Friday, April 15, 2011

Week in Review: Gay Scandals, Mental Defects, Drunk and High Babies

Hello, boys and girls. Have a fantastic weekend! We'll be back Monday afternoon.

While we're away, if you have a tip about a story or something we should look into, post or get a chuckle from, please direct it here.

Here are some of the week's lowlights (and some highlights, too).
  1. Rev. Jesse Jackson have been cheating on his wife with a slew of women - and perhaps a few men, too.
  2. The tranny who was arrested with Hot 97 deejay Mister Cee put him on blast! He says Mister Cee paid him $200 to have unprotected sex. Plus, another man also claimed Mister Cee paid him for sex, too!
  3. We watched a mailman take a shit in a customer's backyard. No kidding.
  4. Catherine Zeta-James is crazy. She checked into a mental hospital -- under a fake name -- to treat her Bipolar disorder.
  5. Jasmine Guy continues to not pay her bills. American Express slapped her with an $86,241 lawsuit!
  6. LeBron James' mother, Gloria, was slapped with a lawsuit for, ahem, slapping a hotel parking attendant.
  7. Kobe Bryant called a referee a "fucking faggot" and was fined $100,000 as a result.
  8. Twins lived with the decomposing body of their dead mother lying face down in the living room for three months.
  9. OMG, babies! A baby got drunk at Applebee's. A baby got drunk at Olive Garden. And, a baby ate a bag of weed!
  10. An idiot committed a burglary and when fleeing from cops, he bit the police now. Now, he's suing because he claims the dog violated his civil rights.
  11. A man was rubbing one out in the booth at a porn stop when he suddenly (and literally) went up in flames!
  12. Speaking of which, a man masturbated on a woman in a grocery store.
  13. The man who was assaulted and lost an eye after a brawl broke out at the DMV Awards is seeking the public's help.
  14. That man looked like a lady!
  15. Man texted people to ask if they're home, when they said "no", be broke into their homes and stole their stuff.
  16. Dying actress Zsa Zsa Gabor is going to be a mother. She's 94!
  17. A girl made some impressive animal sound impressions.
  18. Fake presidential candidate Donald Trump said he's down with "the blacks".
  19. A man stabbed a friend dead over a argument about boxer Mike Tyson.
  20. Police in NYC arrested a man who wouldn't mind his damn business.
  21. A woman blinded her pesty baby daddy with roach spray.
  22. A man beat a 2-year-old boy to death for wetting his pants.
  23. Long-running soaps All My Children and One Life to Live were canceled -- leaving Wendy without one job.
  24. A fan mutilated a cat to make a costume for a Lady Gaga concert.
  25. Speaking of Gaga, her new single "Judas" leaked onto the Internet.
  26. A couple was caught having sex in a children library in the middle of the day.
  27. A woman who confessed to shoot her husband dead then burying his body in their backyard for three years was found not guilty of murder by a jury.
  28. R&B singer Teyana Taylor beat down a woman for badmouthing her friend, convicted felon Chris Brown.
  29. A Kanye West fan is going to prison for five years.
  30. A New York mother drove a minivan with her four children into a river, killing three of them and herself.
  31. Forget world peace, a church is praying for lower gas prices.
  32. A dominatrix went to get Botox, the doctor had other ideas.
  33. Men failed epically at robbing a jewelry store.
  34. Homeless crackheads who were paid to get beaten in a series of fetish videos, are now suing.
  35. A TSA agent patted down a 6-year-old girl.
  36. A woman went to get butt implants, didn't live to enjoy them. RIP.
  37. An anti-porn politician was caught looking at porn.
  38. A stripper denied a doctor's sexual advances, he tried to shoot her.
  39. Speaking of doctors, a weight-loss doctor told a woman she could burn calories and lose weight if she just slept with him.
  40. iPhones, iPads and other devices could be banned at next year's Olympics Games.
  41. We still don't know what's going on this video.
  42. A woman beat, choked and threatened to kill a boy for getting an "F".
  43. The first human penis went on display at the penis museum.
  44. Video showed dozens of people being rescued by firefighters are they were stuck in a NYC subway elevator for an hour.
  45. Details about Beyoncè's upcoming single and video were revealed.
  46. Dennis Rodman wore women's lingerie.
  47. A man called 911 to report a suicide, then shot himself dead with the dispatcher on the line.
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