my life!....Whitney went to her grave hating you!...You brought nothing but misery and pain to my daughter's life. If it hadn't been for you, she's be alive today. You as good murdered Whitney....Marrying you was the biggest mistake of her life!"

sources: Daily Star | National Enquirer, Mar. 5, print edition

Convicted Felon Chris Brown Asked Michael Jackson's Daughter to Be in His Next Music Video: report

We're not sure how true this is, but according to Mike Walker over at the National Enquirer, convicted felon Chris Brown (CFCB) -- who was convicted of, and remains on probation for, beating the crap of Miss Fenty in 2009 -- asked Paris Jackson (the 13-year-old daughter of the late Michael Jackson) to appear in his next music video. She was "deliriously happy at the offer," but her grandmother, Katerine Jackson put the kibosh on that dream. Real quickly. "[Paris'] excitement turned sour when Katherine nixed the entire idea," a Jackson insider says. "[Katherine] doesn't feel that Brown is a good influence. She allows her granddaughter to be fan, and lets her attend his concerts, but she draws the line at Paris working side by side with him." (Sidebar: The folks over at TMZ are reporting that Miss Fenty and CFCB are thisclose to rekindling their relationship, but their friends are trying to keep them apart. Miss Fenty's family have already co-signed on the couple getting back together because he only beat the crap of her, because she asked for it.

In CFCB Temper-tantrum News: He's facing a robbery accusation on Miami Beach, where he has been vacationing for the past few days. According to police, CFCB and rapper Tyga were leaving the Cameo nightclub on Miami Beach after 4am on Feb. 19th when a fan followed him outside to his car. When CFCB got into his black Bentley, Christal Shanae Spann pulled out her iPhone and took a picture of him sitting in the car. Christal told police CFCB got angry, reached through his car window and snatched the phone from her hands and yelled: “Bitch, you ain’t going to put that on no Web site.” He then rolled up his window and drove away with her iPhone. At least he didn't hit her. He must've learned that much in anger management classes, right? There's no word yet what happened to the phone. No official charges have been filed. (Tyga was not implicated.) Sidebar: We highly doubt CFCB will be charged. The DA will either suddenly decide this case is not chargeable or CFCB will pay off Christal to make her (and this case) go away.

UPDATE: Here's video of Christal reporting the incident to police.

sources: National Enquirer, Mar. 5, print edition | WFOR

WATCH: Beauty Shop Branches Out into Injectables, Man Chokes Daughter For Reading Too Much

Here's a shocker! Getting your boobs done in the back room of a beauty salon is not safe. Police in Tyler, Texas, arrested Carmel Mitchelle Foster-Alexander and charged her with practicing medicine without a license, after one customer ended up hospitalized in critical condition with chest pain after undergoing a breast enhancement procedure in Carmel's beauty shop. We wonder is the mystery substance in her breasts is cement?

Samuel Navarrette-Mendia, 35, was arrested on Wednesday and charged with child abuse for choking his 6-year-old daughter with a pair of pliers until she almost passed out because she was reading a book instead of cleaning. During the choke-ation, which happened last December, the girl says her dad told her “books are not good for her." The girl's mother says Samuel has abused her, too.

Missouri state senator Kevin Engler (um, duh, he's a Republican) is proposing legislation that would charge delinquent tenants -- who refuse to leave a rental property within 10 days of a court judgment -- with a misdemeanor. Those tenants will be jailed for 6 months and ordered to pay a $500 fine. Now all we need is someone to introduce a bill that orders slumlords to go to jail if they don't hold up their end of the lease.

Poor Henry Franklin Rainey. The 52-year-old was wearing a mask and building up courage to rob a bank in Canton, Ga. -- then cops showed up. Uh-oh!

A Memphis man was arrested for having two wives.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

WATCH: Nana Nightmare

Grandmother of the Year Joyce Hardin Garrard was charged with the murder of her 9-year-old granddaughter, Savannah Hardin. Police say Joyce made the girl run around the house for three hours(!!!) without stopping because she ate chocolate on the school bus on Friday. The autopsy showed little Savannah died from severe dehydration and low sodium as a result of running for hours without any water. The girl's stepmother, Jessica Mae Hardin, 26, was also charged with murder.

Grandmother of the Year Shirley Hagerman, 56, is facing battery charges after she burned her 4 and 6 year old grandsons on their tongues with a heater. Yep, sounds exactly like what a meth head would do.

Mother of Year Tracey Betts, a teaching assistant at an elementary school in Temecula, California, was arrested last week after her 12-year-old daughter was found naked and eating out of trash cans. According to police, Tracey left her daughter naked (even without shoes) in the parked car about a block away from the elementary school where she worked so she wouldn’t leave while her mother was at work. Tracey was arrested and charged with child endangerment. The girl was taken into protective custody and received unspecified treatment at a hospital.

Obviously, you know touchscreen devices are filthy, but the next time you go the Best Buy in Tulsa Hill, Okla., bring LOTS of hand sanitizer. PS: This CAN NOT be unseen.

The City of Atlanta threatened to disconnect the water at the the home of a 91-year-old bedridden woman.

Norwegian Recycling is responsible for this brilliant Whitney Houston mash-up with Adele, Bruno Mars and Florence and the Machine.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

WATCH: Court Orders Million-Dollar Mansion Be Torn Down, Drunk Kids

Oh, hell no! The Michigan Court of Appeals has ordered that $1 million, 9,000 square-foot mansion in Washington Township, Michigan be demolished because it sits 80 feet from the next-door neighbor's home, instead of the required 100 feet. Dems da rules.

Meanwhile, in Marblehead, Mass., a wrecking ball smashed through a $1 million Georgian mansion this afternoon after neighbors complained it blocked their sunlight and views of the ocean. Wayne Johnson (the owner of the mansion being torn down) says the Building Commissioner and the Zoning Board approved his plans for the site before construction began in 1996. But the Land Court disagreed and even warned him not to go ahead with the construction. After a 15-year battle with his neighbors, a judge ordered him to demolish the home or serve time in jail.

The list for Mother of the Year is growing by the day. Natasha Kriener is jailed after she gave her 22-month-old baby alcohol.

If we've said once, we've said it a thousand times: Fast food restaurants are not safe for life!

This is your face after you get into a fight with police officers. Note to self: Don't get into fight with police officers.

A 9-year-old was found passed out drunk in a playground,

Just another day in Memphis. It's such a shame.

A blind man in Atlanta lost his iPhone -- which is his lifeline. So, he solicited the detective work his friend (who's also blind) and they tracked down the phone two days later.

Dakota Castner, 22, is facing murder charges after she stabbed another woman to death over a man.

Bad ad placement by Britain's Channel 5. * nervous laughter *

Who are these people?! A woman from Charlotte, NC is up in arms because a bus driver called her daughter a "stupid b*tch." But her kids are terrors. They have continually verbally assaulted the bus driver, slapped the driver's hand - and even smoked on the bus This "mother" needs to teach her daughters respect. As the driver says, these kids "aren't going to go nowhere in life." (Sidebar: This woman's two daughters have been suspended foe assault and threatening the bus driver.}

39-year-old Kerrie Alvarez from Cynthiana, Kentucky, is jailed after she shot her husband in the crotch for cheating on her.

Apparently, Nomophobia (the fear of being out of mobile phone contact) is a thing and 66% of you have it. Apparently, there are therapists who specialize in this disease you can talk to. * major side eye *

Felicia Moon, the 55-year-old ex-wife of NFL hall of famer Warren Moon, was arrested and charged with public lewdness after she was caught, ahem, getting frisky, with a 50-year-old gentleman at a rodeo trail ride camp.

Can someone make this fight happen? Pretty please.

Susana Martinez, who's the governor of New Mexico, needs a new hair stylist. Her current stylists has refused to put her in his chair because she opposes gay marriage. "The governor's aides called not too long ago, wanting another appointment to come in," stylist Antonio Darden said. "Because of her stances and her views on this I told her aides no. They called the next day, asking if I'd changed my mind about taking the governor in and I said no again." Equality for all.

Monday, February 20, 2012

WATCH: Funeral Home Goes Without Electricity For Months, What's That Smell?

This morning, Chicago police and city inspectors shut down a funeral home, which frankly, should've never been open. Carter's Funeral Home has been without heat and electricity since last October. A contractor (who frankly should face some repercussions for not reporting this to police) told reporters the building has serious sanitation and ventilation problems. He adds, in the summer, workers would freeze bottles of water and place them under corpses to keep the bodies cool and during the winter months, bodies were kept in the garage. Investigators found nine bodies in the funeral home today -- it's unclear how many of them were embalmed, a process that requires electricity. The owner, Harry Joseph Carter III, had his license suspended for at least two times and fined for “violation of regulations, untrustworthiness, embalming without prior consent and unprofessional conduct” and practicing on a non-renewed license and failing to take required continuing education courses. He also faced a two-year probation from October 1999 to October 2001 for the same violations.

Igor Adrian Ramos, 37, who was caught on surveillance video January 18 stealing a Rolex at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood Airport was arrested. During questioning, he told police the watch "was a gift from God."

Meanwhile, in New Jersey, police are searching for two men and a woman caught on surveillance video stealing four Rolex watches, worth a total of nearly $22,000, from a jewelry store at Willbowbrook Mall on Saturday.

Glenn Horlacher visited the "happiest place on earth" last Saturday, and he lost his darn mind. The 52-year-old was pepper-sprayed and arrested after he got into a fight with employees at Disney California Adventure Park in Anaheim, Calif. and kicked park visitors.

What's that smell?! Dog poop everywhere on this Harlem street.

A drug dealer goes missing during the course of a drug deal. Quick! Alert the media.

The state of Tennessee has legalized teenage pr0stitution. Anyone under the age of 18 who is caught running the streets will no longer be charged with a crime, instead they will be taken home to their parents -- that's if they don't run away again and go back to running the streets. (Police will go after the men who are trafficking the underage girls.) Leedora Mckinley, 18, a runaway from foster care who has been running the streets for three years now, says: "You like me, I like money." Wow.

Meanwhile.....Why is this man smiling you ask? Only God knows. The smiling man -- 39-year-old James Edward Davis, who's the pastor at Morning Star Baptist Church in Cotton Plant, Arkansas -- is in jail for repeatedly raping the 14-year-old of his ex-girlfriend. And, yes, the teenager is pregnant. So, why is he smiling?

We wonder when the Feds will officially swoop down on Mo' Money Taxes and shut down them down. The tax preparation company, which has been embroiled in controversy after they held hundreds of customers' tax refunds hostage then blamed it on a "computer glitch," was evicted from a Memphis office space for nonpayment of rent then threw out thousands of files which contained customers' personal information -- addresses, driver's license numbers and social security numbers -- jn a dumpster.

These crazy kids are made for each other. Wow! I just can't. I mean... Wow!!!!!!!!

LOOK: A Connecticut woman is suing the City of Bridgeport for damages her Ugg boots when she attended a hockey game last month. Gina Zamary says on January 25 she attended a hockey game at the Webster Bank Arena with her son and husband. The family parked in one of the city-owned lots across the street and the tragedy struck. “I came out of our car from the passenger side,” she wrote in the claim, “and proceeded across the front of our car and then found myself face down on the ground. When I turned to see what had happened I saw a Rebar hooked inside the front of my Ugg boots.” She's suing for $250, the cost to replace the boots.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bobby Brown Walks Out of Whitney Houston's Funeral

Bobby Brown, the ex-husband of Whitney Houston, left the New Hope Baptist Church just minutes before the funeral was to begin, according to a report in The Star-Ledger. A "person familiar with the situation," tells the newspaper Bobby brought an entourage of nine people with him to church and wanted them to sit with him in the family section. The entourage was asked to leave (not Bobby), but "he left with the other people." As he left the church and jumped into a black SUV, Bobby appeared visibly upset. Who brings an entourage to a funeral? How rude. We guess Simon Cowell is right, after all.

UPDATE: In a statement, Bobby says: “My children and I were invited to the funeral of my ex-wife Whitney Houston. We were seated by security and then subsequently asked to move on three separate occasions. I fail to understand why security treated my family this way and continue to ask us and no one else to move. Security then prevented me from attempting to see my daughter Bobbi-Kristina. In light of the events, I gave a kiss to the casket of my ex-wife and departed as I refused to create a scene. My children are completely distraught over the events. This was a day to honor Whitney. I doubt Whitney would have wanted this to occur. I will continue to pay my respects to my ex-wife the best way I know how.”

source: Star-Ledger

Whitney Houston Funeral Recap

[UPDATE: The funeral service has ended, but you can watch it in its entry in the video, below.] A week after her death, the world says farewell to superstar Whitney Houston. About 1,500 guests -- including Oprah, Brandy, Monica and Beyoncé and Jay Z -- will attend the private, invitation-only funeral at New Hope Baptist Church in Newark, New Jersey. But, you can watch it here live. The ceremony will feature performances by Alicia Keys, Stevie Wonder, R Kelly, Kim Burrell and Aretha Franklin. Whitney's Bodyguard co-star Kevin Costner and her musical mentor Clive Davis are scheduled to speak; Marvin Winans will deliver the eulogy. Following the funeral service, Whitney will be buried at the Fairview Cemetery in Westfield, NJ next to her father, John Russell Houston, Jr., who died in 2003.

This is the video of the funeral service.

What Had Happened:

3:43pm: As the casket is exiting the church, "I Will Always Love You" is playing. So emotional. Such a beautiful service filled with laughs and tears. May Whitney rest in peace.

3:38pm: Looks like it's a wrap. Flowers are being taken away. Everyone, except the family, is asked to remain standed.

3pm: Pastor Marvin Winans presents the eulogy. He promises he won't speak for long, but he's been waiting "all day." He brought his twin brother, Carvin, and the rest of his family on stage had them sing "Tomorrow", a song of of theirs Whitney sung way back when.

2:54pm: Whitney's music director Rickey Minor. Wait, he's verging on the point of vein inappropiate, talking about how he looooooooved Whitney and how incredible pretty she was. He loved her hairstyles and outfits, too. Whitney would shot down his ideas, but he wold tell her "you'e gonna do it and you're gonna love it an she would say, 'is that so.'" He says their watershed moment was the Star-Spangled Banner at the Super Bowl. "Because you were there, Whitney. I'm here."

2:48pm: Next up to sing, CeCe Winans. She's singing "Don't Cry For Me" and the last song Whitney sung, "Yes, Jesus Loves Me."

2:45pm: Dionne reads a poem about how she feels about her departed Nippy.

2:41pm: On the verge of tears, R Kelly sings "I Look to You."

2:24pm: Patrcia Houston, Whitney's manager, sister-in-law says Whitney's life was "misunderstood, even by herself....Even when she was tired or a bit lost, she gave and gave and gave and gave ..when she did not want do things, she did them anyway." She tells Cissy she did everything she could to heal Whitney, but Whitney. LA Reid was Whitney's "industry uncle." To fans, she would dedicate her last tour to fans "through all the weight gain and stress, she finished her tour like a champion." Filming "Spakle" was some of the happiest times in Whitney's life. "She put the 'spark' in Sparkle and Krissi that was for you." She also thanked Oprah and Diane Sawyer -- which was odd. She says the last conversation she and Whitney had was at the Beverly Hilton the Tuesday before her death and Whitney concerned about information she heard about her (Whitney).

2:23pm: Looks like Cissy Houston is being escorted out of the church by one of those "nurses".

2:08pm: Stevie Wonder says he had a crush on Whitney. Sang a special rendition of "Ribbon in the Sky." [Here's a photo, too, of one of the many "nurses" milling around the church.]

2:01pm: Moving right along, Ray Watson, Whitney's brother-in-law and bodyguard of 11 years, says Whitney took a Bible wherever she went. "This is not time, this is a glad time," he says.

2pm: Uh-oh, Dionne -- who's the emcee -- introduces Aretha Franklin, without knowing she's not there.

1:45pm: Clive Davis, Whitney's industry father, he lost his mother when he was a teenager, his mom was 47 when she died and he his dad passed the following year. he say she was a"left an orphan, no money." In 1983, Whitney "shattered" him when she sang The Greatest Love of All. They both spoke about music, a subject they both loved. She "lived music" and was a "natural genius at interpreting songs." He says there will perhaps never been another performance of her rendition of the Star-spangled Banner. "When I needed her, she was there. She was there for me. An eternally loyal friend." He urged Bobbi Kris to be proud of her mother because she loved her so much. "She'll forever be looking after you and will never let go of your hand." Last Tuesday, Whitney came to see him and played him her new song from Sparkle and he played songs he wanted her to record. I want don't know I'm getting in shape, I'm swimming an hour a day. I am committed to get my high notes back. No cigarettes. I will be ready by August." (He keeps referring to hotel rooms/suites as "hotel bungalows." Very rich.)

1:35pm: Alicia Keys says Whitney was "beautiful human being" who would call her "no reason but to say 'hi.'"

1:16pm: Actor Kevin Costner got a huge applause. He says "I Will Always Love You" wasn't originally supposed to be in "The Bodyguard" -- "What Becomes of a Broken Heart" was. He and Whitney had a lot in common: They both grew up in the Baptist church, his grandmother played the piano and led the choir and his aunts sang in the choir. He says he postponed filming of the movie for a year until Whitney's tour was over. Still, she needed to screen test for the role. He says Whitney's initial test was a disaster after she put on too much makeup, which ran down her face under the lights. He asked her why she did it. She said, “I just wanted to look my best.” She went back in with a new face, “and the studio fell in love with her.”

1:10pm: Kim Burrell performs "A Change Is Gonna Come." Whitney's favorite song. She changed the words to fit the occasion.

1:05pm: Bishop TD Jakes says he met Whitney for the first time on the set of "Sparkle." He says no matter how famous you are, death is inevitable, but "love is greater than death." "Death has not won, your tears may flow, your pain my come, the flowers may whither, the phones may stop ringing -- don't you dare think that death has won....Love will last forever, for God is love."

12: 55pm: BeBe Winans brings his sister to the pulpit and says he's going to miss the "crazy Whitney." She even joked about singing background for them. He then gave an emotional performance of a song he originally wrote for, and sung at, his brother's funeral.

12:50pm: Tyler Perry is preaching. He says she had "a grace that kept on carrying her and she loved the Lord. He says she's now "singing with the angles."

12:49pm: Dionne Warwick introduces Tyler Perry.

12: 40pm: Pastor Donnie McClurkin is singing.

12:20pm: Invocation time.

12:19pm: The mayor of Newark, Corey Booker, is speaking.

12:17pm: New Hope's musical director, A. Curtis Farrow is laying down the law. No cell phones, no pictures and no recording. "In cases of emergency" exit in the rear. (Addendum: Farrow was probably speaking to Bobby and telling him and his entourage to leave.)

12:10pm: We're in church! This choir is feeling it.


Addendum: Me missed this part. Ray J, Whitney's on/off boyfriend, was overcome with emotions as pallbearers removed her casket.


UPDATE, Feb. 20: Fans are flocking to Fairview Cemetery to visit Whitney's grave.

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