Friday, September 9, 2011

Week in Review: Meddling Cousins

Hey, boys and girls. Make it a great weekend. We'll be back Monday -- hope you'll join us. PS: And by Monday, you know we meant Tuesday.

While we're away, if you have a tip about a story or something we should look into, post or get a chuckle from, please direct it here.

Here are some of the week's lowlights (and some highlights, too).
  1. Rihanna's dopey and nosey cousins are encouraging her to get back together with convicted felon Chris Brown.
  2. A taxi driver assaulted and locked a woman in the trunk of the cab for five hours because she suspected he was ripping her off.
  3. Terrell Owens is facing time in jail for failing to pay child support because his baby mama is a donkey.
  4. The lawyers representing rapper TI says their client is the victim of a gross double standard.
  5. A black man ran for his life after his racist co-workers and boss threatened to kill him.
  6. Speaking of racists, a racist attacked a black man, leaving him permanently disfigured, yet cops don't believe it's a hate crime.
  7. Outback Steakhouse: The place where 4-year-olds get drunk.
  8. A woman died after she injected hot beef fat into her face.
  9. After murdering a teenager, a gangbanger asked his neighbor to dump the body in their trash bin.
  10. A man, who has sex with fat women at his church for $200 an hour, said he's a healer and a "shaman" -- not a prostitute. Cops disagree.

There's a major blackout in Los Angeles this week, here's Vikki Vargas with the details. Vikki.

Finally, we don't know about you, but we find this video to be racist. Per the YouTuber: "So my 3 year old daughter asked me why some of her barbie dolls were black and some were white. Jokingly, I replied that all little girls turn black on their 4th birthday (as her birthday was roughly a week away) and the reaction was worth recording......"