Friday, March 29, 2013

Man Drives Into Brooklyn Police Precinct, Shoots Himself in the Head

A "distraught" man smashed wanted to go out with a bang. According to authorities, the man drove his car into the parking lot of the 81st Precinct in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood in Brooklyn, NY shortly after 3pm. After crashing his car into a police vehicle and nearly moving down three police officers, he got out of his car, aimed a 9mm pistol under his chin and pulled the trigger. He was rushed to a local hospital where he is currently undergoing surgery. Police say the unidentified 32-year-old man became distraught while he was being investigated in a domestic violence dispute.

Update: Some reports claim the man is 33 years old. Anyway, according to the NY Daily News, the man is the brother of a NYC police officer who does not work out of the 81st Precinct. The man's girlfriend called police on him after a dispute on Thursday night claiming he had abused her. She filed filed domestic abuse charges and took out an order of protection against the man. When cops conducted a follow-up visit Friday morning, the man called his girlfriend and said he was going to go to the 81st Precinct and kill himself. In addition to the 9mm, a .22 caliber pistol was also found in his car, which was a Lexus RX350.

sources: NY Post | NY Daily News

Meanwhile, at a Middle School in South Carolina

Last Wednesday, 36-year-old Tyshekka Collier went to pick up her son from Fairforest Middle School in Spartanburg, SC, after he was suspended. When she walked in to the school's office, she slapped a boy who was sitting on the couch thinking it was her son. When she realized her mistake, Tyshekka apologized to the boy then walked over to her son then hit him in the head and face with both hands, knocking him to the ground. Tyshekka was arrested and charged with disturbing a school and assault and battery.

Sidebar: The boy she slapped was waiting for his mother to pick him up because he was sick. His mother, Shelly Williams, is up-set!

source: WHNS

Granny Jailed For Threatening to 'F--k Up' Son's Bully

A 59-year-old woman from Clayton County, Georgia was arrested this week after she threatened a middle school boy who was bullying her great-nephew. Marvis Renae Henry went Forest Park Middle School and asked to see a counselor but veered off into a classroom and asked her great-nephew, whom she refers to as her son, to point out the boy who had been bullying him. According to the police report, Marvis told the boy she would "f--k him up, as well as his entire generation." In a telephone conversation from behind bars, Marvis admitted to threatening the boy, but said she didn't curse. She told reporter: “I did say, ‘If you put your hands on my child, I will mess you up, your momma and your whole generation.’" The boy she threatened told sheriff’s deputies he feared for his safety. Marvis says her son has been the victim of bullying at the school for some time now, but her complaints to the school officials fielded no response or change. She was charged with disorderly conduct and disrupting school operations, and released Thursday on $5,000 bond.

 source: AJC

Judge Admits to Banging Lady in Chambers

A Michigan judge has admitted he had sex with a woman in his chambers while her case was pending in his court. In a 38-page response to the Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission's complaint that was filed against him, Wayne County Judge Wade McCree writes he started to be sexually involved with Geniene La'Shay Mott in June 2012. The judge, who has been on suspension from his his $140,000-per-year job since last October when he sent a shirtless photo of himself to a court employee, said she regularly had sex with Geniene in his office and eventually became pregnant. She met the judge while he was handling a child support case involving her 6-year-old daughter and another man. That man, Robert King, has sued judge McCree and Geniene claiming his civil rights were violated. The judge sent Robert to jail and upon his release ordered him to wear an electronic tether until he paid child support. According to numerous text messages between Wade and Geniene submitted into evidence, the duo discussed strategies in the child support case involving her child's father. As for Geniene, Wade claim she was stalking and trying to extort him. Court records show she was previously convicted of driving while intoxicated and with a suspended license for an offense in 2010 and was ordered to serve four months in jail after pleading guilty to the charges. An additional count of resisting and obstructing police was dismissed. A mess!

Here's a photo of the judge and Geniene. The photo was posted to her Facebook page.

source: WDIV

65-year-old Man Claims Nurse in Her 20s Raped Him Inside Hospital

A 65-year-old Philadelphia man is not happy with the treat he received at Temple University Hospital last month, so he filed a police report. According to the report, the man, who was staying at the hospital after a motorcycle accident says about 3:30am a nurse in her 20s entered his room and offered him to take a bath. It's in the bathroom he claimed the nurse sexually assaulted him.

source: WCAU

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Man's 4-months-Pregnant Ex-Girlfriend Mows Down His 5-months-Pregnant Current Girlfriend

Here's some ratchetness for you. Police in Houston are looking for 26-year-old Shareyll Starre Hunter after she ran over her ex-boyfriend's pregnant live-in girlfriend this morning. According to the man at the center of this mess -- Christopher Chaney, 28 -- the women have been arguing on the phone for some time now and planned to meet at his home to fight. So, this morning Shareyll, who lives in Virginia and is five months pregnant with Christopher's child, showed up to get it poppin', stole Christopher's car and mowed down his current girlfriend, 21-year-old Alise Kelley, who is 4-months-pregnant. She then fled in the vehicle. Alise suffered a serious leg injury and may lose her legs. The unborn baby is fine.

Sidebar: Christopher, who is a tow truck driver, has four other children, including two with Shareyll. The other two are with two different women. So when these two babies are born, he will have six kids -- that he knows of. And get this, when a reporter asked him why the women are fighting over him, Christopher said: "I mean, I’m handsome." Idiot. It may be time to buy condoms. And same on these women who are fighting over a man who doesn't give damn about either of them.

Update: Doctors had to amputate one of Alise's mangled legs.

Update, April 2: Shaeryll Hunter was arrested and appeared in court today to face charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and failing to provide identification. She seems quite happy to be there.

source: KRIV

Man Sells Shares of Himself, Lets Shareholders Decide How He Lives His Life

For the last 5 years, Keith Michael Merrill of Portland, Oregon, started selling shares of himself. He set up a private market online where friends, along with complete strangers, could buy in and help him make decisions, like what to where, who to date and who to vote for.

 source: KGW

Doctor Kills Patients to Free Up Hospital Beds

A Brazilian doctor charged with killing seven patients at a hospital could be responsible for up to 300 deaths. According to prosecutors, Virginia Helena Soares de Souza and her medical team help administer lethal doses of anesthetics, sedatives, painkillers and reduced their oxygen supply, causing them to die of asphyxiation.
The doctor and her seven assistants were suspected of injecting patients with "drug cocktails" and of tampering with their respirators, a health ministry official said.[...]Prosecutors said De Souza's taped phone conversations revealed her motive was to free up beds for other patients at an intensive care unit, which she headed up. "I want to clear the intensive care unit. It's making me itch," she allegedly said in one recording released to Brazilian media. "Unfortunately, our mission is to be go-betweens on the springboard to the next life," she reportedly added in the same phone call. Prosecutors said De Souza felt "all powerful" running the unit, to the point where she "had the power to decree the moment when a victim would die". In some cases, she was absent from the hospital and gave instructions to end the life of a patient by phone to members of her medical team, it was alleged. The 56-year-old widow was arrested last month and charged with seven counts of aggravated first degree murder. She was released on bail a week ago pending the outcome of the investigation. Three other doctors, three nurses and a physiotherapist who worked for her have also been charged with murder. More cases are expected to emerge as investigators look through 1,700 medical records of patients who died in the last seven years at the Evangelical Hospital in the southern city of Curitiba. "We already have more than 20 cases established, and there are nearly 300 more that we are looking into," the chief investigator assigned by Brazil's health ministry, Dr Mario Lobato, told Globo TV. He said the deaths he reviewed happened under similar circumstances: a muscle relaxant such as Pancuronium was administered, increasing the patients' dependence on artificial respiration; then the oxygen supply was reduced, causing death by asphyxiation. Some of the patients were conscious moments before they died, he said. De Souza's lawyer, Elias Mattar Assad, said investigators had misunderstood how an intensive care unit works and she would prove her innocence.

source: Sky News
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Meanwhile, in Redding, California

Earlier this month, a hungry man tried to break into a convenience store in Redding, California by throwing a rock at the front door window. The crash triggered an audible alarm and the clown tripped over his big gut while trying to flee. It's hilarious. If you know that clown, call Redding police at 530-225-4214.

source: Record

Burglar Goes on After-Hours Shopping Spree

Police in Seattle are looking for a man who used a concrete block to smash his way into a grocery store 3:40am last Sunday. Once inside, he loaded beer, wine, clothing and Easter candy into a shopping cart before fleeing. If you recognize him, call Seattle police detectives at (206) 684-5730.

Is Kim Kardashian Faking Her Pregnancy While a Surrogate Carries Her Baby?

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian has been accused of faking a marriage and her physique, but a bombshell report in the National Enquirer claims the 32-year-old (who is said to be 5 months pregnant) is faking her pregnancy as part of a money-making scheme cooked up by her mom and manager, Kris Jenner. The report also claims Kim and Kanye West (her baby daddy) may have paid a surrogate carry their child.
"How convenient is it that Kim got pregnant just as she was making a mad push to wrap up her ongoing divorce from Kris Humphries? the source said. "Now Kris is claiming the delay in granting a divorce is stressing and the unborn baby. A fake pregnancy cleans up a lot of problems all at once and garners Kim sympathy. It also would be an insane coincidence that Kim just happened to get pregnant soon after she learned he girlfriend of her ex-boyfriend Reggie Bush -- Lilit Avagyan -- is pregnant. Best of all, for someone who's always cooking up new moneymaking schemes, Kim stands to earn a windfall from her pregnancy." Insiders claim Kim, who is 200 pounds and growing, could earn a whopping $16 million from baby product endorsements, a birth special on E! network and even a post-birth wight-loss deal for a big-name diet company. [...] If Kim is involved in a pregnancy sham, it would be one of the most outrageous schemes ever the source adds: "I wouldn't put something crazy as faking a pregnancy for publicity and financial gain past Kim and her crafty mom. They'd do anything for fame and money!"

source: National Enquirer, April 8, print edition
The report goes on to speculate as to what sort of prosthetic baby bump Kim may be sporting. Perhaps, she borrowed Mrs Carter's? Who knows. To add fuel to the fodder, the tabloid claims Kim was caught enjoying an alcoholic beverage on two occasions -- once last October during a taping of her show and the other on March 17, when her sister Khloe posted a photo online of Kim drinking what appears to be white wine. Coincidentally, earlier this year reports claims Khloe and her husband were planning to pay a surrogate $500,000 to carry their baby.

NFLer Amari Spievey, Girlfriend Arrested After Fight Over Child Support

Detroit Lions safety Amari Spievey was arrested in Middletown, Connecticut, on Tuesday after a fight with his girlfriend about child support. According to police, the 24-year-old and his 26-year-old girlfriend, Lisamarie Santos, got into a physical altercation inside their home.
Santos told police she and Spievey, her live-in boyfriend, got into an argument about child support. She said he is the father of her 2-year-old daughter. At one point during the argument, Spievey put his hand around Santos’ neck and pushed her, she told police. Police said they observed a small red mark on the front side of her neck. In a later statement to police, Santos said Spievey was telling her daughter “not to be like your mother.” She also told police that when she asked Spievey for money, he told her to “take him to court,” according to police. Santos is accused of pushing Spievey while he was holding their daughter, and he pushed her back, according to police. She then tried to take the child away from him, but he pushed her until she stumbled against a counter, according to police. Spievey told police Santos grabbed his throat with her right hand and he had to push her hand away. He also told police she threw a “flurry of punches at his chest.” Spievey allegedly told police he already gives Santos child support and that he will pay anything for his daughter, but he will not pay for Santos to “go shopping and pay off her student loans,” according to police. Bond was set at $5,000 non-surety for Spievey and Santos and they were both scheduled to appear in Middletown Superior Court on Wednesday. They were issued no-contact orders and Spievey told police he would be staying elsewhere. Court documents show that Spievey can return once to the home with a police officer to gather his belongings. Police also notified the state Department of Children and Families of the incident. A new court date was scheduled for April 11. 
source: Middletown Press
Amari, who reportedly makes $630,000 per year, was charged with third-degree assault, risk of injury to a child and disorderly conduct for the incident and Lisamarie was charged with risk of injury and disorderly conduct. In a statement, a Lions spokesperson said: “We are aware of the reports involving Amari Spievey. We are in the process of gathering more information and will have no further comment at this time.”

Student Forms White Student Union to Combat 'Black Crime Wave'

Mathew Heimbach insists he's not a racist or future Imperial Wizard BUT he recently formed a hate group. Weird, right? The aspiring Orthodox priest and student at Towson University in Maryland formed the White Student Union because the college is experiencing a “black crime wave” with “black predators” preying on the “white majority student body.” Mathew and his group announced they will have patrols on campus with members equipped with pepper spray and flashlights to prevent crime on campus. Wait, what?!

source: KXAS

Dionne Warwick Files For Bankruptcy, Again

Dionne Warwick filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy Thursday, claiming she owes more than $10 million in back taxes and has only $10 left at the end of each month after paying expenses. The 72-year-old five-time Grammy Award winner, who lives in a 3,200-square-foot home in South Orange, NJ and won awards for songs like "I'll Never Fall in Love Again," "That's What Friends are For" and "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head," pays $5,000 a month for housekeeping, $4,000 for a personal assistant and another $11,940 in other monthly expenses. According to the bankruptcy petition, Dionne owes nine years of back taxes, totaling $7 million, to the federal government and $3 million to the state of California. Kevin Sasaki, Dionne's publicist, said in a statement that "due to several consecutive years of negligent and gross financial mismanagement" she realized the "current necessity to file personal bankruptcy." Sounds like a page out of Toni Braxton's playbook. He said Dionne tried to work out payment plans to the IRS and the California Franchise Tax Board for taxes owed, but the offers were rejected.

Here's a breakdown of her financial situation:

Looks like she needs to cut back like all of us or ask her famous cousin's daughter for a bail out. It's really hard to feel sympathetic for someone who makes more than $20,000 per month at best. This is the second time she's file for bankruptcy. Back in 1993, she filed for Chapter 11 protection, but that case was resolved after she surrendered three cars including her BMW. BTW, whatever happened to the money she received from suing the producers of the Broadway musical "Baby It's You" in 2011 for "cashing in on [her] stories and successes, while using [her] names, likenesses and biographical information without [her] consent and in violation of the law?" Or did that case get thrown out? We're too disinterested to care, so if you find out what happened, let us know.

source: Star-Ledger

Kordell Stewart Files For Divorce From Porsha Stewart

After almost two years of marriage, Kordell Stewart is bailing on his wife, Porsha Williams Stewart who's a castmember on the "Real Housewives of Atlanta." Last week, the 40-year-old ex-NFLer -- who used his nickname "Slash" -- secretly filed divorce papers in Fulton County Superior Court in Georgia on March 22. According to the filing, he's seeking divorce because the marriage "is irretrievably broken." He's asks the court to find there are no marital assets to divide and Porsha, 31, is “an able-bodied person, earning income, and is capable of supporting herself.” He asks that neither side be ordered to pay alimony. Obviously, the couple was having issues, but Porsha claims she was blindsided when served with divorce papers. In a statement, her rep says: "Mrs. Stewart had held off on filing for a divorce herself and remained committed to the marriage because Mr. Stewart promised to work on the marriage with her. Instead, he misled her and she found out about the filing in the media. Mrs. Stewart hopes to resolve these personal issues privately with the support of her family, friends and strong faith." Privately? Ha! Good look with that. The couple was married on May 21, 2011 in a lavish made-for-TV wedding ceremony and have no children together, although Porsha suffered a miscarriage due to uterine fibroids. Kordell has a son named Syre with Tania Richardson.

Sidebar: Did you hear the rumor that Kordell is gay? The rumor began after it was alleged he was arrested in Pittsburgh's Schenley Park -- a major cruising spot -- for preforming a sexual act with another man in public. We don't know if he's gay or not, but since almost half of professional athletes and every man who lives in Atlanta is either gay or on the DL, it would not be a surprise. Back when he played with the Pittsburgh Steelers, his teammates heard of the rumors, too, but were afraid to broach the subject fearing it would make things "uncomfortable." Then teammate Plaxico Burress wrote about it in his book, saying the rumors impacted Kordell's game on the field. "If some player was gay, I don’t think he could come out while he was still playing. It would be real hard. It would mess a team up mentally and it wouldn’t be good for that person.” Plaxico adds that the rumors caused Kordell to withdraw from teammates. “He had to watch the people that he hung around with. Just hanging out with your friends, or your boys and your cousins, all those things come to the surface. I think he just insulated himself after a while.” He didn't call Kordell gay, but between the lines. How you doin, Kordell!

Update, March 29: In her official response to Kordell's divorce petition, Porsha is demanding he pay her alimony and claims the marriage "set her way back professionally ... because she quit her job for two years while they were married (and even sold her businesses) in order to care for Kordell's kid from another woman." She also wants the home they share. Yes, the home that's prominently featured on the reality show every week.

source: TMZ

Lady Facing Judge For Stabbing Her Husband Flips Out

This morning, Blanca Gemma Regalado, 53, appeared before a judge in a Miami courtroom for a bond hearing. She's charged with attempted felony murder after she stabbed her husband on Saturday. When the judge told her she'd be held without bond and will be going back to jail, Blanca -- who was in a wheelchair because her leg is broken -- started screaming and hollering and begging for mercy. But the judge was not fazed. "My husband broke my leg! Please don't, no! Don't, don't don't! Please, my husband broke my leg!" she screamed. Here's the back story: On Saturday, when officers arrived at the couple's apartment (a place cops have been called to several times before), they found Blanca's husband bleeding with six stab wounds to his upper abdomen, right leg and right arm; his live was also punctured. He was taken to a hospital where he remains in critical condition. Blanca admitted to the stab-ation, telling police: "I did it! My husband is a drunk. I'm tired of him and I stabbed him." She also told officers her husband becomes aggressive when he drinks and she had prepared a Swiss Army knife in her dresser for "the next fight." When the officer told Regalado her husband would be alright, she replied "No, I want him dead."

And yes, that's the same judge who a teen flipped off last month.

source: WTVJ

Friday, March 22, 2013

If This Adorable Little Girl Found Wandering the Streets is Your Child, Police Would Like to Speak With You

Police in Pompano Beach, Florida are looking for the parents of a little girl -- believed to be about 2 years old -- who was found wandering the street this morning. A sergeant with the Broward Sheriff's Office says they're not looking at this as a crime, they only want to find her parents. "We really just want to find her parents," he said. "We don't know if a crime's been committed. Nobody's in trouble at this point. We know these things happen. It happens on a regular basis. We just want to find the parents and get her home." Ha! Right.

Sidebar: If you recognize this child or know her parents, please call Crime Stoppers at (954) 493-TIPS.

Update: The girl has been reunited with her father. He said he dropped his daughter (who's 1) off at his grandmother's home shortly at 8:45am. At least four adults (including the grandmother who was responsible for babysitting the child) was in the home when the toddler wandered off. None of them noticed the girl was missing.

source: WSVN

Couple Jailed For Putting 5-year-old Inside Oven

You, know what? I'm so through. Lavelldo Washington, 34, and Corneisha Wilkerson, 23, of Nashville, Tennessee, are charged with aggravated child abuse and child neglect for routinely putting their 5-year-old child in an oven as a form of punishment. According to police, they began investigating the couple when their 2-month-old child was treated at a local hospital for a broken leg. Investigators soon discovered that Lavelldo was placing their 5-year-old in the oven. It's unclear if the oven was turned on when the child was inside. They also learned, Lavelldo has been arrested 29 times and is a registered sex offender.

source: WSWV
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Ohio Prosecutor Indicts Punxsutawney Phil For 'Misrepresentation of Early Spring'

This can't be for real, right? Butler County, Ohio prosecuting attorney Michael Gmoser and the State of Ohio has filed an official indictment against groundhog Punxsutawney Phil claiming "on or about February 2, 2013, at Gobbler's Knob, Punxsutawney Phil did purposely, and with prior calculation and design, cause the people to believe that spring would come early." If you're not familiar, each year the groundhog (on Groundhog Day) emerges from his home in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. If he sees his shadow and returns to his hole, he has predicted six more weeks of winter; if he doesn't see his shadow, he has predicted an early spring. This year, he didn't see his shadow, but days into spring, parts of the country are still experiencing winter-like weather. (In parts of Ohio, temperatures are in the 30s and snow is expected over the weekend and next week.) The prosecutor is recommending Punxsutawney Phil get the death penalty. Is he for real? This is a joke, right?

Here's the official indictment.

source: WFIE

Mother of the Year Beats, Starves, Ties 4-year-old Daughter to Bed For 12 Hours Every Day

Some people are just evil. This ↑↑↑ is one of them. Laketha Moore of Las Vegas was arrested Monday and charged with child abuse after a maintenance found her her starving 4-year-old girl tied up and surrounded by filth. According to police, Laketha tied up her daughter to a bed in her bedroom for 10-12 hours every single day.
According to the arrest report, the girl said she was hungry because "Mommy ties me up all the time." Her injuries were repulsive and included a black eye, cuts on her nose, cheek, a bruised rib cage, back, ankles and matted hair. "This is a heartbreaking case where a little girl ultimately has suffered for probably many months before it was actually brought to someone's attention," [North Las Vegas spokeswoman Chrissie Coon] said. Moore, 36, is charged with 31 counts of child abuse for each day she left her daughter alone. Whether it was church or work, the single mother confessed to police that she abandoned her daughter, claiming the girl was a picky eater and "probably wouldn't eat the food anyway." The arrest report said Moore tied her daughter up because she would often ransack their home and she placed a plastic bin beside the bed so the girl could urinate. Moore also told police her daughter would often black out while she routinely beat her with a belt, striking her anywhere the belt landed. Counselors said the girl will have difficulty erasing the abuse from her memory. [...] Police said Moore's kitchen, despite the girl's hunger, was stocked with a variety of food. The girl has been placed in child protective custody until she can be placed with a relative or foster home.

source: KLAS
That poor little girl.

Atlanta Mall Cop Darien Long Gets Fired (Update: He Just Got Arrested!)

Darien Long, the Atlanta mall security guard who has become world-famous for Tasering anyone who crossed his path, will be out of his come March 30. To let him tell it: "[The mall] lost three vendors. They can no longer afford to pay me. So that's why they're letting me go." But, according to the owners of the mall, Darien was fired due to his aggressive behavior and threatening conduct. Darien warns when he's gone, the drug dealers, pr0stitutes and thieves he's been keeping out, will be back in mass, but that's not something he's worried about, he's going to Hollywood. (He's about to film his reality show.) Update: Darien is going out with a bang. He was arrested tonight for tackling a man he previously warned not to return to the mall. Darien was arrested and charged with battery.
Update, March 22: He posted the $2,000 and was released from jail this morning. During the hearing, a court officer read off a list of previous charges against Darien, which include four arrests for assault, two weapons possession charges, and driving with a suspended license. His next court date is set for April 4. Here's his mug shot.
Update, April 4: Darien appeared in court this morning. He represented himself. As the saying goes: A person who represents himself in court has a fool for a client. So not surprisingly, the judge refused Darien's motion to dismissed the case.
source: AJC


Michelle Clark is giving us our life today. After a hail storm swept through Brookshire, Texas, this morning, the NBC affiliate went to seek response from residents and they found Michelle, who compared the sound to a shotgun blast -- "Kabooyow!"

Woman Facing Federal Charges For Stealing Bag of Frozen Meatballs

We swear this story isn't from The Onion. It's real life and it's nutty. Estelle Casimir, 56, of Newburgh, NY, and works as a custodian at United States Military Academy at West Point has charged been in Federal court with stealing a bag of frozen meatballs.
Casimir has been suspended from her job at Newburgh-based Watson Services, the company that provides food services at the mess hall, where she has worked for 28 years. Authorities say supervisors confronted Casimir about 1 p.m. Jan. 30 because she apparently abandoned her post and was found in an area where she had “no responsibility or assignment of duties,” according to court papers. An affidavit signed by Joshua Weaver, a court liaison to the Provost Marshal Office at West Point says that when Casimir was asked what was in the grocery bag she was carrying, she replied, “Nothing. It’s garbage.” Asked why she didn’t throw it in a garbage area near the pantry, Casimir said she was taking it to a bin downstairs instead. “After some reluctance, the defendant revealed a bag of ‘completely frozen’ meatballs in the defendant’s possession; which coincidentally were on the menu for that evening’s dinner,” the affidavit says. Casimir said she “found the bag in a trash container and was on her way to dispose of them in another trash container.” She was subsequently arrested by Military Police. Investigators say that Casimir is responsible for cleaning latrines in the mess hall, and that her job does not include handling or disposing food. Court papers do not specify the number of meatballs involved. A company official who declined to give his name said Casimir is suspended, pending the outcome of the case. Casimir said she’s been looking for house cleaning work. “I just sit in the house,” she said. “I don’t have anything to do.” 
source: Journal News
How much money is the government wasting to prosecute this case? Estelle denies the charges and at a hearing last Friday, she pleaded not guilty. If convicted, she faces a maximum penalty of a $1,000 fine and one year in military prison on each count.

Meanwhile, in Florida, Escort Tries to Bite Off Man's Penis

Priscilla Vaughn, a 29-year-old escort (I'm sure they mean pr0stitute, but whatever), is facing attempted murder charges after she tried to eat a man's penis during a drug-fueled cannibal attack Monday night in Orlando.
Deputies were called to the Crestwood Suites on University Boulevard after multiple 911 callers "reported screaming and growling sounds from a room on the second floor" of the hotel. They arrived to find the victim "covered in a significant amount of blood, with numerous bite wounds," the report states. He was rushed to the Orlando Regional Medical Center trauma center. The man had "significant" bites to his penis and testicles, the report states, as well as damage to his leg, abdomen, chest and fingers. [Priscilla] "was nude, and had blood around her mouth, which had spread to her face and head," the report states, adding Vaughn "growled and snarled" at deputies. The victim later told deputies his attacker was an escort he'd hired for Monday evening. After dinner, they returned to her hotel room, where they drank alcohol and Vaughn used Ecstasy, the report states. During consensual sex, the escort "became more aggressive, and she began to bite his genitals. He described it as if she were trying to eat his penis and testicles," the report says. The victim tried to get away, the report states, but Vaughn "was too powerful and he could not get her off of him." She also took his cell phone away when he tried to call for help, the report says. The Sentinel is not naming the victim because of the sexual nature of the crime. When deputies searched the room later, they found "a significant amount of blood, knocked over furniture, and strewn belongings," as well as a sex toy that had been severely damaged by bite marks. "The damage to the toy indicates a desire to cause severe damage," the report says, adding it appeared the damage to the toy was done prior to the attack.

source: Orlando Sentinel
By "sex toy" do they mean, dildo? Oh, girl.

Janet Hubert Puts on Her Reading Glasses, Reads Wendy Williams For Filth

Chile, you guys know we don't watch Wendy's talk show, so we don't know what led Janet Hubert, the actress who played the Vivian Banks on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, to go off on Wendy similarly to how she let Will Smith have it a few years ago. Checking... OK, apparently, Tatyana Ali was recently on the show and Wendy asked her what led to Janet's firing and the role of Aunt Viv taken over by Daphne Maxwell Reid. Tatyana said she doesn't really remember (since she was a child), but recalled there was a lot of "negativity" and "tension" on the set. Janet felt the subject should be off limits and fired off this missive. [Caution: Grease ahead.]
Dear Wiggy, (I mean Wendy) Recently on your show, you felt the need to finally as you say it put an end to the mystery surrounding my departure from a show that I did so damn long ago that I don’t even remember why I departed. Wiggy… William…whatever you are supposed to be, I am not quite sure really, I am writing you yet again to appeal to your sense of womanhood, or manhood as some suggest, to simply shut your mouth about things that you know nothing of. I watched your horrible show to see dear Tatyana Ali, sadly to say fall into your trap, even brought personal pictures of our wonderful days on the show The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Most people watch you just to see what heinous things, your mouth… which I compare to an over flowing volcano, will spew forth on that day. Now perhaps other black women have allowed you to berate them and will continue to support you in this manner of current madness, by rewarding hatefulness. It seems to have become the norm and has sadly taken over our society. But I… Janet Hubert, who have vowed to try and not do this ever again (God forgive me) sat there and watched you tell the world that I was not the nice mother? I sat there and watched you, like some kind of devilish sinkhole swallow up Tatyana Ali, reduced her to a child sitting there attempting to keep some semblance of dignity about her as you pried and invaded her life until you got what you wanted. You are a demon Wendy…you are a wicked, awful, conniving, sinister, spiteful, jealous of every other woman, simply put Wendy… you are a virus… and you are not, nor have ever been a true woman. Your audience thirsts for the blood of others as they are prompted, to clap, hoot, and holler at your garish shoes, wigs and clothing. You will have stars on your show and demean them before they even make it back home. Who died and told you that you were reborn as Oprah. You want to be Oprah so damn bad you would kill for it, and you will kill anyone to achieve success. You will never be another Oprah, Oprah lifted her audience up; she exuded an air of class. But you Wendy, you are not even in my league, this is so beneath me to even bother with someone like you, but you asked for it, so… here you are. You will not destroy all the hard work that I went through in the last decade to clear my good name. I simply put will not allow you to do so. I am a lady and a real one, Wendy…you just messed with the wrong sister. I am a classically trained actress…funny for all that you and the world claim I have done, I should have had my own show like you… correct, because there is nothing I could have ever done in this lifetime in my career that could equal the vulgarity, and ugliness, and hatred that you spew in one single day. Here is my advice to you Wendy…learn to sit in a chair and stop fidgeting with yourself on camera, wipe your giant teeth off camera…put sweat pit pads under your arms…if your sweater is pulling honey until there are lines across your chest… it is too tight. Take that fake ass blond hair off your head or stop playing the race card, cause you are coming off like a wanna be white girl who will never be white. I have never seen anything except for the hogs I used to feed before school, slobber at the mere sight of food so I even question your humanness. I have never seen such a display of self hatred Wendy. Just a couple of more suggestions to you…stop dissing all of us who have embraced our natural hair as I and many others have, and yes Wendy it does belong on the red carpet, whether you like it or not. I feel so sorry for you… sitting on your big footed tacky throne everyday while millions of people laugh at you…not with you…there is a big difference. Nobody cares what you think about their lives, but we do care about what you put out there about us. My heart saddens at how women especially black women have embraced your evil after all our struggles in society. You and your kind have set us back at least 100 years. How dare you chastise anyone when you are such a travesty?

source: Miss Jia

The library is now closed. So much shade, we gotta pull the drapes and open the window. Janet, if you don't recall why you were fired, ask Alfonso Ribeiro. He said you were difficult to work with, bashit crazy and regularly lashed out at people . So, basically, things have not changed.

Here's a clip of the Tatyana interview. [Jump to the 3:30 mark.]

UPDATE: Here's the audio of Janet reading the letter she sent to Wendy!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Man Impregnates 11-year-old Girl

Ohmigod! Deandre Devon Davis-Williams of Houston is charged with sexually abusing and impregnating an 11-year-old girl. According to police, Deandre, 21, sneaked into the girl's home everyday while her mother was at work and raped the child. This abuse went on for almost a year! The girl is now 9 months pregnant. We have so many questions. Like, how does he know the girl's family and was the girl home alone and if she wasn't, why didn't she scream or call for help and why didn't she tell her mother this man was raping her and why didn't her mother notice she was pregnant and after finding out her child was assaulted why didn't her mother pull out her pearl handle and march on over to Deandre's home and pop a cap in his ass? Something is going on here.

Sidebar: Another report says Deandre and the girl lived in the same apartment complex and it was incest -- because Deandre and the girl are related. How? We're not sure.

source: KTRK

Eddie Murphy Declines Arsenio Hall's Request to Appear on His New Talk Show: report

When a person lands their own talk show, he feverishly goes through his contacts, calls everyone hoping to land the biggest name they know to appear on the premiere episode. So, typically, Arsenio Hall -- whose new late-night talk premieres this fall -- called up his good friend and tranny lover Eddie Murphy to be his first guest, but Eddie told him hell to the no. Well, that's what the folks over at the Enquirer are reporting. "He told Arsenio to get his show off without him, and if it's a success he'll come on it early next year," a source told the tabloid. "But Arsenio told Eddie, 'If you can't come when you're invited, then you can't come at all." BAM! Arsenio feels slighted because last November at the Eddie Murphy: One Night Only TV special party in Hollywood, Arsenio basically called Eddie a god. Now he feels Eddie is "jealous" of him because he's jumpstarting his career while Eddie's movie career is fizzling. We don't know what to believe. How You Doin, Arsenio!

Here's Arsenio gushing about Eddie last November...

...And here's a vintage clip of Eddie on Arsenio's old talk show in 1989 or 1990.

source: National Enquirer, April 1, print edition

Cedric The Entertainer Hired as New Host of 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire'

Comedian and actor Cedric the Entertainer (real name: Cedric Antonio Kyles) will replace Meredith Vieira as host of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire when the show returns for its 12th season this fall. In a statement, Janice Marinelli, president, Disney/ABC Domestic Television, says: "We are thrilled to announce that Cedric 'The Entertainer' will be at the helm as our new host of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. With his deep roots as a successful stand-up comedian and actor, Cedric will bring his fresh approach and unpredictable fun to the show." Last January, Meredith -- who has hosted the daytime syndicated game show since its inception in 2002 -- announced she will not renew her contract because she wants to focus on other projects.

source: B&C

Man Attacks Roommate With Tree Branch Over Facebook Post, But He May Have Deserved It

Yes, it's yet another story about a person who doesn't know how to act on Facebook. But this beatdown may have be warranted.
Edmond police said a man is in custody after he beat his roommate with a tree branch when the victim posted an unflattering message on his Facebook page. Jean Parfait Koffi, 26, was arrested on a complaint of assault with a dangerous weapon. Officers said they were called to the 20 block of South Bryant Avenue on Tuesday by Koffi's roommate who told them Koffi hit him repeatedly with a tree branch. Koffi said the victim had loaned him money and he had not paid back the full amount. Last week, the men had a physical altercation that Koffi said left him with minor injuries, according to a police report. Koffi said his roommate then posted about the fight on his Facebook page saying he "beat" Koffi and "won the fight," investigators said. The victim also posted pictures of ice packs Koffi had used following the fight and made fun of him, Koffi told officers. He said the posts "hurt him inside," according to the police report. Koffi admitted to police that he took a tree branch and hit his roommate repeatedly, breaking the branch into pieces. The roommate told officers Koffi also got a kitchen knife and approached him with it, but a third roommate separated the two. According to the police report, the victim had cuts, scratches and a gash on his head as well as cuts on his arm.

source: KOCO
The victim, a 24-year-old college student from the Ivory Coast (we believe Jean is also from the Ivory Coast) named Patrick told another news network Jean hit him hit him more than 10 times with the tree branch. He adds: "I had to run into the bathroom and hide. Before I knew, I saw blood all over my body…and he came to me with a knife, trying to stab me. I was like, ‘My life is in danger.’” Woo-woo-woo! Patrick says he plans to move out of the home in Oklahoma at the end of the month. Everyone just needs to grow the hell up!

Lady Gets into Fight With Her Family, Attempts Vehicular Homicide

It's still unclear as to what sort of familial dispute led Sharoya Jones to drive her car into a crowd of about 20 people (some of them her family members) in Pompano Beach, Florida (injuring four of them -- including a 2-year-old boy), but once the full story is revealed, we'd like Linda Ann Jones to tell it.

source: WSVN

Here's Video of Three Men Attempting to Steal Electronics From Walmart

Earlier this month, three men walked into a Walmart in Stockbridge, Georgia to steal a sound bar and two stereos, but when confronted by a store security guard they fled and fired shots as they drove away. It was all caught on tape for your viewing pleasure. If you know the would-be thieves, you're asked to call police.

source: WXIA

Man Storms Stage, Interrupts Kansas City Mayor's State of the City Address

Mayor Sly James imma let you finish, but I'm the best mayoral candidate of all time. Ha! During Kansas City Mayor Sly James’ State of the City Address on Monday night, a man stormed the stage, threw the state's flag off the stage and went on a brief profanity-laced rant then got into a scuffle with security as they tried to take him away. It's hi-la-rious! That 31-year-old man, community activist and wanna-be politician Derron Black, was arrested and was charged with assault on a law enforcement officer and obstructing government operations.

Here are the raw videos:

Sidebar: While still in jail, Derron recorded this apology: “This is Derron Black. I’m here on 11th and Locust, downtown Kansas City at police headquarters. It is the 19th day of March, 6 p.m., and I’m just reflecting on all today’s events and I would just to apologize to all my fellow Kansas Citians for being disrespectful and disruptive today. But also would like to challenge Sly James because he just seems to be definitely disillusioned with the condition of our city right now. If you have listened to the State of the City, and if you have any consciousness about the true reality of the condition of the people east of Troost or just throughout Kansas City in general, you would absolutely be frustrated just like I am. But it’s okay. Everything — everything is from the Lord above, and I would like to tell everybody that will see you tomorrow 1300 hours when I’m finally released, Lord willing. Thank you.”

Sidebar 2: Derron is planning a press conference today to announce he's running for....... mayor! Good luck with that.

Update, May 21: That "press conference" didn't go as planned.

And here's the re-do.
source: KCTV

Lady Digs Out Woman's Eye Ball

As the saying goes, don't mess with crazy.
Police have arrested a woman for digging another woman's eye out of the socket during an altercation. An affidavit released by police states that officers were called to a home on March 16 to find Cherry Webster screaming in pain with her eyeball out of the socket. Witnesses told officers that they saw Talicia Kiavonna Morrison, 20, leave the scene and gave a description of her car. Police soon found Morrison and brought her in for questioning. Morrison told police that she and Webster got into a fight earlier that day. She admitted that she must have dug Webster's eyeball out with her fingernail. Several of her nails were broken during the fight. According to the affidavit, Webster told police that Morrison "grabbed her face, grabbed her eye and 'dug her fingers up in there' which caused the eyeball to come out of its socket." Webster was taken to a local hospital and is said to be in good condition. Morrison was arrested and charged with second degree felony of aggravated assault causing serious bodily injury. Her bail has been set at $70,000.

source: KHOU
That is all.
Monday, March 18, 2013

77 Rabbits, 4 People Found Living in House of Filth

What's that smell? While making a house call to bring in a lady wanted for failure to appear in court, police in Dunwoody, Georgia, came upon a real-life episode of Hoarders -- a house overrun with 77 rabbits, three adults, a 9-year-old child, prescription drugs and, oh, yes, "copious amounts of rabbit feces [...] on the ground, beds, couches, counters, and throughout the house." Jessica Ly, 42, Louis Massood, 47 and Dena Guevara, 48, were arrested and charged with drug possession and animal cruelty. The rabbits were seized by animal control.

source: WXIA

Man Jailed For Stealing Hair Dye, Again

Gary Johnson is a klepto who like to keep his gray hair at bay. The 58-year-old from Newington, New Hampshire, was sentenced to 30 days in jail followed by three months of house arrest under electronic surveillance after he was caught stealing men's hair dye, again.
According to court records, Johnson was found guilty of theft on Nov. 3, 2011, for stealing two bottles of men's hair dye, a flashlight and vitamin C from the Newington Walmart. He was given a deferred six-month jail sentence, which later converted to a suspended sentence, conditional upon his good behavior. A companion order by the local court barred Johnson from shopping unless accompanied by a friend or family member and having a list of items to be purchased and sufficient funds to buy them. He was also fined $1,000, which was paid, according to court records. On Sept. 30, 2012, Johnson was arrested again, this time by Portsmouth police, who allege he stole men's hair dye from the Islington Street Hannaford supermarket. Police are charging Johnson with a felony under state law, which makes a third theft charge a felony, regardless of the value of the stolen item. On Feb. 14, Newington police asked a judge to impose the suspended sentence because of Johnson's subsequent arrest in Portsmouth, and he was sentenced to six months in jail. Johnson's attorney, Peter Anderson, successfully petitioned the court for Thursday's sentencing hearing, stating his client was entitled to debate the terms of his jail sentence before it was imposed. Johnson was also convicted for theft in 2009 when, according to police, he was then known as Gary Michaels. The Portsmouth Herald confirmed through police and court records that Gary Johnson and Gary Michaels have the same birth date and address. [...] That charge followed Portsmouth police allegations that Michaels/Johnson stole six telephones from BJ's Wholesale Club by hiding them in a box made for a television.

source: Seacoast Online

How will he cope behind bars with no hair dye in sight? Guess he'll have to improvise.
Friday, March 15, 2013

Doctor Arrested For Botched Cosmetic Surgeries

If you used a Groupon to get plastic surgery at Advanced MedSpa in Rocklin, California, then you can't be surprised that the discounted surgery was not up to par or that the doctor was arrested today. Agents from the Franchise Tax Board and the Drug Enforcement Agency swooped down on the home and office of Dr Efrain Diego Gonzalez on Friday morning, taking him (and his wife) away in handcuffs. According to a 94-page complaint filed by the Medical Board of California and Attorney General’s office, the good doc permanently disfigured 15 patients he operated on. He was charged with a slew of changes, including mayhem and battery, grand theft, false advertising and aiding and abetting the unlicensed practice of medicine. Oh, he also owes $59,047.30 in back taxes.

Sidebar: Back in 2006, Dr Gonzalez, who's a gynecologist, lost his medical license in in Puerto Rico for practicing plastic surgery without being certified as a plastic surgeon, which is required by law there. In California, any licensed doctor could legally perform any medical procedure regardless of their medical training. Keep that in mind.

source: KMAX

Lady Goes to Beauty Supply Store to Buy Hair, Gets Attacked By Store Owner

Last week, Ruth Jones and her two daughters went to Uptown Beauty Supply in Arlington, Texas, to buy hair and beauty products, but all she got was a beat down from the store owner, who accused her of stealing. She says the store owner Gyuman Lee choked her while another store employee attacked her 17-year-old daughter. Police arrived a short time later and after reviewing surveillance footage placed Gyuman under arrest. He was charged with aggravated assault causing serious bodily injury. Ruth says she's "terrified" and "can barely sleep at night.” She ran to the NAACP because she claimed she was racially-profiled. Is she going to sue the store and its owner? Is Pope Francis Catholic?

Meanwhile, in Tusla, Oklahoma, a woman who stumbled into Nail 4 You nail salon and walked out with a woman's wallet.

sources: KXAS | KOTV

Katherine Jackson is Suing AEG For More Than $40 Billion For Michael Jackson's Death

We don't know if Katherine Jackson is out of her mind, suffering from Alzheimer's, is money-hungry or smoking something because the 82-year-old just went off the edge. According to the folks over at TMZ, the Jackson family matriarch (along with Michael's three children) want AEG Live to pay them more than $40 billion for its negligence over the hiring and supervision of Dr Conrad Murray, who was convicted for killing Michael Jackson. Prince, Paris, Blanket are seeking $10 billion for all of their father's future earnings, plus an additional $50 million in damages. Good luck with that. In response to the ridiculous claim, AEG Live says the $40 billion is ridiculous because Michael's career was in a downward spiral following the child molestation allegations, as well as self-imposed exile in the Middle East. They claim the damage claim is based on rank speculation. The Jackson family is a disgrace. The person responsible for Michael's death is Michael. Katherine and the rest of the family need to get a grip.

source: TMZ

Lady Jailed For Making False 911 Calls About Cats in Her Backyard

We're not sure if this lady has a mental illness, drunk or she's just batshit crazy, but 54-year-old Wendy Brock was arrested after calling 911 several times yesterday to complain about cats in her backyard and noises inside her house. Oh, she's from Florida (Brooksville, Florida), so that explains it. I just can't. Bye! (You can listen to the madness in the video, above.)

Sidebar: Wendy was on bail after a Feb. 24 arrest on aggravated assault charges.

source: WTSP

Lady Sells Husband's Belongings in 'Lying Cheating Sale' After He Left Her For a 'Floozie'

What's more vindictive than a woman scorned? When you find out, let us know. In the meantime...
A scorned woman held a yard sale to get rid of her husband's belongings while he was away for the weekend with his lover, reports the Province. The British Columbia woman placed an ad on Craigslist that read, in part, "Husband left us for a piece of trash, selling everything while he is gone this weekend with his floozie." The ad went on to read that the woman was selling everything and moving after 10 years of marriage. Featured items for sale included his favorite sofas and "lots of tools which he didn't have a clue how to use." The ad stated that there would be no clothing for sale, "as we will have already burned those in the driveway." It's unknown how much money the was raised by the yard sale or if the woman will be allowed to keep all the funds since in a typical divorce proceeding, a court requires both sides to account for all assets. This would include funds raised from such a sale.

source: WKMG

Quick-Thinking Man Catches Baby Thrown From Burning Apartment

Chuck Faison is a hero. After three-alarm fire broke out at the Weatherly Walk Apartments in Fayetteville, Georgia on Thursday, the maintenance man of 8 years busted windows to alert residents. He saved three lives of that day, including a baby. Chuck says he told the woman to throw the baby out of the second-story window and he'll catch it. Then he helped the mother out of the burning apartment. He busted another window and pulled an elderly woman to safety. Kudos to you, Chuck.

source: WFIE

Homeless Man Bites Off Waiter's Lip

The most recent zombie attack happened in Atlanta last Friday. Rodney Scott said he went outside the restaurant (Flying Biscuit) where he works for a smoke break when a man attacked him and bit off a chunk of his lip. The perpeptor is a homeless man named Carl Winston -- who's known on the streets as "Cyrus". Surgeons were able to stitch up what was left of Rodney's lips. Even though he doesn't have medical insurance, the owners of the Flying Biscuit have agreed to pay all of Rodney's medical expenses. "Cyrus" -- who was probably just hungry due to his run-in with Rodney earlier that day -- is charged with aggravated battery. BTW: How You Doin, Rodney. Allriiight.

source: WSB