Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bobbi Kristina is Pregnant, Suicidal, Vows Never to Speak to Her Grandmother Again: reports

On this, the one year anniversary of Whitney Houston's death, the tabloids are filled with stories about her daughter Bobbi Kristina. According to the reports, friends of the 19-year-old are concerned about her mental state and, in a bid to keep her from harming herself, they've convinced her ex-boyfriend, adopted brother and supposed baby daddy Nick Gordon to move in with her. (According to a "family friend," Nick and Bobbi Kristina broke up last November.) Bobbi Kristina has a troubled history: In 2008, the teenager attempted to stab Whitney during an argument then tried to commit suicide by slashing her wrists then photos were published of her snorting cocaine; she was also busted by police for underage drinking. Now Star is reporting that Bobbi Kristina (who the Enquirer still insists is pregnant) continues to drink heavily, smoke weed and abuse prescription pills. In addition to urging Nick to watch over her, the family has staged an intervention -- she served a brief stint in rehab in 2011 before her mother pulled her out -- but "nothing has helped."
"Krissi is still crying over her mother and can't believe she's gone," a family friend told The Enquirer. "And as the anniversary of Whitney's death got closer, she got more and more upset. She'd be fine one minute and then would fly into a rage over the smallest thing. When anyone tried to help her, she would either burst into tears or get angry and say, 'I don't need any help. Stay away from me!' Her family fears if she gets the chance, she could take her life to be with her mother again." Confused and lonely, Bobbi Kristina's spirits have fallen so low recently, "she openly suggested that she's thought about killing herself," revealed an insider. "She said, 'I'm nothing without Mom. I can't go on by myself. I want to be with Mom!'"

source: National Enquirer, Feb. 25 print edition
The report goes on to say that Bobbi Kristina is angry with her grandmother Cissy Houston, who recently released a book about Whitney. Bobbi Kristina believes Cissy wrote the book just for the money and with the help of her mother's long-rumored lesbian lover Robyn Crawford, Bobbi Kristina is hoping to extricate Cissy from her life. "Circumstances make strange bedfellows," said a source. "Krissi has turned to Robyn not only to learn more about her mother's life before she was born but, more importantly, to find a way to cut Cissy off at the knees. The two have grown so close that friends are saying they wouldn't be surprised if Krissi ultimately turns to Robyn for help." The Globe has more on the Bobbi-Cissy feud.
"[Bobbi Kristina] deeply resents the way Cissy dishes dirt on her father, Bobby Brown, whom her grandmother blames for Whitney's drug addiction problems." Furious Krissi reportedly hung up when Cissy called to patch things up. "When Cissy phoned to say she never intended to hurt Bobbi Kristina or tarnish Whitney's image, Krissi told her she never wanted to speak to her again -- then slammed the phone down," says the source. The angry youngster has also vowed to cut her Gospel-legend granny out of any part of Whitney's $20 million estate, says the source. Bobbi Kristina stands to inherit her mom's fortune in 2014 on her 21st birthday. [...] Now, Cissy "is brokenhearted by her grandmother's rejection and Krissi's humiliating public criticism of her book," says another source. But the teen believes Cissy and the rest of the family "want to control her life and her fortune," says the second source. "She's vowed never to let that happen -- and won't give them a dime of her mother's money. She says the book Cissy wrote was the last straw -- just another attempt to cash in on her mom's hard work and talent -- and now her death!"

source: Globe, Feb. 25 print edition
We don't know if there's any truth to any of this, but interestingly enough Cissy sued Bobbi Kristina last October in an effort to control the disbursement of her inheritance. The drama!


Anonymous said...

What a terrible and shameful situation this has turned out to be. It seems that money has brought the worse out on these two families. Who will end up with a bundle is any ones guess. But if her father has anything to say about it he will keep her o life support until the money is gone. I have a feeling that eventually the courts will set in and make a decision on Bobbi Kris's fate.

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