Monday, June 29, 2015

NeNe Leakes Quits 'The Real Housewives of Atlanta'

After 7 seasons on the "reality" show where she honed her acting chops and made her "very rich," Linethia Leakes is quitting (or was fired from) "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" for new pastures. After seeing how the final episodes of season 7 were edited and seeing how unpopular her character has become, we aren't surprised. We wondered if Bravo would kill off the character played by Linnethia. And now we know it has.
Eight years after beginning her journey on "The Real Housewives of Atlanta," the star, 47, is moving away from reality and dipping her hand into primetime TV. "This was definitely a hard decision for me," Leakes told People about leaving the show. "Me and my husband (Gregg Leakes) have been going back and forth on it for weeks now. But my contract is up and I just think this is the right time. This is my opportunity to spread my wings and do different things." Fans don't fret though, the sassy housewife will still be appearing on the small screen. "I'm actually going to be doing a new primetime television show with a big legend," she shared. "All of my fans will get to see me be really happy, witty and funny and tell all of those one liners that I always have said on Housewives." Sometimes change is good. Since making her big decision, Leakes said that she feels like a weight has been "lifted off my shoulders." The new show isn't the only project that the Leakes have been involved in recently. The actress is the newest famous face on the highly successful Kim Kardashian app, Kim Kardashian Hollywood.

source: NY Daily News
Last week, Linnethia's oldest son Bryson Bryant was arrested in Douglas, Georgia, in connection with a check forgery case. According to Coffee County investigator Robert Sprinkle, the 25-year-old had a fake check written to him in his possession and was arrested because he provided the cops with a false name. He wasn't charged with check fraud, because he hadn’t cashed it yet. According to booking information, Bryson is married and works at Five Guys. He was released on bond. He was arrested several times before on charges of theft and weed possession. Last fall, he spent three months in prison after a probation violation stemming from a DUI arrest and reckless driving arrest in 2013. He was sentenced to probation, but while on probation Bryson failed to report to his probation officer multiple times, tested for cocaine and skipped mandatory DUI school. He was also ordered into rehab earlier this year.

(Sidebar: Given the franchise's penchant for manufacturing storylines, the news of NeNe's departure could be a storyline like her supposed divorce and remarriage. Don't be surprised if she has a "change of heart" and returns to the show.)
Friday, June 26, 2015

Same-Sex Marriage Legalized in the United States

As of 10am today, same-sex marriage became legal in ALL 50 states. The United States Supreme Court declared that same-sex couples have a right to marry anywhere in the United States.
The Supreme Court declared Friday that same-sex couples have a right to marry anywhere in the United States. Gay and lesbian couples already could marry in 36 states and the District of Columbia. The court's 5-4 ruling means the remaining 14 states, in the South and Midwest, will have to stop enforcing their bans on same-sex marriage. The outcome is the culmination of two decades of Supreme Court litigation over marriage, and gay rights generally. Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote the majority opinion, just as he did in the court's previous three major gay rights cases dating back to 1996. It came on the anniversary of two of those earlier decisions. "No union is more profound than marriage," Kennedy wrote, joined by the court's four more liberal justices. The four dissenting justices each filed a separate opinion explaining their views. "But this court is not a legislature. Whether same-sex marriage is a good idea should be of no concern to us," Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in dissent. Roberts read a summary of his dissent from the bench, the first time he has done so in nearly 10 years as chief justice. Justice Antonin Scalia said he is not concerned so much about same-sex marriage, but about "this court's threat to American democracy." Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas also dissented. The ruling will not take effect immediately because the court gives the losing side roughly three weeks to ask for reconsideration. But some state officials and county clerks might decide there is little risk in issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The cases before the court involved laws from Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee that define marriage as the union of a man and a woman. Those states have not allowed same-sex couples to marry within their borders and they also have refused to recognize valid marriages from elsewhere. Just two years ago, the Supreme Court struck down part of the federal anti-gay marriage law that denied a range of government benefits to legally married same-sex couples. The decision in United States v. Windsor did not address the validity of state marriage bans, but courts across the country, with few exceptions, said its logic compelled them to invalidate state laws that prohibited gay and lesbian couples from marrying. The number of states allowing same-sex marriage has grown rapidly. As recently as October, just over one-third of the states permitted same-sex marriage. There are an estimated 390,000 married same-sex couples in the United States, according to UCLA's Williams Institute, which tracks the demographics of gay and lesbian Americans. Another 70,000 couples living in states that do not currently permit them to wed would get married in the next three years, the institute says. Roughly 1 million same-sex couples, married and unmarried, live together in the United States, the institute says. The Obama administration backed the right of same-sex couples to marry. The Justice Department's decision to stop defending the federal anti-marriage law in 2011 was an important moment for gay rights and President Barack Obama declared his support for same-sex marriage in 2012.

source: AP
Love is love. The Republican Party is seething, but they'll get over it.

The current president and next president of the United States took to Twitter to applaud the court's decision.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Bobbi Kristina's Family Pulls Plug, Sues Nick Gordon for $10 Million for Assault, Theft

After comatose for almost 5 months, Bobbi Kristina's family has accepted the inevitable -- they have have pulled the plug and finally allowing her to die.
Bobbi Kristina Brown's condition has deteriorated and she's been moved to hospice care, her aunt, Pat Houston, announced Wednesday. Houston's spokeswoman emailed a statement to reporters, saying the 22-year-old daughter of the late Whitney Houston, who's been unconscious after being found unresponsive in a bathtub in her Georgia home earlier this year, is "in God's hands now." "Despite the great medical care at numerous facilities, Bobbi Kristina Brown's condition has continued to deteriorate. As of today, she has been moved into hospice care. We thank everyone for their support and prayers. She is in God's hands now. " [...] When a patient is moved to a hospice, it's usually to provide specialized care for the final stages of a terminal illness, with the goal of providing comfort and pain-control medication. [...] Despite months of treatment in two Atlanta hospitals and a rehab facility, including being placed in an induced coma, she has never regained consciousness. Her father, Bobby Brown, and members of his family have said at various times that she was awake or that she was getting better. Her boyfriend, Nick Gordon, with whom she shared her home, has begged to see her and been refused by her family. Her grandmother, gospel great Cissy Houston, has been candid from the beginning about her condition not improving. She said in April that doctors told her Bobbi Kristina suffered "global and irreversible brain damage" and that she remained unresponsive.

source: USA Today
Meanwhile, Bobbi Kristina's estate has slapped Nick Gordon, her and her late mother's alleged drug dealer, boyfriend and terrible actor for $40 million $10 million for beating her and stealing her money.
Bobbi Kristina was the victim of a nefarious plot by her boyfriend Nick Gordon, who secretly stole cash from her Whitney Houston inheritance, and physically abused her ... according to Bobbi's conservator. Bobbi Kristina's estate filed a $40 million lawsuit against Gordon on Wednesday ... accusing Gordon of regularly transferring funds from her account to his account, including $11,000 AFTER she'd fallen into the coma. The docs also say Gordon was beating Bobbi Kristina, and on one occasion dragged "her upstairs by her hair." He also allegedly punched her in the face and knocked out a front tooth. Bobbi Kristina intended to reveal the abuse she was suffering to a close friend. According to the docs, she had set up a time to meet that friend on Jan. 31 ... but she never made it. Instead, Bobbi Kristina was found face down in her bathtub that morning with a swollen mouth and another tooth knocked out. The lawsuit doesn't squarely blame Gordon for those injuries, but it strongly hints at it -- and as we've reported ... police have been investigating Nick. The suit was filed by Bedelia Hargrove -- who the court appointed in May ... as conservator over Bobbi Kristina's financial affairs.


Hargrove said in a statement: “Today I filed a lawsuit on behalf of Bobbi Kristina Brown. I filed this lawsuit to pursue justice on behalf of Bobbi Kristina Brown. No human being, male or female, should endure what Bobbi Kristina endured. Pat Houston and Bobby Brown have done all they can to take care of Bobbi Kristina since this terrible tragedy occurred. I have worked closely with both of them and we all want the very best for Bobbi Kristina. This lawsuit represents our collective efforts to get justice for Bobbi Kristina. We pray that justice will be done for her and that it will be swift.”

sources: TMZ | Gossip Cop
The real drama and mud-slinging is about to begin and we're here for it.

Update: The Roswell Police Department say they’ve turned over their investigative file in the death of Bobbi Kristina to the district attorney, who will determine whether any charges will be filed. Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard said Thursday in a statement to The Associated Press that his office will be “reviewing the case with greater interest” in light of new circumstances regarding her health. He added,an announcement on charges, if any, would be made at “the appropriate time.”

Friday, June 19, 2015

Thug Calls 911 on Himself, Kills Responding Officer So He Would Be Killed By Police

This world is mad we tell you. MAD!!! This morning, 21-year-old Trepierre Hummons of Cincinnati called 911 twice on himself. He told the dispatcher there was a man acting belligerent with a gun in the street. When asked about the subject's race, the caller said "a black man, of course." He even gave the dispatcher his own name. 48-year-old Officer Sonny Kim was the first officer to arrive on the scene and he found Trepierre in the the street with a gun. Trepierre shot Officer Kim -- a 27-year veteran of the Cincinnati Police Department and father of three -- multiple times and. Trepierre then wrestled away the officer's Smith & Wesson semi-automatic handgun, police say. He then began shooting at a probation officer who had stopped to assist on his way to work. A gun fight broke out and Trepierre was fatally shot. (Trepierre's mother was on the scene and witnessed her son drawing his weapon and shooting at the officers.) After the shooting, Trepierre's Facebook friends revealed screenshots of a farewell message he sent them that morning. One read: "I love every last one of y'all to whoever has been in my life... you're the real mvp." He also texted friends, saying: "I real love you and thank yu [sic] for all you've ever done for me." His family members are now telling reporters he was a saint. Meanwhile, his friends were yelling at officers at the scene and condemning police on social media. But police said Trepierre was known a member of a street gang called the Clutch Gang. Nine hours before the shooting, a woman accused Trepierre sexual assault. (He was to be charged with the crime Friday morning.) Four years ago, when he was 17, he armed himself with a gun, stole a car and broke into a home. A police report on the incident says Trepierre told the victim "this is a robbery" and demanded he take him into the house. He went to trial in Hamilton County Juvenile Court and admitted to the crime. If he had been bound over to adult court and been convicted there, he would have faced up to 10 years in prison plus an additional three mandatory years for using a gun. He remained in juvenile court instead, and served 90 days in lockup and another year on probation. Court records show he violated that probation at least once, in May 2012, but he eventually was released from supervision in February 2013 after the court determined he had "cooperated and abided by the terms of his probation." While on probation, court records show, he completed his senior year at Withrow High School and received above-average grades. He was a wrestler in high school and worked at least one summer at King's Island. His adult criminal record includes several traffic tickets – most were dismissed – as well as a disorderly conduct conviction from two years ago, when he was 18. Trepierre, who turned 21 on June 1, pleaded guilty two years ago to the disorderly conduct charge, records show. Court documents say he punched out the rear window of a vehicle in that February 2013 incident.

Here are the 911 calls Trepierre before killing Officer Kim:

source: WCPO

WWE Flashback: Listeners Read Wendy, Charlamagne for Tears

One thing we enjoyed about Wendy was that she was always the first to laugh at herself. So, when she received a letter from a 20-year-old listener that was less than glowing, she shared it with the rest of us so we all could laugh with her.

Charlamagne was not immune to the hate, either. In fact, he got the brunt of it -- especially when he first joined the show as Wendy's co-host. Here's a call from Tawanda, who calls him "single-ply toilet paper."

Wrestling Coach Posed as Woman on Facebook, Tricked Underaged Boys Into Sending Him Nude Pictures

An assistant wrestling coach at Wesley Chapel High School in Tampa, Florida and a member of the National Guard has been arrested and accused of using social media to trick teenage boys into sharing nude photos of themselves. According to police, Carlos Perez, who was arrested Wednesday night, posed as a female and befriending teenage boys online for the past five years. Carlos pretended to be a fictitious woman named Alayna Dentry on Facebook and Kik. Police said there were at least 40 victims. Carlos admitted to tricking the teens and was aware they were minors because he knew some of them personally. He's facing charges of transmission of material harmful to a minor.

source: Orlando Sentinel

9-year-old Boy Helped 7-year-old Girl Fight Off Would-be Kidnapper

Around 9am Monday, 9-year-old Luke Larson and his 7-year-old friend were taking a short cut through a park on their way to summer school at Oakwood Manor Elementary School in Gladstone, Missouri when he heard his friend scream. A man, hiding in the high weeds and shrubs, had grabbed the girl from behind. “I started running down toward them, he tried to grab her again, then he realized I was coming down and he ran back into the woods,” Luke said. The girl kicked and screamed until he dropped her then Luke grabbed her hand. Larson says he’s proud of his actions, but he doesn’t want to be considered a hero. "I feel proud of myself but I don't want to be called a hero. I was just helping others," he said. The would-be abductor is still on the loose.

source: KCTV

Lady Who Disobeyed Police Officer's Orders Then Told Him 'He'll Be Sorry,' Has Alerted the Media -- Obviously

Moments after she was laid off from a grocery store in San Diego last March, Cynthia Hartman came upon a scene in the parking lost where almost five police cruisers with guns drawn, surrounded a car. Like everyone is wont to do nowadays, she pulled out her cell phone and pressed record. One of the sheriff's deputies told her (and the woman she was with) to move back. To which she replied: "I'm just videotaping." The deputy told her she could continue recording "but back off." The deputy warned her if she doesn't move, she will be arrested for obstruction of justice. Cynthia is then heard on the video saying: "They probably will try to arrest me for videotaping this, but whatever." She continued recording. After the situation regarding the individuals in the car was diffused, one of the deputies called Cynthia over and detained her. Cynthia called up the local TV station and recalled what she told the deputy. "I said, 'What am I being arrested for?'" she recalled. "He said for not backing up. I said I did back up, he said, not far enough." She claims the cops were "irritated that everyone was out watching and I recorded them hold guns to people that were obviously complying with everything they said." She was cited -- not arrested -- for obstruction of justice. The charge was dropped, however, by the San Diego County District Attorney's Office before she went to court. The San Diego sheriff's office disputes Cynthia's account and issued this statement:
During the course of a felony hot stop wherein five suspects were inside a vehicle, these two women decided to video-record the law enforcement action. There were several deputies on scene, with guns drawn. The two women were in a position where, if shots were fired, they could have been injured or killed -- approximately 20-25 feet. One of the deputies had to take his eyes off the suspects' vehicle to yell over to the women to move. He clearly stated he did not mind them video-taping, but for their safety, they needed to move to another location. They were in the line of fire. It was not clear if any or all of the suspects in the car had guns. There was no issue with them recording the action. While the women did move their location, they returned shortly thereafter to continue their filming of the hot stop. After the suspects in the car were finally arrested, one of the deputies walked over to the two women to cite them for 148 pc. They were released from the scene shortly thereafter. One of the women apologized to the deputy for ignoring his order -- that she got caught up in the moment and was not thinking. She went on to say she could tell from the video that guns were pointed in their direction. She heard the deputy tell her it was okay for her to video record the scene. The other woman told the deputy he would be sorry. Additionally, there was no use of force involving the women. This action was taken for the safety of the two women. An additional risk factor involved the lights from their video recorders, which made them easily seen, and a target. The report was submitted to the DA's office.
We could be wrong, but we have a hunch that Cynthia's interview with this local TV station about an incident that happened in March is a precursor to a wrongful arrest and intentional infliction of emotional distress lawsuit. Gurl, good night!

source: KGTV
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Watch This Mother's Tearful Plea Calling For an End to Gun Violence in Her Neighborhood

Following a violent period Monday overnight into Tuesday in St. Louis, three people were killed and three more were injured during four separate shootings within three hours. Around 1:40pm Tuesday, 40-year-old Ronald Collins was found dead on the front porch of his home. He sustained gunshot wounds to the back of the head, jaw and arm. Since the beginning of the year, there have been more than 80 homicides in St. Louis. After the discovery of Ronald's body, a local reporter caught up with Shantay Fitzpatrick, who gave an emotional plea for the end of gun violence. “We can't keep living like this,” the mother of two said. “It's unsafe." She says it's unfair that her children and the other children in the neighborhood are unable to play in their neighborhood without having to "duck from bullets."

Here's the video:

Woman Whose Neighbors Said Her Yard is 'Relentlessly Gay' is Raising Money to Make it More Gay

Julie Baker -- a bisexual, 47-year-old widow and mother of four -- who lives in Baltimore, says a neighbor left a note on her front criticizing her for having a yard that's "relentlessly gay." The typewritten note read: "Dear Resident of 4900 Kenwood Ave., Your yard is becoming Relentlessly Gay! Myself and Others in the neighborhood ask that you Tone It Down. This is a Christian area and there are Children. Keep it up and I will be Forced to call the Police on You! Your kind need to have respect for GOD. A Concerned Home Owner." Julie said the note was in response to a set of rainbow solar lights she had recently hung in her yard. She said the lights spelled out the words "Love" and "Ohana," which is a Hawaiian expression for family unity. The rainbow, and rainbow colors, are a symbol of gay pride. In response, Julie has set up a GoFundMe page to make her "relentlessly gay" yard even more fabulous. "Needless to say...I need more rainbows... Many, many more rainbows…," she wrote. "So, I am starting this fundraiser so I can work to make my Home even More "relentlessly gay" If we go high enough, I will see if I can get a Rainbow Roof! Because my invisible relentlessly gay rainbow dragon should live up there in style! Put simply, I am a widow and the mother of four children, my youngest in high school and I WILL NOT Relent to Hatred. Instead, I will battle it with whimsy and beauty and laughter and love, wrapped around my home, yard and family!!! Thanks for your relentlessly gay support! Relentlessly!!!" Julie, who has lived in her home for more than 20 years, says this isn't the first time she was harassed. She told a local newspaper: "[A]fter one of the big eclipse events a few years back, [m]y daughters had lit candles celebrating our lives and put out incense as offerings to the universe. The next morning we found our pot bellied stove kicked over and a note that said 'your kind are not wanted here' it also mentioned devil worshiping and ended with a reminder that houses burn for no apparent reason. I didn't sleep much after that note." She said she called police but they told her they couldn't do anything, because there was no crime committed.

source: Baltimore City Paper

Man Who Shot, Killed 9 People at Historic Church in Charleston Arrested

The gunman wanted in the killing of nine people at a prayer meeting at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina was taken into custody Thursday morning in North Carolina.
Charleston’s police chief, Greg Mullen, said the suspect, Dylann Storm Roof, 21, had been caught about 200 miles away, in Shelby, N.C., a town west of Charlotte. His arrest came about 14 hours after the shooting. The police here have said Mr. Roof, who is from the Columbia, S.C., area, is the white gunman who walked into a prayer meeting, sat down with black parishioners for nearly an hour, and then opened fire — a burst of violence that officials described as racially motivated. The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, the F.B.I., and the United States Attorney’s Office for South Carolina opened a hate crime investigation into the shooting, parallel to the state and local investigation, a department official said. Chief Mullen called the shooting, which left six women and three men dead, a hate crime. Chief Mullen said that Mr. Roof was located after a resident alerted police to a suspicious vehicle. Mr. Roof did not offer any resistance, the police chief said. Mr. Roof’s Facebook profile picture shows him wearing a jacket decorated with the flags of two former white supremacist regimes, in apartheid-era South Africa and in Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe. The gunman walked into the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church after 8 p.m., and the first call to police came shortly after 9 p.m. Among the dead was the Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney, pastor of the church, who was also a state senator. Sylvia Johnson, a cousin of Mr. Pinckney, told NBC News that she had spoken with a survivor of the shooting who told her the gunman reloaded five times. The survivor, she said, told her that the gunman had entered the church and asked for the pastor. Then he sat next to Mr. Pinckney during the Bible study before opening fire. “I have to do it,” the gunman was quoted as saying. “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.” Calling the shooting the work of “a hateful and deranged mind,” Mayor Joseph P. Riley Jr. said it was hard to imagine churchgoers at “a prayer service and a Bible service, and they’re speaking about the Holy Scriptures and praying,” while someone is “sitting there contemplating the act of murder.” Eight people died at the scene, Chief Mullen said. One person died on the way to the Medical University of South Carolina.

source: NY Times
Reuters reported that Dylann's uncle, Carson Cowles, said he recognized his nephew from photos released by police. Carson said his nephew received a .45-calibre pistol from his father as a birthday present in April. Court documents show Dylann was arrested on February 28 and April 26 and charged on drug and trespassing charges. He was currently out on bond.
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Meanwhile, in Florida

B*tch better have my money -- and my drugs! Daneshia Heller, 19, was arrested Tuesday in Fort Lauderdale on charges of drug possession and misuse of the emergency 911 system after she called 911 to report that a man from whom she was buying drugs took her money. Daneshia said a man, who's her cousin, named Zakan Allan took her $5 that she was using to buy drugs. She said she went to the house to buy marijuana, but he took her money and didn't give her the drugs. "He got my money, and I want my drugs," she told a 911 dispatcher. She also threatened to report and sue the 911 dispatcher if she didn't send the police. As she was being taken away to jail, cops found a small bag of flakka in Daneshia's pocket. You know that drug that causes Floridians to act like animals. She remains jailed on $1,000 bond. Drugs are the devil, we tell you. The devil!

source: WCTV

Courtney Barnes is a Known Booster; He Was Arrested Today For Shoplifting

And just like that, the tea has been spilled. Courtney Barnes, whose eyewitness account of a police crash in Jackson, Mississippi, won the Internet, is wanted for boosting and unpaid fines. According to reports, the 23-year-old stole a Vans bucket hat several weeks ago from Swell-O-Phonic a men's and women's clothing boutique/art gallery/music venue (read: skate shop) in Fondren, Mississippi. The store manager says Courtney is legendary -- he's known for shoplifting in the area. She told a local reporter: "Courtney has stolen from our store and made our customers and staff uncomfortable. We just want him to stay out of our store." Courtney's wanted on two outstanding warrants for theft. He also has more than $1,600 in traffic fines. He also faces a contempt of court charge for allowing the fines to accumulate. A spokesperson from the police department in Ridgeland, Mississippi says Courtney should come in and pay the fines as soon as possible. He was previously arrested for driving on a suspended license and switching tags.

This is a photo from Courtney's Instagram page showing him wearing the stolen hat and an image of him inside the store taken from the store's surveillance camera.

Update: Courtney surrendered to the Ridgeland Police Department this afternoon and was arrested and booked for shoplifting. He faces a similar charge of shoplifting in Jackson, Mississippi.

Update 2: Here's his mug shot. Courtney gave an interview to a TV station denying it's him in the surveillance video image and claims he'll "plead the Fifth."

source: WMC

'Black Madam' Sentenced to 10-20 Years in Prison For Backroom Butt Injection Death

Padge-Victoria Windslowe (born Forest Leon Gordon), the batshit crazy tranny and extortionist who was convicted of murder last March for the the murder of a British student, whom she injected with industrial silicone at a pumping party, was sentenced to 10 to 20 years in prison this morning. The sentence was less than the 20- to 40-year sentenced that was recommended by the prosecutor for the death of the dancer and the injury caused to another woman, whom she also injected with the illegal silicone. During the trial, she boasted of giving these illegal butt injections on thousands of women, including celebrities such as Amber Rose and Serena Williams. She said she charged $1,000 to $2,500 for each operation.
A madam who performed illegal "body sculpting" with low-grade silicone injections has been sentenced to 10 to 20 years in prison after a London dancer died in Philadelphia. Padge-Victoria Windslowe told jurors during her spring murder trial that clients call her "the Michelangelo of buttocks injections." But prosecutors say she had no medical training and used deadly products on vulnerable women who wanted curves. A judge describes Windslowe as a narcissist who ignores the law and acts surprised when things go wrong. And she says she hurt at least one other woman even after the 20-year-old died in 2011. Prosecutors complained Thursday that Windslowe has been trying to raise money in the victim's name while in prison. The judge ordered her to stop. Windslowe once ran a transgender escort service and performed as "the Black Madam" in Gothic hip-hop videos.

source: AP
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Courtney Barnes Wins the Internet With His Eyewitness Account of a 'Horrible' Police Crash in Mississippi

A new viral star just snatched Sweet Brown and Antoine Dodson's wigs. On Monday afternoon, 23-year-old Courtney Barnes was on his way to a local Burger King to "buy a piece of burger from Burger King" in Jackson, Mississippi when he witnessed "a horrible, tragic situation." An SUV plowed into a police cruiser, injuring the officer inside. BUT, that story is overshadowed by Courtney, whose epic eyewitness account (video, above) is the best thing on the Internet this year (so far). Courtney, who appeared on the season premiere of So You Could Think You Can Dance last week (video, below), told the judges he's a local celebrity. We reckon he'll be a global Internet star by tomorrow morning and if Wendy knows what's good for her, she'll have Courtney on her show tomorrow. How You Doin'!!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

WWE Flashback: Rodney Chester of 'Noah's Arc' Doesn't Want to Talk About His Sexuality, But Wendy Clocked His Tea

When Rodney Chester -- who played Alex Kirby, an HIV/AIDS educator, on the Logo series Noah's Arc -- stopped by the Experience he had an air about him. Wendy soon clocked it and she tried her best to let him come out and play, but Rodney wasn't there for it: He was there to talk about the series, not about his sexual preference. That didn't stop Wendy from getting to the bottom (or the top) of the situation, however, and by the end of the interview, the case was closed: Rodney's gay, he's a homo, he likes guys!

Click play and get into it!

Friday, June 5, 2015

WWE Flashback: Leilene 'Smiley' Ondrade From 'Flavor of Love' Gets Kicked Out of the Studio Because She's a Bore

After "Hottie" flew in on her broom, fellow "Flavor of Love" and "Charm School: Flavor of Love Girls" contestant Leilene "Smiley" Ondrade came to the Experience with a VH1 camera crew in tow. But, unlike the crazy conversation stylings of Hottie, Smiley was a bore so Wendy kicked her out then told her to go to Angie Martinez over at Hot 97, who would appreciate a boring interview. Grease!

Click play to listen:

Sidebar: Saaphyri Windsor won. Smiley was second.

Man Calls 911 After His Cat Attacked Him, Forced Him Outside For 4 Hours

A man from Stamford, Connecticut called 911 during a three-hour standoff with his cat about 1:30am Wednesday. Mohammed Lokman told the 911 dispatcher his 7.5-pound cat attacked him as he tried to enter him home, so he -- along with his wife -- retreated to the parking lot and sat in their car for almost 4 hours, before finally deciding to call police. "The problem is my cat was getting too aggressive. I was inside and she attacked me, and she scratched me in my leg and bite me. So me and my wife, we come outside and now we cannot go in the home like for three, four hours," Mohammed told the dispatcher. The somewhat perplexed dispatcher asked: "OK, you said a cat?" She sent officers to the home. Eventually, Mohammed and his wife were eventually able to get back into their home and cops advised them to stay away from the cat, which gave birth to a kitten the night prior, for the rest of the night.

Here's the 911 call:

source: Daily Voice

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Woman Dies After Receiving Backroom Butt Injections in NYC

Pumping parties kill. The latest person to fall victim to this illegal practice is Kelly Mayhew, a 34-year-old woman who drove more than 200 miles from Suitland, Maryland to New York on Saturday to get silicone butt injections. Kelly, who traveled with with her mother, arrived at a home in Queens, NY where the illegal procedure was performed. After she received the silicone injections, Kelly started gurgling and having difficulty breathing, her mother told police. The mother started performing CPR and told the woman who performed the procedure to call 911 — but the suspect grabbed her keys, ran out of the house and drove off in a gray SUV. When police got to the house about 6:50pm, Emergency Medical Service personnel were already performing CPR on Kelly. She was rushed to to a local hospital where she died. The suspect, according to police, wiped her social media accounts clean and is still on the loose. Kelly's mother told police her daughter underwent five previous illegal butt procedures prior to Saturday's fatal one.

source: NY Daily News

This Woman Lost Her Eyesight After Her Cat Licked Her

An Ohio woman says she woke up blind one day after her cat licked her. Janese Walters says she awoke one day to find that she couldn't see out of her left eye after her cat had licked her. At first, doctors were unsure about what may have caused the blindness in Janese's eye, then she told doctors her cat licked her. Doctors then diagnosed her with "cat scratch" -- a disease caused by bacteria passed along by the saliva or fur of cats. If a cat's mouth is exposed to a person's skin -- even a small scratch -- "cat scratch" can be passed along.

source: Toledo News
Monday, June 1, 2015

WWE Flashback: 'Hottie' From 'Flavor of Love' is a Hot Mess

Look what the cat dragged it! It's Schatar "Hottie" Taylor aka Schatar Sapphira from VH1's Flavor of Love and Charm School. She, along with her horrid 36" matted weave that reportedly costs "thousands of dollars," stopped by the Experience to kiki and, in the process, get read by callers. Charlamagne did most of the reading, however. He questioned whether she was biological female and told her she looks like the love child of La Toya Jackson and Homey D. Clown. _________________ Dead.