Thursday, February 28, 2013

911 Calls Released From Carolina Awards Ball Brawl

While you were sleeping last Sunday, the kids were acting a fool at the annual slugfest known as the Carolina Awards Ball in Charlotte. According to organizers, "a sore loser" started the auditorium-clearing brawl which saw tables and chairs being hurled across the room. The place was destroyed. At one point, someone walked in with an axe/hammer and threatened to use it and a queen pulled out her stunt gun and attempted to Taser people. When police arrived, most of the 150 people who were in attendance had disappeared and those who remained behind refused to speak to police or provide a testimony of what happened. As a result, no arrests were made. Late this afternoon, police released one of the calls made to 911. BTW: No one was injured. Here's the ratchetness..
Sidebar: A fight broke out at the 2011 ball which ended with someone setting the Doubletree Hotel on fire.

 source: WCNC

Man Breaks into Woman's Apartment, Forces Her to Cook For Him

Police in Santa Ana, California are looking for a man who broke into two apartments on Monday robbing one woman of $100 then entering another another unit and forcing a woman to cook him a meal before robbing her.
Shortly before 2 p.m. [...] police believe the man broke a window to force his way into another apartment in the same complex. A woman in the kitchen of the apartment saw the intruder coming down the stairs from the upper floor of the unit. After initially thinking it was her husband, the woman realized that the man, who had a towel wrapped around his head, was a stranger. The woman's husband and children were gone at the time, police said. "She makes a break for the front door. He chases her, gets her in a bear hug and takes her back to the kitchen area, where she remained against her will for the next two to three hours," Bertagna said. The man told the woman that he wasn't going to hurt her, [Santa Ana police Cpl. Anthony Bertagna] said, and demanded that she cook him some food. After she cooked him a meal, the man found a camera in the apartment and began taking pictures of the woman and telling her she was beautiful, Bertagna said. The man tried to convince the woman to go into a shower and a bedroom with him, but she refused. "She denied his request and reminded him that he wasn't going to hurt her," Bertagna said. The man took out a pipe and began to smoke methamphetamine in front of the woman, Bertagna said. When she again denied the man's request to go into a bedroom, the man left the apartment, stealing a bicycle belonging to the woman's son on his way out.

source: OC Register

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mom Drowns Son Because She Was Ashamed of the Size of His Genitals

Police in Jakarta, Indonesian have arrested a 38-year-old Retno Purwati after she admitted to drowning her 8-year-old son Viki Riska Suparmin because of the the size of his genitals. True story.
“It seems like she committed the murder consciously. She filled up a bathtub with water, tied the kid up and drowned him. Afterward, she dressed him. It was all done very neatly, but we still recommend for her to undergo a psychological examination,” Sr. Comr. Rikwanto told the Jakarta Globe on Wednesday. After Retno forced her son’s head underwater, she picked her oldest daughter from school and asked her to go home to look after her brother, while Retno went to the police station to report herself. She explained to the police what she had done and asked them to check if her son was still alive. However, when the police arrived at the scene, the boy had already died. Rikwanto said the mother told the police that she killed her son because after he was circumcised, his penis shrank. “We haven’t found another motive. So far, the only thing we know is that she killed her son because she was ashamed of the size of his genitals and she was afraid that he would not have a good future,” he said. Retno [...] faces 15 years in jail if she is proven guilty.

source: Jakarta Globe
Mad we tell you, the world is going mad!

Kelly Rowland Sobbed After Beyoncé Nixed Destiny's Child Reunion Album, Tour: report

That's what the folks over at Star are reporting. The magazine has a shoddy track record so this report is probably not true. But and however, according to their source, Kelly Rowland and Mrs Carter met for lunch at the Gjelina restaurant in Venice, California on Feb. 11 days after the Destiny's Child reunion at The Beyoncé Bowl. Kelly allegedly "begged Beyoncé to record some tracks and even asked Jay-Z to help," the source says, "but Bey said her next major project will be getting pregnant again." The source said Kelly started bawling outside of the restaurant because she "took Bey's blow as a huge diss, and is heartbroken -- she hoped performing together again would revive her career." Kelly seems to be doing all right, career-wise. She's busy hosting TV shows, making movies and whatnot. Her new floppy disc, Talk a Good Game, will be released sometime this year. She hopes. As for Mrs Carter, we do believe she's planning to have another baby. Embarking on a major world tour without a new album (as of yet) to promote seems a bit suspicious. Why she is she going on tour performing old music, with the same old choreography? Is she "pregnant" with her second child? We believe she is. Fan out!

source: Star, March 11, print edition

Michael Winans Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison For Ponzi Scheme

Three years after news broke that members of the Winans family were behind a massive multi-million Detroit-area Ponzi scheme, Michael Winans Jr. was sentenced today to nearly 14 years in prison for financially defrauding more than 1,200 investors in an $8 million pyramid scheme. The 30-year-old pled guilty last October to wire fraud and after hearing from victims -- some said the scheme to sell Saudi Arabian oil bonds robbed some people of their life savings, caused divorces and fractured many families -- the judge sentenced onetime Grammy nominee to 13 years and 9 months in federal prison and ordered him to pay his victims $4.8 million in restitution. Michael told the court he "did make mistakes” that caused “financial and emotional damage. For that I repent.” He added: There was no “malicious intent on my part…I wanted people to have a good life.” Good riddance.

Sidebar: This criminal is the grandson of Delores "Mom" Winans and David "Pop" Winans Sr., and the son of Michael Winans Sr., a member of The Winans. His uncle, Marvin Winans, gave the eulogy at Whitney Houston's funeral.

source: Detroit Free-Press

Goat Screaming Like a Human Adds Levity to Your Favorite Songs

Forget the Harlem Shake, the newest meme taking over the Internet is goat screaming like a human singing along to popular music -- sometimes making the tracks better. We believe it all started with Taylor Swift's song Trouble (above), here are a few others.

Judge Overturns James Brown Estate Settlement

It's now more than size years since James Brown died from heart failure, yet he's still not be buried in his final resting place -- but no one in his family cares about that, they want his money. They've challenged his will and filed lawsuits to have the executors replaced. It's a big ole hot mess! Anywho, the South Carolina attorney general recently brokered a settlement that split the legendary singer's estate, giving nearly half to a charitable trust, a quarter to his widow Tomi Rae Hynie and the rest to be split among his six adult children, but, the state's Supreme Court overturned the settlement because in James will, he expressed he wanted most of his money to go to to charity. So the fight over his money will continue, no doubt.

 source: WLTX

Man Barges into Day Care, Announces: 'God Sent Me Here to Take the Children'

Those were the words of a man who got into a Florida daycare this morning. According to parents and employees of Learning Experience, the managed to get inside the building where the children get dropped off (a parent let the man into the building) then when they enquired who he was and why he was at the day care, he told them: "God sent me here. God sent me here to take the children." Obviously, he's insane, so employees called police and were on the phone with dispatchers for 40 minutes. It was not until an argument erupted between the man and a parent that police rushed to the scene. They were there within 4 minutes. The mad man was arrested and taken away for a mental evaluation. Just another day in Florida. Carry on.

source: WPEC

81-year-old Store Owner Fights Off Robbers

Earlier this month, two men walked into Riverton Jewelers in Sherman Oaks, California, and started smashing display cases and pocketing watches. Mind you, this happened at 1:50 in the afternoon. 81-year-old store owner Chuck Lire couldn't believe his eyes and tried to stop the suspects, but they got away. According to police, the two thieves visited the store the day before posing as customers. If you know their identities, call the Sherman Oaks police.

source: KNBC

Sheree Whitfield Accuses Blogger of Stalking, Files Order of Protection

Former "Real Housewives of Atlanta" star Shereè Whitfield doesn't want anyone showing up at Chateau Sheree and that includes blogger Tamara Kay Brawner, whom the "hard, mean, not nice, lesbian" is seeking a protective order against for harassment by showing up at showing up at the construction site of her home and taking photos then publishing them to her blog, Tamara Tattles.
According to her complaint: "In October 2011 the respondent commenced an online blog about the petitioner's home titled 'Chateau Sheree,' giving the online world a play-by-play of the construction progress of the petitioner's home. The respondent then commenced additional online blogs regarding the petitioner's legal proceedings, the petitioner's business label, and delays in the petitioner's home construction, the demise of the petitioner's reality television career, and other disparaging remarks." [...] Whitfield claims Brawner is stalking her, which is illegal in Georgia. According to O.C.G.A. 16-5-90: "A person commits the offense of stalking when he or she follows, places under surveillance, or contacts another person at or about a place or places without the consent of the other person for the purpose of harassing, and intimidating the other person." Whitfield says in her complaint: "Between October 2011 and February 2013, the respondent came onto the petitioner's property and took pictures which the respondent subsequently posted to her online blog. On 2/18/2013 the respondent gained access into the petitioner's home, without the petitioner's consent. The respondent collected photographs of the petitioner's home and has also posted a detailed narrative of the floor-plan of the interior of the petitioner's home." Whitfield claims Brawner described the interior of her home in a blog posted on Feb. 18. "On other occasions, respondent spied on me without my consent in order to harass or intimidate me and respondent transferred information about to others without my consent knowing that they could harass or intimidate me with it and similar events may occur in the future," the petition states. "These acts had no legitimate purposes, happened at places other than the residence of the respondent, were without the consent of the petitioner and placed petitioner in reasonable fear for her own safety and/or the safety of her immediate family." Whitfield asks the court to order Brawner to stop harassing her, to not have any direct or indirect contact with her or her family, and wants a hearing.

source: CN
Tamara's attorney denies her client is stalking Shereè and called the former reality TV star's claims "baseless." She looks forward to a judge throwing the case out of court. What say you, Linnethia?

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Naked Man Locks Himself Out of Hotel Room

A man at California hotel went to put out the room service tray and the door slammed shut behind him. Since he didn't have a key, he had to cover himself up with dishes from his room service tray, then took the elevator (scaring young children) down to the lobby to ask for a new room key. The front desk clerk then asked him for ID. Bwhahahahaha.

source: KTLA

Cop Caught on Video Punching Woman in the Face Found Not Guilty

A former Philadelphia Police lieutenant, who was on trial for punching a woman in the face, has been found not guilty. In the video posted on the Internet, Jonathan Josey is seen striking Aida Guzman in the face last September after the Puerto Rican Day Parade back. He was charged with simple battery. Since this was not a jury trial, a judge made the decision and he made the decision everyone expected him to make: He found the ex-cop not guilty, because, really, how often do officers get convicted of anything? Anywho, while issuing his ruling, judge Patrick Dugan said the video "didn't tell the whole story" and he blamed the media for sensationalizing the incident and playing it "a thousand times." Aida plans to file a civil lawsuit.

source: WPVI

Man Dies on Way to Wife's Funeral, Gets Buried Together

After 66 years of marriage, Gwen Hendrickson passed away in February at the age of 89. While en route to Gwen's funeral, 94-year-old Norman Hendrickson died on a sidewalk -- just steps from the funeral home. Merrilyne Hendrickson then requested that her father's body be put into a casket and placed in the viewing room with her mother's cremated remains, which had been placed in an urn. Mourners who started arriving soon after for Gwen's funeral were greeted by a note Merrilyne posted at the entrance: "Surprise — It's a double-header — Gwen and Norman Hendrickson — Feb. 16, 2013."

source: WFIE

Bobby Brown Sentenced to 55 Days in Jail For DUI

Bobby Brown has been sentenced to 55 days in a Los Angeles jail and four years of probation for drunken driving. The 44-year-old -- who was on probation for another DUI case -- was pleading no contest to charges he was under the influence and driving on a suspended license when he was arrested last October, months after he was jailed for driving on suspended license. He must report to jail no later than March 20. The 55-day sentence breaks down like this: 10 days for the drunken driving offense, 10 days for the suspended license conviction and 35 days for the probation violation. In addition to the four years probation, the judge also ordered that he complete an 18-month alcohol treatment program. The judge ordered Bobby to attend at least three Alcoholics Anonymous sessions each week until he reports to jail. He should've hired Lindsay Lohan's attorney.

source: KCBS
Monday, February 25, 2013

Meanwhile, in Argentina

We haven't a clue what the heck is going on, but we can guess: This man is washing his car or trying to make a snow angel during a hailstorm? Or, are bath salts to blame?

Firefighters Rescue 4-year-old Girl From Burning Apartment

This made our heart pound. Last Friday, fire broke out at an apartment complex in Utica, NY, trapping a 4-year-old girl inside. Firefighters sprung into action and freed the girl. The dramatic rescue was caught on tape. The girl suffered severe burns to her airway and burns on her hands and feet, but she's alive. She remains hospitalized in critical condition. According to investigators, the fire started in the kitchen and quickly spread throughout the structure because numerous curtains, drapes and blankets were attached to the walls. The family of 10 that lived in the apartment is from Somalia and did not speak English. (An interpreter was brought in.)

Sidebar: Utica Mayor Robert Palmieri and Utica Fire Chief Russell Brooks have created a fund for the family of the girl to help them with the cost of traveling back and forth to the hospital in Syracuse, and also to help with the cost of replacing what they lost in the fire. Monetary donations are being accepted at the Utica Fire Department headquarters at 552 Bleecker St, Utica, NY 13501, or you can call the department at (315) 792-0264.

source: WKTV

Friday, February 22, 2013

Homeless Man Sues Parents For Not Loving Him Enough

The relationship between homeless aspiring rapper Bernard Bey and his parents hasn't been good for a long time. It won't get any better any time soon because Bernard is delusional. Are there any doctors of psychiatry around?
A 32-year-old Brooklyn man is suing his parents, claiming he wasn't loved enough by them and that their neglect has caused him to be homeless and jobless. Bernard Bey filed a self-written lawsuit in Brooklyn court earlier this month, accusing his parents of causing him mental anguish and for making him feel "unloved and beaten by the world." "If you have kids, you're expected to love your children," Bey told NBC 4 New York. "You want the best for your children." Bey claimed he was physically and emotionally abused and ran away from home when he was 12, and then was in and out of the shelter system after turning 16. He's spent time in jail and is now homeless, and he believes his parents are at the root of his problems. Bey is asking the court for more than $200,000 in damages. He wants his parents to mortgage their family home and purchase two franchises like Domino's Pizza. The aspiring rapper said the money would be help the entire family. "I feel like my parents should want the best for their children and grandchildren so we have something to pass down for generations so we don't have to live like this," he said. Bey's parents, who live in public housing, said they're not in a position to give up any money. His stepfather named in the suit, Bernard Manley, had some choice unprintable words and maintained Bey is not his biological son. Bey said he is willing to drop the lawsuit if his family will simply sit down at the dinner table with him. "Let's work together, and definitely, I'll drop the suit," he said.

source: WNBC

Here's the news video.

Restaurant Mails Woman Bill For Using Restroom

When nature called, Patricia Barnes ran into a restaurant in Houston County, Tennessee to use the bathroom. A few days later she received a handwritten letter from The Flood Zone asking for $5 because the restaurant's restroom is for customers only. Yeah, we know. It's ridiculous. But what really is concerning is that the sheriff ran the Patricia's tag and gave her home address to the restaurant. That can't be legal, right?

source: WSMV

Kai, The Homeless Hatchet-Wielding Hitchhiker, Testifies in Court

Earlier this month, Kai, the homeless hatchet-wielding hitcher, became Internet famous after he stopped Jett McBride from going on a murderous rampage in Fresno. He was called as a witness during Jett's preliminary hearing. During his testimony, Kai (real name: Caleb McGillivary) told the court he and Jett admitted to raping a 14-year-old girl and they stopped buy weed before Jett mowed down a utility worker because he's black.

source: KMPH

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Impatient Woman Causes Ruckus at DMV Office

Christal Bonner went to the Secretary of State office in St. Clair Shores, Michigan on Tuesday, but after 90 minutes of waiting, she demanded to see a supervisor. When the supervisor told her there's nothing she can do to speed up the wait -- it is the DMV office, after all -- Christal got loud and began swearing and yelling. Cops were called and she was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct.

Sidebar: We had no clue what a Secretary of State office was. Is it where John Kerry takes meetings with citizens? No, in Michigan it's basically the DMV office. In other states, it's something different. See, you do learn something new everyday.

source: WJBK

Queen Latifah: 'My Closet is Pretty Fun'

While appearing on HSN tonight to sell her range of clothing and accessories, Queen Latifah and host Colleen Lopez got to chatting about closets. We didn't expect noted lesbian Queen Latifah to come out of her glass closet, but we did learn she has "powwows" with her girlfriend Eboni in said closet where they talk about "boyfriends," shoes and things of that nature.

Sidebar: The guy is her stylist Timothy Snell. He's not in a glass closet.

Hair Curling Tutorial Goes Horribly Wrong

We literally were on the floor laughing. Ohmigawd!

Rapper Killed in Drive-by Shooting

Las Vegas law enforcement officers are working with authorities in neighboring states as they hunt for the gunman who shot and killed an aspiring rapper and pimp on the Las Vegas Strip shortly after 4am. The rapper/pimp, identified as 27-year-old Kenny Clutch (real name: Kenneth Cherry Jr), then drove his Maserati into a taxi cab, causing it to explode, killing the driver and passenger. Police believe Kenny and the shooter got into verbal argument at the Aria hotel valet, which led to the shooting.

source: KLAS

Ladies Attack Waiter For Not Bringing Out Food Fast Enough

If this isn't some ratchetness, we don't know what is. Tuesday night, 25-yer-old Shalonda Smith and a group went to Logan's Steakhouse in Memphis, but when the waiter wasn't bringing out the food at at once, she slapped him then cut him twice on his forehead with a steak knife. In an effort to get away from the crazy lady, the waiter pushed her away. That's when her Shalonda's sister -- 34-year-old Starika Smith -- punched him. Then both ladies chased the man around the restaurant threatening to stab him. When police arrived, Shalonda complained of stomach pains due to her pregnancy. Both were arrested and charged with aggravated assault.

source: WPTY

Landlord Spanks Male Tenant for Falling Behind on Rent

A landlord, 53-year-old Ron Kronenberger, from Waynesville, Ohio is facing an assault charge after he spanked a male tenant four times on his butt with his belt for falling behind on rent. True story.
The Waynesville police report states the alleged victim was $2,800 overdue on his rent payment. According to the report, the 29-year-old tenant went to visit Kronenberger at his grocery store when Kronenberger shut and locked his office door and told the man's wife to wait outside. The tenant says they discussed rent payment and a job search before Kronenberger left his office and returned with a belt. The tenant says his landlord stated "If you're going to act like a child, I'm going to treat you like one" and told the man to bend over and place his hands on a chair. The report states the tenant complied and alleges Kronenberger then spanked him four times on the butt. Pictures taken show little marks allegedly the result of the incident. When police asked the tenant why he agreed, he stated he "was scared and just wanted to get it over with." According to the police report, Kronenberger admitted to whipping the man in his office due to the late rent payment.

source: WXIX
At his hearing today, the judge ordered Ron, who, by the way was named "Citizen of the Year" back in 2006, to stay away from the tenant.

Woman Claims Man Attacked Her at Dog Park

An Atlanta woman says a man at a local dog park attacked her on Monday after she told him to put a leash on one of his dogs. Look, she has video of the "attack." Yeah, we're going to go on a limb to say there's a whole other side to this story.

Sidebar: This is the full video of the "attack."

Update, Feb. 22: The man, identified as 53-year-old Louis Rivera, has been arrested and charged with simple battery. According to police, the woman (along with another woman) said they were playing with their children in the playground and skate park area when Louis told the children to leave because his pit bulls were there first. The women said the dogs had been off leash and were jumping on the children. What we see on the video is him knocking the phone out of the woman's hand. In doing so, he hit the woman's hand, which she's calling an attack/assault. We're awaiting Louis' version of events.

source: WAGA
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Whole Foods Uses President Obama's Face to Promote Chicken Sale

Dats racist! The Whole Foods supermarket in NYC's Upper West Side Whole Foods has raised quite a few eyebrows after they used a caricature of President Obama -- who has a chain of fried chicken restaurants named after him -- to advertise an upcoming sale on whole organic chicken. Some residents called the ad racist. Whole Foods said they meant no disrespect and took down the sign.

source: WNBC

Lady Jailed For Having Sex With Pit Bull

Almost a year after a gentleman was caught boning a pit bull, this lady was arrested for committing the same unconscionable. She needs to be careful. She could die.
A Las Vegas woman was arrested Tuesday after authorities caught her having sex with a pit bull in her back yard, according to Metro police. In an arrest report released Wednesday, police said they were called to a home in the 300 block of N. 16th Street, where 23-year-old Kara Vandereyk was engaging in sexual acts with the animal in full view of neighbors. Police said the woman stood-up and greeted officers with a "Hi". Vandereyk appeared to be under the influence of drugs or was mentally ill, according to the report. Police said she could not identify herself and was unable to answer questions about the current date or name of the President of the United States. Vandereyk is quoted in the report telling officers, "I'm bipolar." She also admitted to taking prescription medication but was not sure if she was on them at the time, police said. Vandereyk is charged with open and gross lewdness. The canine was taken into the custody of Animal Control.
source: KCTV
Sadly, this sort of behavior is hardly shocking anymore. We were traumatized after hearing this lady's real-life tale, so now we're like meh.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Columbia University Professor Strips, Attacks Teddy Bears During Lecture

We swear the world is going mad. During a lecture on quantum mechanics recently, Columbia University physics professor Emlyn Hughes casually ate a banana as he stripped down to his underwear in front of a screen playing footage of the 9/11 attacks, Adolf Hitler, bombs, and Osama Bin Laden. We don't know what the hell is going on. Then assistants brought two stuffed animals onto the stage, blindfold them, then stabbed them with a sword. At the end of the madness, professor Hughes told the students: "In order to learn quantum mechanics you have to strip to your raw, erase all the garbage from your brain, and start over again. Nothing you have learned in your life up to now is in any way going to help prepare you for this, because everything you do in your everyday life is totally opposite to what you're going to learn in quantum mechanics. I've been tasked with the impossible challenge of having to teach you quantum mechanics in one hour - what basically the most brilliant minds, Einstein and so on, couldn't figure out working on it their whole life. So that's actually a bit of a big goal for today. Before leaving, he pointed out that all the students in attendance needed to pass quantum mechanics in order to gain their undergraduate degrees at Columbia. They might want to get their money back or get another professor. In regards to the professor's madness, Columbia said in a statement: "The freedoms traditionally accorded the faculty carry corresponding responsibilities. The appropriate academic administrators are currently reviewing the facts of this particular presentation."

Gardening Shears-Wielding Woman Chases After Burglar

Ruste Sasser doesn't like criminals, thugs or oleander bushes! The sassy Fresno, California woman was pruning her oleander bushes yesterday when a burglar who has just broken into her neighbor's home, run through her backyard. So, Ruste grabbed her gardening shears and gave chase. Cops soon joined in and the burglar was arrested and Ruste gave him a piece of her mind.

Sidebar: This is the story about the man with the hatchet who stopped a man from killing people.

source: KMPH

Reporter Runs Away When Two Guys Jumped into His Live Shot

WFOR's Peter D'Oench was reporting on a shooting in Sunrise, Florida when several teenagers jumped into his live shot scaring the sh*t out of the veteran reporter. Look, ma, I'm on TV! He really should take a class on how to deal with trolls from Jessica Sanchez at his station's sister network. She's the best.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Fight Breaks Out at Senior Citizens' Home During Bingo

I just don't know. No ma'am.
A bingo game for seniors turned violent when two women began arguing over the sale of beauty products at the Feaster Apartments on Friday. Portsmouth officers responded to the community room at the senior living apartment building after receiving a report of "pushing and shoving" due to a disagreement over the sale of Avon products. Sgt. Kuffer Kaltenborn said the call came around 2 p.m., during a regularly scheduled bingo game at the facility. He said one woman was upset at another resident for setting up a table to sell her cosmetics during the game. Police said the alleged victim had marks on her arm; however, officers are still investigating whether an assault actually occurred during the game. "A third party alleges that the one that wanted to sell her products grabbed the wrist of the other person who wanted to play bingo," he said. "It's not the victim that alleges the crime. ... She's not sure if she was assaulted or not." The names of those involved were not released because no one has been charged with a crime.

source: WFXT
Do you think these old people recorded the scuffle to show their grandkids who will in turn post it to YouTube? Fingers crossed.

Meanwhile, on the NYC Subway

In a city with millions of people, you can always count on the NYC subway to attract the crazies and their cousins. Last weekend was no different. A homophobic "preacher" is faced with the truth -- God is love. Halleloo!

This Man's Girlfriend Bit Off His Tongue on Valentine's Day

After going out on date on Valentine's Day, Elaine Cook and her boyfriend of 10 months returned to her apartment in Chicago and got in a fight. She asked him to leave, but the unnamed man, hoping to get lucky (it was Valentine's Day, after all) tried to end the argument and leaned in for a kiss, but Elaine had no time for that: She bit off a large chunk of his tongue and spit it out onto a counter. The man put the tongue in a bag of ice and called 911, but but doctors could not reattach the tongue because of an inadequate blood supply. Elaine was arrested and is charged with aggravated domestic battery and remains jailed on a $100,000 bond. While he lost his tongue, the man is not ready to give up Elaine.

Here's a photo of the couple in happier times.

source: WFLD

Friday, February 15, 2013

High-Speed Police Chase Ends Spectacularly

This is perhaps the craziest thing we've seen today. Shortly before 3am, a high-speed chase came to a dramatic and fatal end in Indianola, Iowa. According to police, 33-year-old Jeremiah Johnson -- who was wanted for kidnapping his 5-year-old son, Johnnathen -- led officers on a 110 mph chase through three counties before he slammed into a parked and unoccupied police cruiser. When officers approached the car, they found Jeremiah dead and heard cries from a child, who was found on the floor of the vehicle. The child was identified as his son Johnnathen, who was reported missing last November after Jeremiah refused to return him to his mother. The boy was taken to a local hospital and is expected to survive.

source: KCCI

Lawyer Convicted of Lying About Her Age -- And Just About Everything Else

If lying was a profession, then Soma Sengupta would be a lawyer. Oh, wait!
A New York lawyer who lied about her work experience and shaved nearly 20 years off her age in an effort to gain admittance to the British bar was found guilty by a judge in Manhattan on Friday of all counts she faced. The lawyer, Soma Sengupta, graduated from Georgetown Law School in 1998 and passed the bar exam in New York State in 2000. She worked as a paralegal for the Manhattan district attorney’s office and as a volunteer for the Legal Aid Society. She never appeared in court or wrote court briefs in either job. But when she applied for admission to the British bar she claimed to have been an accomplished trial lawyer in both positions. She also forged reference letters, transcripts from Georgetown that inflated her academic achievements and a birth certificate. Her scheme began to unravel after a clerk in the British law firm where she had won a competitive training slot was suspicious of a claim on her application that she was 29. She was actually then in her late 40s. The deception led to charges in Manhattan, where Justice Thomas Farber of State Supreme Court, who decided the case without a jury at Ms. Sengupta’s request, noted “the sheer magnitude, intensity and breadth” of her “lies and schemes.” She was convicted of eight felony forgery and false instrument counts and one misdemeanor conspiracy charge. The most serious felony count carries a maximum prison sentence of seven years. Justice Farber scheduled her sentencing for March 22. “For 10 years, this defendant piled lie upon lie until the tower of deception she built finally fell in upon itself,” Cyrus R. Vance Jr., the Manhattan district attorney, said in a statement after the verdict. During the trial, Ms. Sengupta’s lawyer, James Kousouros, acknowledged that Ms. Sengupta had forged documents, but he challenged the case on technical legal issues. He said Ms. Sengupta would appeal the verdict.

source: NY Times
Whoever thought this 49-year-old liar woman was 29 ought to be suffering from a severe case of astigmatism. Now that her legal career is over and after serving time in jail, she should reach out to her fellow countrywoman for some work. Double the trouble.

Lady Strips Naked During Elementary School Assembly

Something is wrong with Aydrea Meaders. She might be crazy. While attending a child (her child's?) an assembly at the North Albany Academy this morning, the 24-year-old got up on stage and started dancing and taking off her clothes. The assembly was immediately dismissed and Aydrea was arrested and charged with public lewdness and endangering the welfare of a child. She remains jailed on $3,000 bond.

source: WNYT

Meanwhile, in Russia, the Sky is Falling

A 10-ton meteorite streaked across the sky and exploded over central Russia, raining fireballs over a vast area and causing a shock wave that smashed windows, damaged buildings and injured 1,200 people. People heading to work in Chelyabinsk (about 950 miles east of Moscow) heard what sounded like an explosion, saw a bright light and then felt the shock wave. The fireball, travelling at a speed of 19 miles per second had blazed across the horizon, leaving a long white trail that could be seen as far as 125 miles away.

source: NY Times

Cop Threatens to Feed Man to Alligators

We don't know what caused Florida Highway Patrol trooper Alan Dubinski to go auf on Jessie Merchant, but we're sure glad it was caught on dashcam. The extent of deputy Dubinski's relationship with Jessie is unknown, although we can assume he probably arrested him a few times in the past for causing a disturbance. He had enough of Jessie's antics an in this videotaped exchange, the officer told Jessie in no uncertain terms, he plans to kill him. “[If] I get another call on you tonight I’m gonna come in your house, I’m gonna kick your f**king door in. You think I’m bulls**ing?” I’m gonna kick the f**king door in and I’m gonna come in there and drag your f**king ass out of your house, beating the piss out of you. And then I’m gonna feed you to the f**king gators....“I want to feed you to the alligators....If I see you again tonight, I swear to God — God be my witness you’re a dead man.” For making these terroristic threats, officer Dubinski was issued a written reprimand and allowed back on the force.

source: WFOR

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Man Throws Semen on Walmart Shoppers

There are some truly disturbed people in this world. One of them is this ⇧⇧ gentleman who's going around the Walmart in Farmington, New Mexico throwing his semen on people.
Farmington police are searching for a man who threw or ejaculated semen on two women while at Walmart on two separate occasions. Detectives were able to get surveillance pictures of the man, but he has not been positively identified yet. Police said he appears to be a Native American man between 5 feet 3 inches and 5 feet 6 inches and weighing about 165 lbs. He appears to be in his 30s to early 40s. The man arbitrarily chooses his female victims, according to police. Police said there are two confirmed victims, but more may be out there.

source: KOAT
Seriously, WTF?!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Lady Takes Her 6 Kids on a Shoplifting Spree; It's All Caught on Camera

I just can't. Latoya McKeown was arrested Monday after she and her six children, ranging in age from 6 to 15, were caught on surveillance video shoplifting at Sears in Jonesboro, Arkansas.

source: KAIT

Man Gets Stabbed After He Refused to Change Positions During Ménage à Trois

Poor Ashley Hunter. The 33-year-old was arrested Monday and charged with aggravated assault after he stabbed Orlando DeWitt, a friend he invited over to help him run a train on a lady. But then Orlando refused to let Ashley (pictured, above) partake in the debauchery, so he got stabbed.
According to police reports filed with the charges: Hunter invited three women over to his home, and then the group, including DeWitt, went drinking at the Windbreak Bar on 32nd Avenue South. After they returned home, Hunter joined DeWitt and one of the women in a sexual act, DeWitt later told police. When Hunter asked DeWitt to switch positions, he refused and the two men began arguing, DeWitt told police. Hunter then reached into the couch and pulled out what DeWitt described to officers as a butcher knife 12 inches long and an inch wide. The woman grabbed her clothing and ran into the bathroom with DeWitt, who left his clothes behind. Hunter began pounding on the door, telling him to get out of the house, at one point forcing the door open and splintering the wood. DeWitt told police he “decided to run for the front door,” and as he did so he said he felt the knife cut his arm. DeWitt told police he grabbed the woman’s phone from the table as he ran out to call 911 from the alley. While in the alley, he could hear Hunter yelling that he was going to kill him, and that he could get his clothing off the porch, DeWitt told investigators. Court documents say police recovered a knife fitting DeWitt’s description from the drain board in the home. They also found blood stains leading from the front door of the house to the alley. Hunter was taken into custody Friday. In a court appearance Monday on a Class C felony charge of aggravated assault, Hunter’s bail was set at $5,000.

source: WDAY


Bobbi Kristina is Pregnant, Suicidal, Vows Never to Speak to Her Grandmother Again: reports

On this, the one year anniversary of Whitney Houston's death, the tabloids are filled with stories about her daughter Bobbi Kristina. According to the reports, friends of the 19-year-old are concerned about her mental state and, in a bid to keep her from harming herself, they've convinced her ex-boyfriend, adopted brother and supposed baby daddy Nick Gordon to move in with her. (According to a "family friend," Nick and Bobbi Kristina broke up last November.) Bobbi Kristina has a troubled history: In 2008, the teenager attempted to stab Whitney during an argument then tried to commit suicide by slashing her wrists then photos were published of her snorting cocaine; she was also busted by police for underage drinking. Now Star is reporting that Bobbi Kristina (who the Enquirer still insists is pregnant) continues to drink heavily, smoke weed and abuse prescription pills. In addition to urging Nick to watch over her, the family has staged an intervention -- she served a brief stint in rehab in 2011 before her mother pulled her out -- but "nothing has helped."
"Krissi is still crying over her mother and can't believe she's gone," a family friend told The Enquirer. "And as the anniversary of Whitney's death got closer, she got more and more upset. She'd be fine one minute and then would fly into a rage over the smallest thing. When anyone tried to help her, she would either burst into tears or get angry and say, 'I don't need any help. Stay away from me!' Her family fears if she gets the chance, she could take her life to be with her mother again." Confused and lonely, Bobbi Kristina's spirits have fallen so low recently, "she openly suggested that she's thought about killing herself," revealed an insider. "She said, 'I'm nothing without Mom. I can't go on by myself. I want to be with Mom!'"

source: National Enquirer, Feb. 25 print edition
The report goes on to say that Bobbi Kristina is angry with her grandmother Cissy Houston, who recently released a book about Whitney. Bobbi Kristina believes Cissy wrote the book just for the money and with the help of her mother's long-rumored lesbian lover Robyn Crawford, Bobbi Kristina is hoping to extricate Cissy from her life. "Circumstances make strange bedfellows," said a source. "Krissi has turned to Robyn not only to learn more about her mother's life before she was born but, more importantly, to find a way to cut Cissy off at the knees. The two have grown so close that friends are saying they wouldn't be surprised if Krissi ultimately turns to Robyn for help." The Globe has more on the Bobbi-Cissy feud.
"[Bobbi Kristina] deeply resents the way Cissy dishes dirt on her father, Bobby Brown, whom her grandmother blames for Whitney's drug addiction problems." Furious Krissi reportedly hung up when Cissy called to patch things up. "When Cissy phoned to say she never intended to hurt Bobbi Kristina or tarnish Whitney's image, Krissi told her she never wanted to speak to her again -- then slammed the phone down," says the source. The angry youngster has also vowed to cut her Gospel-legend granny out of any part of Whitney's $20 million estate, says the source. Bobbi Kristina stands to inherit her mom's fortune in 2014 on her 21st birthday. [...] Now, Cissy "is brokenhearted by her grandmother's rejection and Krissi's humiliating public criticism of her book," says another source. But the teen believes Cissy and the rest of the family "want to control her life and her fortune," says the second source. "She's vowed never to let that happen -- and won't give them a dime of her mother's money. She says the book Cissy wrote was the last straw -- just another attempt to cash in on her mom's hard work and talent -- and now her death!"

source: Globe, Feb. 25 print edition
We don't know if there's any truth to any of this, but interestingly enough Cissy sued Bobbi Kristina last October in an effort to control the disbursement of her inheritance. The drama!

Lady Goes on 11-Hour Shoplifting Spree at Walmart

Jessie Cavanaugh, 20, was arrested earlier this month after she spent half a day (from 4am to 3pm) shoplifting in Walmart in Fargo, North Dakota. When store personnel finally had enough, they swooped in and caught Jessie with 78 items on her person totaling more than $1000. Remember this Walmart, not Barneys, so $1000 for 78 items sounds about right. Actually, it sounds like she was targeting high-ticket items.

source: WDAY

Waffle House Bills Customers an Additional 20% For Security

One Waffle House in the Five Points area of Atlanta is tacking on an extra 20 percent surcharge to every bill to cover the cost hiring an off-duty police officer to man the restaurant. Does the surcharge also ensure there are no cockroaches in the food? We're not sure.

source: WAGA

This Happened on Canada's Morning News This Morning

Morning News anchor Lisa Dutton demonstrated how to give a professional live on air. Her gums are itchy.

Pregnant 16-year-old Sues Parents Who Are Forcing Her to Get an Abortion

A pregnant 16-year-old Houston girl claims her parents are coercing her to have an abortion, but she wants to have the child. She sued her parents and a judge granted a temporary restraining order to save the baby's life.

Update, Feb 19: The teen won. A judge granted her a long-term injunction against her parents. As part of the order, the girl will be able to use her car -- which her parents had taken away as part of their effort to force her to have an abortion -- to go to school, work and medical appointments. The parents will be liable for half of the hospital bill when she gives birth, unless she is married to the baby's 16-year-old father.

source: KPRC

Woman Says Singer Tried to Have Sex With Her at Nightclub

Since we don't known much about Latin music or Merengue, the name Elvis Crespo is foreign to us, but when he was sued for trying to have sex with a woman inside a Chicago nightclub, we had to google him. There's not much online about him. Anyway, Leoanny De La Cruz slapped the 41-year-old Puerto Rican singer with a lawsuit after she claimed he tried to take her clothes off and have sex with her at a Chicago nightclub where he was performing.

De La Cruz claims that on the night of his V-Live performance, "Crespo, without any encouragement or inducement by plaintiff Leoanny De La Cruz, and without plaintiff Leoanny De La Cruz' consent, forcibly touched, grabbed, and kissed Leoanny De La Cruz and laid hands on plaintiff Leoanny De La Cruz' person. "That at the aforesaid time and place, defendant Elvis Crespo, without any encouragement or inducement by plaintiff Leoanny De La Cruz, and without plaintiff Leoanny De La Cruz' consent, attempted to move and remove articles of Leoanny De La Cruz' clothing. "That at the aforesaid time and place, defendant Elvis Crespo, without any encouragement or inducement by plaintiff Leoanny De La Cruz, and without plaintiff Leoanny De La Cruz' consent, attempted to forcibly commit an act of sexual intercourse on plaintiff Leoanny De La Cruz." De La Cruz claims the club "failed to monitor and supervise the use of its facilities," and "failed to prevent the conduct causing plaintiff Leoanny De La Cruz' injuries."

source: CN

She's seeking at least $30,000 in damages for battery, emotional distress and negligence. This is not the first time Elvis was accused of sexual misconduct. While on a plane from Houston to Miami in 2009, 52-year-old Patricia Perea told police she was sitting next to the singer when she noticed him masturbating about 15 minutes after the plane left Houston. “He covered himself with a blanket and began to masturbate and while he was masturbating he removed the blanket and exposed himself,” she said. The captain alerted police in Miami and Elvis was detained and questioned upon his arrival. He was not arrested. He denied the incident, saying “I don’t remember doing that." Good one.

Here's one of his videos.

Man Calls 911, Admits to Killing Nagging Wife

Joseph Daniel Hilton, 62, from Kershaw, South Carolina is facing murder chargers after he shot and killed his wife on Monday, then called 911 and their child to confess.
"I shot her. I think she is dead," Hilton can be heard telling emergency officials in a 911 call released on Wednesday morning. Deputies say he is talking about 59-year-old Deborah Faile Hilton. "She just kept on and on and on and I could not talk to her," Hilton told 911 operators. "She bleeding out of her mouth. I shot her in the chest." Hilton told the 911 operator that he short up right under her arm. "We was in a domestic argument and we just couldn't come to no conclusion," he said in the recording. "Is she talking to you, sir?" the 911 operator asked. "Naw, she's dead," he calmly replied. Hilton told the operator that he wouldn't be a problem when officers arrived at his home and promised to put to his gun away before officers got to his home. He told the operator that "it has been adding up" for a while. Hilton admitted that officers had been to the home in the past for problems. "We had it out here about a month or so ago," Hilton said. Hilton told the operator that he needed to call his wife's daughter to let her know about the shooting. He's then overheard on the call talking to someone on a different phone. "Come down here, I just shot your momma," he is overheard saying. "I'm just telling you to come down here."

source: WBTV

When officers arrived, they found Deborah's body was found inside the home and that she appeared to have a single gunshot wound.

DMX on Recent Arrest: It Was a Big Waste of Time

While you were sleeping, rapper DMX was arrested in Spartanburg County, South Carolina and charged with driving without a license. According to police, they witnessed DMX (real name: Earl Simmons) leave a gas station at 1am then got in the driver's seat and drove away. We're not sure why he was pulled over (addendum: he was arrested several times before for driving without a license), but officers swooped down on the vehicle and arrested the rapper, whose five-month-old daughter was also in the car. He appeared before a judge at 6am and was released a short time later after paying a fine. In a interview outside the jail, DMX said: "When I could have just paid the money right there on the spot. Basically it was just five hours wasted for nothing. I don't have a court date or a court appearance."

source: WBTV

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Man Tasered By Atlanta Mall Cop Darrien Long to Sue For Emotional Distress

Atlanta Mall manager/security guard Darien Long is a folk hero and a soon-to-be reality TV star. He has been working overtime to rid the mall of undesirables and when they don't follow his orders, they usually get Tasered. Marcus Purnell says when he went to the mall, Darien accused him of breaking into his home and ordered him to leave. But Marcus refused and we all know what happened next: He was Tasered and "flopping around on the floor like a fish looking crazy." He now plans to sue Darien (and the mall, no doubt) for emotional distress and other damages.

source: WAGA

Man Who Claimed Church Imprisoned, Beat Him for Being Gay: I Lied

Back in 2011, Michael Lowry made some shocking claims. The 22-year-old says members of the Word of Faith Fellowship Church in Spindale, NC held him against his will in a dormitory after telling church members he was gay. He claims he was knocked unconscious and beaten by church members as they read him scripture part of his "ex-gay" treatment. Now he says he lied about the church violence and he's not gay. Say what now? Anywho, Michael could face charges for filing a false report.

Here's the original report of Michael speaking about the violence he hell he went through at the church.

source: Wisconsin Gazette

Detroit's Most Melodramatic News Reporter

WJBK reporter Andrea Isom is too much and gets caught up in the excitement. Here she is reporting on squatters who broke into a home in Detroit. It's hilarious. Girl, you're not going to make it to NYC or LA or a cable news network if you don't chill out.

source: WJBK

Man Takes Lady Out on a Date to McDonald's, She Sets Him Up For Robbery

We all know fast food restaurants are not safe for life, but a man from Long Island, NY didn't expect a beatdown to wash those fries on Monday night.

According to Suffolk County police, Virginia Miller, 26, of North Amityville went out on a date with a Lindenhurst man on Monday evening to celebrate her birthday. After Miller’s date presented her with a box of chocolates and the two had dinner at a McDonald’s, they returned to the driveway of a residence at 44 Nathalie Avenue in North Amityville. Soon after, at about 10:30 p.m., Miller sent a text message to a few friends to come out of the house to rob her date. Miller had five accomplices in the robbery, including Jamar Christian, 21, of North Amityville, Michael Owens, 34, of Hempstead, Rodney Fisher, 33, of Amityville and two other men police are searching for. The robbers assaulted the Lindenhurst man and took his wallet, iPhone, a tablet, and the box of chocolates. Miller’s date called police to report the incident. Miller and the three named men were arrested. They will be charged with second degree robbery and are scheduled to be arraigned today at the First District Court in Central Islip.

source: Long Island
Police announced that they had arrested and charged three of the five robbers. Pictured, clockwise from bottom, left: Rodney Fisher, 33; Jamar Christian, 21; and Michael Owens, 34.

Christopher Dorner is Dead

After a gun fight with police, the body of 33-year-old rogue ex-cop Christopher Jordan Dorner was found inside a burned out cabin in Big Bear, California. (This is how things went down today: Christopher broke into a cabin days ago in the San Bernardino Mountains, tied up the couple inside and held them hostage until he left Tuesday morning. As he was driving away in a white pickup truck, he was spotted by state Fish and Wildlife officers. When they attempted to stop him, Christopher crashed the truck during a chase and exchanged gunfire with the officers as he fled into another cabin.) Police have not positively identified body, however the LA mayor's office has confirmed that it is that of Christopher. As authorities moved into the cabin earlier Tuesday, they heard a single gunshot. According to a law enforcement source, police had broken down windows, fired tear gas into the cabin and blasted over a loud speaker urging Christopher to surrender. When they got no response, police deployed a vehicle to rip down the walls of the cabin "one by one, like peeling an onion," a law enforcement official said. By the time they got to the last wall, authorities heard a single gunshot, the source said. Then flames began to spread through the structure, and gunshots, probably set off by the fire, were heard. Christopher, who was fired from the LAPD five years ago when a department board determined he falsely claimed another officer had kicked a suspect, began a shooting rampage a week and a half ago when a couple was murdered. One of the victims was the daughter of a retired police captain who had defended Christopher in a disciplinary hearing that led to his firing. Police spotted Christopher early last Thursday but he escaped after shooting two Los Angeles cops. One was killed.

Here's the video from the shootout between Christopher and police:

UPDATE, 9:05pm:
According to the LAPD, the cabin is still on fire and too hot for officers to enter, therefore no body has yet to be recovered or has been been identified.

Update #2: Cops may have deliberately set the fire to the cabin. According to chatter on the police scanner (audio below), police are heard talking about "going forward with the plan, with, er, with the burn" or "burner".

Here's the audio:

Update #3: While Christopher was being killed, his mother was at a Mexican restaurant, drinking wine and watching the coverage on TV.

UPDATE, Feb. 14: The San Bernardino sheriff's office has confirmed that corner has positively IDed the charred remains found in the cabin as those of Christopher Dorner. He was identified via dental records. Surprisingly, they have not released the cause of death. Things that make you go, hmmmm.

Update, Feb 15: Now cops are saying Christopher committed suicide.

source: LA Times
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