Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Here's Everything That Happened During Dr Phil's Interview With Nick Gordon

And the Source Award for best performance by a duo or group in a TV interview goes to gun-toting Nick Gordon and his mother, Michelle, who appeared on Dr Phil this afternoon to present their side in the messy PR battle between Nick and Bobbi Kristina's family. As you know, Bobbi Kristina (who's also called Krissi) was found facedown in a bathtub full of water last January and remains comatose. Dr Phil first spoke with Michelle alone; Nick joined them later.

Michelle says Nick knew Bobbi Kris since she was 12. He started living with Whitney Houston and Bobbi Kristina in 2008 "after his 18th birthday." It was a friendly, brother-sister relationship. When "the situation" (as Dr Phil calls Whitney's drowning death) happened, Nick was in the Beverly Hills Hilton at the time. Nick heard Whitney's assistant scream and he ran to her and found Whitney's lifeless body on the floor of the bathroom. He tried to administer CPR, but failed. Michelle says Nick called her while in the hotel room and said: "Why, couldn't I do CPR...I couldn't get air into her lungs." (The Houston family has since issued a statement and referred to the police report for that day, refuting Nick's claims he performed CPR on Whitney.)

On Bobbi Kristina's "incident":
Michelle says Kriss, Nick and Max Lomas all went out to a club or party the night before and were all drunk when they arrived home "very early in the morning on Saturday." Nick and Bobbi Kristina got into an argument and Nick "walked away from the argument" went to a bedroom to "fall asleep" and Bobbi Kristina went up to her room and "drew a bath." Later that morning, the cable guy came over and Max let him inside. He needed access to the bathroom and Max found Bobbi Kristina. Max pulled her out of the tub and went to get Nick. Nick did CPR for "15 minutes" while 911 was called. When police arrived "they didn't help him." The cops didn't perform CPR. EMT later arrived.

On's Whitney's dying wish:
"Nick continually express how much he's failed Whitney, because Whitney asked Nick to protect Krissi and Nick has always felt that he was a protector of Whitney and Krissi and he says if Krissi dies it will be his fault because she should've survived his CPR."

On Nick's suicide attempt:
Michelle says Nick told her "many time" he is going to kill himself and two weeks ago he tried to commit by taking pills including Xanax. Nick called his younger brother, Jack, and told him about his plan and told him not to tell anyone. Jack called Michelle to let her know. Michelle says she called the person Nick was staying with and asked the man to keep an eye on him. Nick then "threw up the pills."

On Nick attending drug rehab three times with Whitney and Bobbi Kristina:

"I believe Whitney wanted to keep them all together as a family, so he took Nick (to rehab) everywhere she and Krissi went, he went. They never separated."

Dr Phil called out her bull. He says in his 35 years career dealing with addicts, he's never heard of anyone "taking a proxy to rehab." Michelle says Nick in speaking to Nick, he has never appeared high or drunk.

Does Bobbi Kristina have a drug problem?
"I assumed she had a problem."

Why Nick's being blocked from seeing Bobbi Kristina in the hospital:
Michelle says her son is "full of pain and hurt" desperately wants to see Bobbi Kristina because he has lost the will to live. As for who is preventing him from seeing Bobbi Kristina: "It's her father his pride and selfish. He won't see Nick see Krissi because of his pride and his feelings toward Nick. I don't believe the Houston side (believe Nick was responsible for Bobbi Kristina's situation), I don't know about the Browns. My son will never try and hurt Krissi. I don't care what they think, my son will never hurt anyone."

Now it was Nick's turn. Honestly, there wasn't much substance to anything he said. When Dr Phil went to fetch him from his room, Nick, who has been drinking, told him not to put him on TV, because it made him "look weak." While on the sofa with his mother, Dr Phil asked him if he's on drugs and Nick answered: "I have been been doing Xanax and that's it. I have been sober, besides that." And asked who he feels, he said: "My pain is horrible. My heart hurts. I have panic attacks. Oh my gosh!" He says he did everything in his powers to protect Whitney and Bobbi Kristina and threatens to kill himself "if anything happens to Krissi." He adds: "I miss Krissi and Whitney so much, oh my gosh, I miss them so much! I lost the most legendary singer ever and I'm scared to lose Krissi." After 20 minutes of theatrics, crocodile tears, unintelligible mutterings and Nick walking out of the interview, Dr Phil sent him off to the Willingway rehab facility, which is 3 hours away from where Bobbi Kristina is hospitalized. Nick was concerned he was too far away, in the event Bobbi Kristina wakes up and asks for him, because “my name will be the first she calls.” Yeah. Dr Phil assured him, he will hire a helicopter and fly Nick from the rehab facility to the Bobbi Kristina's bedside. Yeah, OK.

Perhaps we missed it, but one thing that was unexplained by Michelle: Why did Nick move out of his biological mother's home to live with Whitney?

Here's the interview, if you'd like to see how everything went down.


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