While we're away, if you have a tip about a story or something we should look into, post or get a chuckle from, please direct it here.
Here are some of the week's lowlights (and some highlights, too).
- Will Smith and R&B singer Trey Songz are allegedly dating -- or, at least, sleeping with each other on the DL. Allegedly.
- Beyoncé announced her pregnancy like a true diva does and the stans responded accordingly.
- We'll give you $1 million if you can figure out what this woman, who's apartment is infested with bed bugs, is saying.
- Speaking of which, what is this sportscaster talking about?
- Poof! And she's engulfed in flames.
- A woman attacked her son's elementary school principal after he's told the shirt he's wearing is not part of the dress code.
- United Airlines: Get this mudda-effing n**ger of this mudda-effing plane.
- Speaking of blatant and inexcusable racism, this father of five was told by his bosses and co-workers, they'd 'slice his neck, split his belly and let the guts hang out." Yep, time to find new job.
- A lawyer attacked another driver with a live power line.
- An addict with erections lasting for days at a time, tried to rob his father in order to buy more drugs.
- And in Atlanta, a funeral home has held a woman's body hostage for a month all over $500!